The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
well this is it turbs......last lot of my bc was clones.....this lot is from seed so we will see ay.....I will say these are a lot bigga than my clones I did.....
the blue things i started flowering are frosty already lol,,,

and i hit 30oz with 850 watts over 8 plants,

mate i wouldnt have taken early chopped blueberry, dident want it nor ask for it, shit i was going on how buzzin i was livers was cummin, but easily said now wen ther absolutely zero proof,, ffs why on earth would i wait 3 moon for sum early cut shit i had already had and told u i dint like? shit man... i may be half fucked most of the time, but when it comes to what im owed, im bang on. what reason have i got to lie? shit i was even going on to bizzle about the stuff how fucked of i was and how much i wasent keen on growing the livers due to the poorness of that.

anwyays it is what it is or was.. done now so fuckit

these cheese ive got are banging yeailders, from what i can see ther gunna piss all over the livers, but the clone only aint MASSIVE yeilders anyways, good but not masive, maybe due to em from cut, anyone else find seeds yeild more than clones? hmmm

so potted up the rest of my floweres now, all healthy on rhiz and 2ml base, will start topmaxx in a week or 2


Well-Known Member
Putting in a bigger pot though the plants get bigger dont they? Have read and seen people say they can get 3oz from a 6.5. I've even got it from a auto only once though lol. Just thinking its bollocks getting less than 15 ain't even worth the risk. If I knew I wouldn't get a landlord visit I'd do a whole room tbh.


Well-Known Member
After the blue cheese I wanna give it ago just doing 5 headband under the 600w in 11litres and seeing how that yields.


Well-Known Member
bigger pots more roots betta yield?......u never kno u prob can get 3 oz from a 6.5.....but don't think u can moan at 3 oz under 1 600 if u get it tbh......even 2.... don't forget u do have 9 in there......
Putting in a bigger pot though the plants get bigger dont they? Have read and seen people say they can get 3oz from a 6.5. I've even got it from a auto only once though lol. Just thinking its bollocks getting less than 15 ain't even worth the risk. If I knew I wouldn't get a landlord visit I'd do a whole room tbh.


Well-Known Member
Yeah that was a fluke for sure lol I don't expect to get that from all 9. Just to get 15oz in total would make me be abit less pissed off. Getting abit fed up with it all to be honest. Pisses me off waiting weeks for more aless fuck all.


Well-Known Member
I know more roots more zoots but plants would get to big for me to be able to keep 9 and smaller plants but more of them should still be able to hit the yield. 5 under the 600w I'd like to be getting 3 each. Was gonna buy that shitty small tent and just bang 5 under a 250w cfl for a few weeks while the bigger tents flowering just to cut down on the waiting time. Fucking hate waiting. Gonna have to rent a bigger place next year and do a room I think tbh. Yolo lol


Well-Known Member
Got the money for it it's just having the balls to put the money in at the risk of loosing it I guess. More bothered about that than visit from the pigs. Can't be doing these shit yields much longer though lol


Active Member
got mine in 15 ltrs prob pull 2 to 3 oz a plant if lucky.....
i used 11 litre sqware wilma pots, this time i got the 2 liveers and bbc in the airpots, tbh i dont seemuch diffrence yeild wise apart from the actually bushyness of the plants, but i think they groqw to the size of the room, i think :?

dunno bwo these what il yeild, it pends on how they dry witch i have still no clue on what im gunna do coz i cant shut down llights for 5 ddays as i have sum in flower, and i cant dry under the lights, all i can figure is 2 options,
1 get my tent panels out and hang em tight in th eloft in a circle or sum sht fan inside extractor ther too and hang em ther,hmm, stink the street out, sounds rite dont it!,

other option is commendear a wardribe, small outlet hole and small inlet hole sumwer out of the way and stick y filter and extractor blowing out of one and a small fan circulating the air and gaffa the doors up, thats my best option i think

lastly wen carboin filters fail do they do it suddenly OR gradually? all of a sudden today the house stinks man..


Well-Known Member
This grow I was proper fussing about the temp and humidity think this blue cheese I'm gonna jus say bollocks and read the plants and let them get on with it. Just getting sick and tired of it


Well-Known Member
my missis got me this today.......she is gonna be sik of hearing it lmaoooo IMG_1734.jpg ill just keep ringing it for a coffee instead


Well-Known Member
Turb how often you water when using the wilma? I used mine last grow and was on 3 feeds a day. Thing is though I wasnt getting any run off? Thinking next time bang the dripper into 30mins feed at a time cause whole points the water to run back into the res and take readings to see if they needing more nuts or not.


Well-Known Member
bbc stinks don't it..soon as my lights go off that's it house stinks don't have my filter on 247.....I do 8 till 8.......dunno bout drying mate ive got to come to that obstical were im gonna do it.....
i used 11 litre sqware wilma pots, this time i got the 2 liveers and bbc in the airpots, tbh i dont seemuch diffrence yeild wise apart from the actually bushyness of the plants, but i think they groqw to the size of the room, i think :?

dunno bwo these what il yeild, it pends on how they dry witch i have still no clue on what im gunna do coz i cant shut down llights for 5 ddays as i have sum in flower, and i cant dry under the lights, all i can figure is 2 options,
1 get my tent panels out and hang em tight in th eloft in a circle or sum sht fan inside extractor ther too and hang em ther,hmm, stink the street out, sounds rite dont it!,

other option is commendear a wardribe, small outlet hole and small inlet hole sumwer out of the way and stick y filter and extractor blowing out of one and a small fan circulating the air and gaffa the doors up, thats my best option i think

lastly wen carboin filters fail do they do it suddenly OR gradually? all of a sudden today the house stinks man..


Active Member
This grow I was proper fussing about the temp and humidity think this blue cheese I'm gonna jus say bollocks and read the plants and let them get on with it. Just getting sick and tired of it
shit man ur stuggling with the basics so here goes
27-28max temps
feed daily
canna nutes no more than 3ml per litre and fuk runoff its bullshit

Turb how often you water when using the wilma? I used mine last grow and was on 3 feeds a day. Thing is though I wasnt getting any run off? Thinking next time bang the dripper into 30mins feed at a time cause whole points the water to run back into the res and take readings to see if they needing more nuts or not.
i use wilma POTS not a wilma, water by hand unless ur doing load, the 24 i lost was a fucking pain, pends on your access, but yeh water by hand in flower a litre daily at least, dont bother with runoff it just makes mess, feel the pots if ther light as air then feed if not then dont, but daily will do it, from week 5 i been doing 2 litres a day per plant

and imc yeh they stink worse with light of, and my filter and extractor runs 24-7 the only thing that deosent is my lights and fan obviously well the light is obvious but the fan, not so much, but yeh filter and extractor on 24-7 its been reconditioned by me and regreased so is a silent as anything


Well-Known Member
lmao had to laff today me mate who trains with me....he like 18 st 2 twice size of me...I had to jab him cos he was 2 frightend to do it....shld of seen the cunt jump......pussy lol