Warning about The Attitude and confiscated shipments!


Active Member
Since so many threads are being shut down, thought I'd start a new one to echo what lots of others are saying about The Attude, warning, their website is misleading and US Customs is confiscating many of their shipments.

If you order from them be sure to use the "stealth shipping" option during checkout because it includes a "guarantee" to reship if the order is messed with. They don't actually say that, but that is apparently what they mean by stealth shipping. Several posters have reported not receiving seeds even after reshipment, so probably a good idea to split large orders into smaller ones, with the stealth option, to minimize any loss.

Maybe RIU is trying to get Attitude to advertise? Hard to imagine why this info would have to be shut down.
Customs may have some new device to detect seeds, both LA and CHI are opening packages and removing seeds. I am posting because it happened to me and I didn't have the "stealth shipping" option, so Attitude says they will not reship, but I am welcome to place another order. Not gonna happen. There are other companies that will reship if your order gets stolen by customs.
You're probably about the only one that doesn't know this. The post's were shut down because you guy's are claiming Attitude is a scam, when in fact is was your own fault for not following instructions.
What did you think the stealth and guarantee would be for? And Customs is getting packages from other seedbanks, It's just that Attitude probably mails 10 to every 1 for other banks. Attitudes website is in no way misleading. This is the nonsense that gets the posts shut. The thing I don't understand is, you were shown multiple times from multiple members what your mistakes were, and yet you go on about the same thing over and over. Attitude did their part, you didn't do yours. It is just plain silly you can't seem to get such a simple fact. Listen, I don't know how old you are, or if you are serious, it just boggles me that you wouldn't have the common sense required to know what the stealth and guarantee were for. That's why you and the signature fella are getting pounded on so much, because you are saying Attitude is scamming people when in fact they did their part both times. You didn't get the guarantee and Customs got your beans. And the fact that both of you are stuck on facts that mean nothing, makes these posts a little suspicious. You guys can be shown rules and laws and everything explained what you did wrong, and it's like talking to a wall. I just don't believe that neither of you can understand this. It has to be impossible to be this dumb and not get it by now. Whatever, fuck it, if these post's are for real, I'm sorry Attitude got your beans. Herbie's, Sea of Seeds, and Ali Bongo have worked great for me. But I just can't believe these posts to be serious.
Customs may have some new device to detect seeds, both LA and CHI are opening packages and removing seeds. I am posting because it happened to me and I didn't have the "stealth shipping" option, so Attitude says they will not reship, but I am welcome to place another order. Not gonna happen. There are other companies that will reship if your order gets stolen by customs.

I would post the other companies names, but that might offend a moderator.:roll:
See, you gotta know better than that. And both you guys are asses to the mods. Just makes me think there is more going on here. And if I were you, I would be glad RIU has a couple decent mods like racerboy and sunni. They've put up with a lot of stupid shit from you and you're still here.
the reason they are being shut down is NOT because of the contect of the original post or because were trying to silence anyone.

its because each side of users is getting TOO out of hand with eachother

so keep the hits above the belt , be respectful of eachothers opinions, discuss HOWEVER DO NOT name call.
simple as that

youre fighting fire with fire here, youre going about it in all the wrong ways possible keep a cool head and discussion your issues properly or we will shut threads down.

when you signed up on riu YOU AND ONLY YOU clicked agree to the following
"any mod or admin has THE RIGHT to close, deleted, move or remove any thread, post, journal ect ect" this is a PRIVATELY owned webforum.
Since so many threads are being shut down, thought I'd start a new one to echo what lots of others are saying about The Attude, warning, their website is misleading and US Customs is confiscating many of their shipments.

If you order from them be sure to use the "stealth shipping" option during checkout because it includes a "guarantee" to reship if the order is messed with. They don't actually say that, but that is apparently what they mean by stealth shipping. Several posters have reported not receiving seeds even after reshipment, so probably a good idea to split large orders into smaller ones, with the stealth option, to minimize any loss.

Maybe RIU is trying to get Attitude to advertise? Hard to imagine why this info would have to be shut down.

well the sad truth is since all this war stuff they have been upgrading the system ..............and the anthrax scares and all that even more so

u should always have it shipped with the extra protection .................even tho it legal in your state the mail has to run under federal rules so even if it was a cool person they have to take it out or lose their jobs (and in this world can not afford it) .................honestly think about those ppl are watched with several different angle camreas to keep them from pocketing it so if something shows they have to since they are on camrea

i have order from them several times and not once had any trouble of coruse i am getting less then 20 seeds including the freebes ...............so when u are checking out have it repackaged and get a tshirt for someone (it is from europe for fashion snobs about t-shirts) normaly white with some logo on it
I see, this forum is here for the mods. Good to know.

The idea of an online forum that is used by people to share information is a good one. This would be a good place for such a forum.
I see, this forum is here for the mods. Good to know.

The idea of an online forum that is used by people to share information is a good one. This would be a good place for such a forum.

you took everything i said and twisted it. fine than no point in trying ot help
I just don't get it. If you go to your buddies house and score a sack, then the cops nail you before you get home, do you ask your buddy to replace your sack or reimburse you? These guys are playing a game w/customs here. They can only do their best to TRY and get the goods through. The way I see it, if they did their best, you got nothing coming. It could always be worse. They ship to the US at their peril, against international law and several treaties. What if the DEA went all Marc Emory on them? What would you do for stock if they just quit shipping to the US? Whiners who complain and throw blame rather than try to help figure out an answer would piss me off to the point I would ditch the US market share. Now if you wanted to sit there and help them figure out what went wrong and get the problem corrected I'd say they'd bend over backwards to help you. I could be wrong tho..........it's been known to happen.
I just don't get it. If you go to your buddies house and score a sack, then the cops nail you before you get home, do you ask your buddy to replace your sack or reimburse you? These guys are playing a game w/customs here. They can only do their best to TRY and get the goods through. The way I see it, if they did their best, you got nothing coming. It could always be worse. They ship to the US at their peril, against international law and several treaties. What if the DEA went all Marc Emory on them? What would you do for stock if they just quit shipping to the US? Whiners who complain and throw blame rather than try to help figure out an answer would piss me off to the point I would ditch the US market share. Now if you wanted to sit there and help them figure out what went wrong and get the problem corrected I'd say they'd bend over backwards to help you. I could be wrong tho..........it's been known to happen.

no i call the buddy up and tell him the cops just popped me ..............u got a second order on the spot

the whole reason i order from the place is the protection they offer .............if i order 120 bucks in seeds and they do not get to me they will send them again or refund the money back ...................that is worth given a try and well always worked for me by doing those 4 simple clicks i posted

1 no return addy ...............no known shipper sending anything bad
2 repack the seeds............makes it smaller
3 buy a shirt so they pack it in that ........... looks like i order a tshirt from europe (could be a rare band shirt or some pride thing)
4 do not go nutty and order 50 seeds .........just get enough for 2 3 grows and order more next month or one after (u get freebes make little gentic bank in your frig)

and ops just a idea ..............whole new section called Venting/Bitchings/Rants
no i call the buddy up and tell him the cops just popped me ..............u got a second order on the spot

the whole reason i order from the place is the protection they offer .............if i order 120 bucks in seeds and they do not get to me they will send them again or refund the money back ...................that is worth given a try and well always worked for me by doing those 4 simple clicks i posted

1 no return addy ...............no known shipper sending anything bad
2 repack the seeds............makes it smaller
3 buy a shirt so they pack it in that ........... looks like i order a tshirt from europe (could be a rare band shirt or some pride thing)
4 do not go nutty and order 50 seeds .........just get enough for 2 3 grows and order more next month or one after (u get freebes make little gentic bank in your frig)

and ops just a idea ..............whole new section called Venting/Bitchings/Rants

idk, i've heard from several sources that not having a return addy in its self can be a red flag.. not sure how accurate that info is, but seems to make sense to me, as most normal people who send legitimate mail out always use a return addy on their packages.
Sorry 'bout how that came across, neither you OR the OP were whining. It's just that there are SO MANY out there now, PISSED at the Attitude for something beyond attitudes control. WHERE does this sense of entitlement come from? I don't do seed banks, never have, but it looks like I'm about to. I'm putting an order together for Sannie.
There are at least 2 other threads with people whining, and I mean hopping up and down mad, at someone who is REALLY doing us here in the US a favor to begin with. I've heard a bunch of shit about the Attitudes custy service, so I chose to do business with other parties, but I do not for a minute believe that they carved out the market share that they now enjoy with a FUCK 'EM attitude. I know that no one here is going there, but really it gets old hearing supposed adults cry.

On another note....I wonder how customs has gotten hip? Maybe it's time to come up with another method? I have a few suggestions for them. Might drive up costs a bit, but it worked well getting stuff aboard a US Carrier for several years!
Sorry 'bout how that came across, neither you OR the OP were whining. It's just that there are SO MANY out there now, PISSED at the Attitude for something beyond attitudes control. WHERE does this sense of entitlement come from? I don't do seed banks, never have, but it looks like I'm about to. I'm putting an order together for Sannie.
There are at least 2 other threads with people whining, and I mean hopping up and down mad, at someone who is REALLY doing us here in the US a favor to begin with. I've heard a bunch of shit about the Attitudes custy service, so I chose to do business with other parties, but I do not for a minute believe that they carved out the market share that they now enjoy with a FUCK 'EM attitude. I know that no one here is going there, but really it gets old hearing supposed adults cry.

On another note....I wonder how customs has gotten hip? Maybe it's time to come up with another method? I have a few suggestions for them. Might drive up costs a bit, but it worked well getting stuff aboard a US Carrier for several years!

Just my opinion but, I think it helped customs that idiots on the interwebs would get their package and then show the world on Youtube how Attitude hid their seeds and what the packaging even looked like! There are (or were) thousands of videos like this. even people on this forum would do it. Eventually someone was going to take notice and step up procedures.
Just my opinion but, I think it helped customs that idiots on the interwebs would get their package and then show the world on Youtube how Attitude hid their seeds and what the packaging even looked like! There are (or were) thousands of videos like this. even people on this forum would do it. Eventually someone was going to take notice and step up procedures.

i once spent about an hour or two, going around to different youtube videos posting in the comments section how retarded these people were for showing the world what stealth shipping looked like..
i know i did not one bit of good in doing so, but it did make me feel a bit better for some odd reason..
Just my opinion but, I think it helped customs that idiots on the interwebs would get their package and then show the world on Youtube how Attitude hid their seeds and what the packaging even looked like! There are (or were) thousands of videos like this. even people on this forum would do it. Eventually someone was going to take notice and step up procedures.

Ya THINK??? The scope of human stupidity never ceases to amaze. Ron White was right..........Ya just can't fix stupid!
idk, i've heard from several sources that not having a return addy in its self can be a red flag.. not sure how accurate that info is, but seems to make sense to me, as most normal people who send legitimate mail out always use a return addy on their packages.
I don't remember any of my packages ever having a return address on them from any bank. I know the two from SoS for sure did not. But I'm pretty sure none did. The wife just mentioned she thinks the envelope from Ali Bongo had a return address. I'll double check when my pack comes next week.
i once spent about an hour or two, going around to different youtube videos posting in the comments section how retarded these people were for showing the world what stealth shipping looked like..
i know i did not one bit of good in doing so, but it did make me feel a bit better for some odd reason..

I'm off to do the same!! I need myself a warm fuzzy right about now.
I don't remember any of my packages ever having a return address on them from any bank. I know the two from SoS for sure did not. But I'm pretty sure none did. The wife just mentioned she thinks the envelope from Ali Bongo had a return address. I'll double check when my pack comes next week.

huh, i had never noticed before bwest..
Ya THINK??? The scope of human stupidity never ceases to amaze. Ron White was right..........Ya just can't fix stupid!
MacGyver could. With nothing more than a rubberband, and a paperclip. He could make a laser guided rocket out of those two things.