Water pools on top of soil


Well-Known Member
does it pool then drain away after a few seconds? if so, nothing to worry about it just means you have quite a dense soil that could probably do with a cutting next time but nothing you can do now. if the water pools and takes a very long time to drain then it more than likely means the pots you are growing in will have no holes at the bottom and you will face some real problems in the near future. if it is the latter drill holes in the bottome of your container and allow some of that stagnant water out of your rootzone.


Do you have drain holes? On my SOLO cup grow when I water them the water pools on the top of the soil until I move the top cup up a little bit from the catch cup. So maybe your drainage holes are blocked or maybe you don't have any. Can you give us a pic of your setup?


Well-Known Member
Usually means you're watering too fast or the soil has compacted and needs to be aerated (large screw driver plunged from the surface to bottom of pot about 2-3 inch spacing). Next time use more perlite.

Transplanting also helps. I go from solo, 1g, 3g, to 5g air pots. Every time I transplant the plant gets fresh soil. This keeps the roots healthy and gives them room to grow.


Well-Known Member
Some mediums get hydraulically locked.
Feed from the top, water from the bottom. Your medium should wick water up.


Well-Known Member
Consider a wetting agent next time you water...5 drops of dishwashing detergent to a gallon of water.


Well-Known Member
Consider a wetting agent next time you water...5 drops of dishwashing detergent to a gallon of water.

I had to do this to some of my fruit trees this year , The summer/fall has ben so dry it causes the water to pool around and run away from where its needed

A few drops of detergent solved the problem

Althow when in pots if your not letting them dry out close to 100% this is not likely the issue