how do you put pics on here?!?!

Commander Strax

Well-Known Member
If you look under my post you will see

"Reply To Thread" button

under that

"Quick Reply" in a blue bar

under that

Letters and stuff above a white writing the right side is two globe looking buttons, a square and another square that looks like film.

Hit the square one and upload pictures......the film looking deal is for video



bud bootlegger
Thanks for the advice mate it still wont let me post pics it must be this phone
try the go advanced button under the reply pox.. then hit the lil piece of film looking thing, upload from there... but yes, some phones won't allow you to post pix..

you can always upload to a site like photobucket, copy and paste the url from that site, and paste the url here.


bud bootlegger
I can not post pix from my ipad as well
I don't have problems w pix from my droid, but I can never embed videos from it.. everything pops up and I'm able to post the URL, but then I can't hit the upload button as its off screen and no way to move it to get to it..


Well-Known Member
From my I pad


i hit the insert pic or vid selection and press upload for some reason it won't work every time so I go to advanced to see if it posted the pic. The videos I never have a prob with.

