The UK Growers Thread!


Active Member
Ever PH'd feed water on the kitchen side while making a brew, then put milk in your feed water!?
PH, wtf,, i think ur in wrong thread for that mate! lol

looked last night and lots of yellow leaves, obviously the ripen starting to do its shit. wish i could leave the bbc in a extra few weeks but the ripen has taken affect so its a none starter now,

seems il be drying i a wardrobe, no other choice, while ive read u can hang ur weed to dry in your room above the lights,im not so sure


New Member
I've found a plant in my garden about 3 months a go I guess small about a foot or two high and what looked like generic weed leaves. I haven't planted it or anything it just popped up! Well three months later and it's five foot high with buds on it, no idea what it is looks crystaley and fairly sticky any help?


Active Member
well ive just ordered mysel some new beans female only this time, got myself some Big Bang, Purple Paralysis & also got some Northern Lights Blue auto as a freebie, shud be here nxt week so all going well shud be back up and running then.


Active Member
I've found a plant in my garden about 3 months a go I guess small about a foot or two high and what looked like generic weed leaves. I haven't planted it or anything it just popped up! Well three months later and it's five foot high with buds on it, no idea what it is looks crystaley and fairly sticky any help?
its a bit hard without a pic??
and its probably some garden weed that grew cos u didnt put weed killer down i wouldnt be smoking no shit i found and didnt know what it was


Well-Known Member
i've found a plant in my garden about 3 months a go i guess small about a foot or two high and what looked like generic weed leaves. I haven't planted it or anything it just popped up! Well three months later and it's five foot high with buds on it, no idea what it is looks crystaley and fairly sticky any help?
I've found a plant in my garden about 3 months a go I guess small about a foot or two high and what looked like generic weed leaves. I haven't planted it or anything it just popped up! Well three months later and it's five foot high with buds on it, no idea what it is looks crystaley and fairly sticky any help?
Jog on silly sod you know exactly what it is, that's why you came here.

Or you're a fucking copper.
. . . No, but I once got pissed right up on vodi & bull, had a line, whilst having a 69 with her indoors, she decided to poke my toilet area with her dill, resulting in me shiting on the headboard !

Well that escalated quickly but..........:clap:

Oooh the filthy souls we have in here, up the UK Thread!



Active Member
Aye we should rename it fucking "Crank Central" with all this no PH, no EC and Ripen abuse that seems to be the accepted norm.

what?? and again,,what?

people on here have been using ripen LOONG before u was here and have been producing weed that pisses over anything u can and have produced, taste/strength /smell/yeild wise

man u need to get of ya high horse, the way u bang on is like ur the best grower,PERIOD, your not mate, read this comment however you want but im not starting coz cant be arsed but you seriously need to give your head a rattle,

also, ripen abuse? how is it abuse? it gets used for what its for,

ph is bullshit too, i get bangin yeilds and dont PH or EC,as do MANY MANY others thers absolutely no point in it, spec not in coco,, for soil maybe and rockwool for sure,

man give just give it a rest and just be like the rest of us rather than tryin to school everyone, in what u THINK is the right way to do things, the peoples grow outcomes speak for themselves,
what?? and again,,what?

people on here have been using ripen LOONG before u was here and have been producing weed that pisses over anything u can and have produced, taste/strength /smell/yeild wise

man u need to get of ya high horse, the way u bang on is like ur the best grower,PERIOD, your not mate, read this comment however you want but im not starting coz cant be arsed but you seriously need to give your head a rattle,

also, ripen abuse? how is it abuse? it gets used for what its for,

ph is bullshit too, i get bangin yeilds and dont PH or EC,as do MANY MANY others thers absolutely no point in it, spec not in coco,, for soil maybe and rockwool for sure,

man give just give it a rest and just be like the rest of us rather than tryin to school everyone, in what u THINK is the right way to do things, the peoples grow outcomes speak for themselves,
Firstly calm your self down and stop getting all uptight, I was having a laugh just like you were?

Only Sambo (and maybe Chedder) has used it to any extent long before I was here and I was here long before you but that's irrelevant.
Pisses over anything I can or have produced? This is a bold statement mate, you've only ever had 2 bits of weed off me, 1 of those finished in 4.5 weeks and the other was the purp you wanked over besides, you shouldn't go randomly putting other people into quality face off's like that.
Other than Sambo who else where you referring to? Now I've got the Cheese we can put that cocky statement to the jury because you for one certainly can't produce bud anything like I have or can.

Yes Ripen abuse......."it's used for exactly what it's supposed to be used for".......killing your plants early, lol.

You don't get banging yields or healthy productive plants and we all know it so yes there is a point to PH/EC, I want to grow weed that fucks me up cos hell we don't get high off the leaves!

I don't want to be like the rest of you if declining into ignorance is what it means, how am I trying to school everyone by chuckling at it?
The right way to do things is not throw it all in a watering can, pour it on your plants a few times a week then chop the cunts down and sell em after a couple of months but this is what YOU are preaching. If this is what you think you'll never grow good weed despite how much smoke is blown up your arse.

You're right about one thing, peoples grow outcomes do speak for themselves. ;)


Active Member
excuse me sir, but u havent smoked any of my weed, il tellu now its rather good, jut coz i akt like a ding most o fthe time people seem to take this as i cant grow for shit well sir yes i can, and do very well,

next- ur jokes come across and very err dunno the word but preachy if that makes any sence, a simple lol at the end wud make it clear your jokingand not preaching.

next i dont use ripen from week 6 or so like lots do, im running 10 week strains so yeh il use form week 8,and tbh its the first time ive used it properly, i dont scrump, i dont cut early and i enjoy what i do, also i have te perfect enviroment for growin and u know this,
the thing is u seem to always seperate your self from us, its always u and then us, like u think u can do more than us, shit man u have only JUST got in the clone only crew, uve only just set up your first percy room wer u have, and ur going on like your th eeinstein of weed, but i also know u would never admit this and come out with allsorts of nonchelent reasons why and if and but and u lot,


i have smoke mny guys weed of this thread and its grade and they dont PH,shit i dont ph or ec and i have zero problems, none, nada, not even but rot! and your menna be the expert,

man im sik of going round in circles with you, like i say the problem is all u, and most the guys can see it, i think u need to go bak specsavers mate and take of those rose tinted jobbys your wearning coz u just cant see the point, if its us and u, go make your own thread? coz clearly u think u waaay above us lot in ecery resepct, your not, just remeber your a barman not a weed guru!

and im not mad so beofr eu say calm down calm down, im gravvy playing gta

and if th last line u said was aimed at me, i cant see how man i really cant, my shits primo

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
I threw it all in a watering can and watered my plants a couple of times a week, and grew great weed. Hell, you're hardly growing bunk when you're being accused of having spiked weed :D

And yes, there is a purpose to EC and PH, doesn't mean people have to pay any attention to it. People grow without checking ph or ec all the time without an issue.

Never make the assumption that your experience will be the same experience everyone else will have.
excuse me sir, but u havent smoked any of my weed, il tellu now its rather good, jut coz i akt like a ding most o fthe time people seem to take this as i cant grow for shit well sir yes i can, and do very well,

the thing is u seem to always seperate your self from us, its always u and then us, like u think u can do more than us, shit man u have only JUST got in the clone only crew, uve only just set up your first percy room wer u have,

and if th last line u said was aimed at me, i cant see how man i really cant, my shits primo
I can see you grow burnt up shite Turb, when I look out of the window on a morning and see snow on the ground I don't have to have seen it happen to know that it has.

I've only just got some genetics that I can compare to anybody else's, I don't give a fuck about your clone only club.

On and off I've been growing weed a lot longer than I've been on here Turb, you know fuck all.

You've never seen primo Mr Joint a day fer bed man, given the same strain I'll put my shit next to yours all day long.

I threw it all in a watering can and watered my plants a couple of times a week, and grew great weed. Hell, you're hardly growing bunk when you're being accused of having spiked weed :D

And yes, there is a purpose to EC and PH, doesn't mean people have to pay any attention to it. People grow without checking ph or ec all the time without an issue.

Never make the assumption that your experience will be the same experience everyone else will have.
Only really organic guys Tip Top. Just because you don't see a problem doesn't mean there isn't one, you should know better than that.

Assumption? I will guarantee that if somebody pays attention to EC and PH properly they will have better weed all round than if they didn't.
Just like I can guarantee that if I stop paying attention to my PH and EC my crops will turn to shit.

Too much smoke being blown up too many peoples arses, if you're not striving to produce the best shit you can then what's the fucking point?
Nobody can tell me they're producing top quality by chucking it all in a bucket and fuck it'll be right (other than organics), bollocks.