Methylone (Bk-MDMA)

How's it going guys?
So lately my area has been flooded with "pink molly" but little did I know it was not MDMA, but Methylone a RC.
It started maybe 2 weeks ago, a real close friend of a buddy of mine bought little over a kilo of this substance and it looks quite identical to MDMA moonrocks in a way, breaks down into a crystaline powder aswell.
Silly me should have been using a Testing Kit all along but I took a chance. Overall this RC is honestly pretty good, feels a lot like MDMA actually, well atleast to me.
The come up is about 20-40 minutes then you peak about an hour into it, and it gives the wonderful MDMA body high along with the empathy effects as well for a good 4-5 hours, and music sounds fucking amazing on it. it just wasn't as strong as I remember MDMA to be and I kept losing the "magic" feelings so I thought that maybe it was cut with something so I bought a Test Kit and I was shocked with the results....
These pink crystals that I thought were MDMA moon-rocks turned out to be Methylone.

I kind of new something was up, when he was selling me an 8th for $180, esp, of Moon rocks. Typically I've seen some pretty good MDMA crystals (tested too) go around for $70-90 a GRAM.
So that was the first red flag. The second red flag was the compulsivness to redose. When I roll on Molly I always struggle with this too, but normally I'm able to maintain. With this I felt as if it was unbearable.

So I'm really fucking pissed considering that I've consumed 1.2 grams of this stuff, I'm having a FUCKING horrible comedown and was $180 when I could have bought this shit for $200 an oz.
People are fucking pathetic selling RC's as MDMA... What's the world coming too?
TEST dont want to end up killing yourself over a night of fun you know...

Stay safe man....sorry for the bad luck on that buddy
Wait $180 is a good price for a ball of high quality MDMA? Fucking a. Buy a test kit. You could have bought that ball and two sets of kits if you'd known it was methylone.
That pink shit was going around here a few months ago. It's only a couple grand for a kilo. Now they have some methylone that looks even more like MDMA. Usually the crystals were clear, or had an off yellow or pink like that, but now they have crystals that look like frosty moonrocks. So definitely need to test everything. You can't tell by looks.
That pink shit was going around here a few months ago. It's only a couple grand for a kilo. Now they have some methylone that looks even more like MDMA. Usually the crystals were clear, or had an off yellow or pink like that, but now they have crystals that look like frosty moonrocks. So definitely need to test everything. You can't tell by looks.
Yeah man, they have tan rocks here, brown, pink, clear you name it. So much fake molly going around it pisses me off.
I can see Methylone making a lot of money for someone. Yeah I saw that too, it's 1000g of Methylone moonrocks for like $2200, shits crazy.
What area are you from, if you don't mind me asking Skuxx?
Its actually a mild drug in comparison to mdma..I had some (knowingly) and it was fun but I did find the redose compulsion to be annoying..almost like cocaine..I found myself casually doing a line before work..that kinda bad comedown tho..still wasn't molly..I'm kinda thankful that I don't have axcess to mdma right end up wasting a few days..
Its actually a mild drug in comparison to mdma..I had some (knowingly) and it was fun but I did find the redose compulsion to be annoying..almost like cocaine

I hate the redose compulsion. I don't see how the buzz lasts so long for everyone. It's like an hour and a half for me, then I'm doing more.... then more 30 minutes later etc.
I would do a .2 rail..30 mins later...chop chop chop...
All in all the only thing bad about it is people sell it as molly..
Any difference in eating it versus snorting?..I've actually only snorted it..I guess its a habit of mine..I rarely eat mdma...
No clue. The only time I eat it is after I've snorted too much and my nose can't take it anymore :)
Lol..I honestly can only recall eating mdma once in the past thousand times I've done it..that was pressed pills then...I beginning to feel press pills will make a resurgance in the drug can't tamper with them..manufacturers and suppliers can ensure their trusted brand..unlike 5 keys of molly which can be chunked fulla shit..we just need lame ass rappers to stop talking about the past few years it was rare to find any people of color (I'm not being racist) who knew what mdma its a household name..could be madonnas
I do recall a coke dealer who bought 1k pills from me at a time.long before the molly fad with todays users.he had his crew selling smurf pills on the crack corner..I found out from a crackhead who said 'they got good pills at the crack spot'..I asked him what kind and then I knew what had
I just swallow them whole and drink some O.J. my lowest dose being 0.5 and highest being 1.5
Seems to get me to roll hard AF for a good 3 hours then the body high for another 1-2. I don't start off with 0.2 doses I like to dose myself to where I know I won't need another one for a good 4 hours.
I was saying .2 as in two tenths of a gram...and I'm judging that by sight..I never really weigh my molly..I usually will just stick my thumb in the sack,press down hard and that my dose..
Well at least you got methylone and not something like 4-FMA.

Even though my own personal habits coincide closer to yours OP, follow the advice of Duck and everyone else here and invest in a test kit. Cheap and you'll never regret it
Hmmm.. was selling for $15 per G on the silk road. Selling it for $80 should be a crime. Oh wait, it is.

The sad thing is selling it for $80 is less of a crime because you need to be importing pretty big amounts to get it for $15/g.