How bad is your water?


Who uses tap water. How bad is it? I want to know who uses the worst tap water, highest TDS, extreme PH.
My tap water comes out between 210 and 230 ppm
PH 7.9-8.3
Sometimes it comes out smelling like a public swimming pool.
ph7+ tds around 350. Iron and sediments so high you can see stuff suspended in the water even after 20 and 10 micron pre filters.

I run 70% ro water and 30% ww.
my tap is honestly around 8.6 though, no idea what to tds is though.. i don't see floaty shit though in it..
My water is PH 6.0 and TDS is 40.

Damn you guys have some pretty bad tap water!

When i lived in the country last year PH was 7-7.5 and the water had a strong chlroine smell.
I forgot to add how much you pay$$.
$100 a month for water does seem $$$ a bit high.
rant warning:
yeah, well its partly the EPA/storm water thing....fucking A-holes back in the day bitched and moaned that pollution controls cost jobs or was too high (and Rush Limbaugh wasn't even talking his shit back then) now the EPA says all the creeks and rivers around here are aquatically "impaired" (translation: polluted/fkd'-up, carp'd out & shit), so we gotta pay for these A-holes to install sewers and get rid of all the septic tanks & shit ...all this not even 5-10 miles from a great lake I dunno, this ain't Idaho...
sorry, had to get that off...back to our regularly scheduled programming
Damn, my water is 7.0 on the money and my Truncheon doesnt pick up any readings on it so it has to be BELOW 150-200 (i forget the lowest reading it takes),

Unless there is something IM suppose to do to get a reading on my water with the truncheon other than adding salt to get a reading like the manual says for clean water.

Im assuming I shouldnt need to use GH micro hardwater right?
My water out of the tap is 7.2 not sure on the TDS. But when I run it through a brita filter it drops to 5.7. Just a thought for anyone using straight tap and trying to lower PH. I do live in an old house with old pipes.
I use rainwater because my tap water PH is over 10. No idea on the TDS. It's barely better than those fracking victims who can light theirs on fire.
I use well water. It sux so bad I cant even cook with it. The reading I got off my tester which was calibrated says 1 ppm for distilled bought at walmart and 245 x10 on my tap. So 2450 ppm in my tap well water. IDK wtf is in my water but that's ridiculous. I cant even rinse my mouth with it it tastes so nasty. The well is also 175 ft deep which is weird. IDK Ph is 8.1