The BEST Hash Ever


Well-Known Member
Dude, this is organic chemistry; you have to have learned basic inorganic chem first in order to do haven't. Ever seen what happens when water is poured into conc. acid? Unless you have BA level chem experience and proper equipment this is extremely dangerous


Well-Known Member
"It is not ok to add acid to water, but it IS ok to add water to acid."

For real take that comment right trying to blow yourself up
Please a mod needs to delete this nonsense..he has no idea what he's talking about..cannabineer somebody help us

Wait Sunni deletes.....Sunni I'm sure your high school chem teacher taught you basic lab safety(not trying to imply you aren't intelligent or something idk)
You are correct here, but that does not effect the procedure. I was wrong to state that, the truth is that it is safe to pour acid into water, not vice versa.

But since the acid is in Methanol, the procedure is not effected by this rule. I simply jumped the gun in making that statement. Everything procedural is correct.


Well-Known Member
Dude, this is organic chemistry; you have to have learned basic inorganic chem first in order to do haven't. Ever seen what happens when water is poured into conc. acid? Unless you have BA level chem experience and proper equipment this is extremely dangerous
I have not been in college since I was 16 and 18, and both times I only took one semester. I am sorry for making the simplest mistake, I just got it backwards. Thank you all for correcting me, but there is a better way to go about that than asking for censorship of the entire thread.


Active Member
I want to know what mental disorder I have that keeps making me read this thread, it's becoming morbid, cruel and unfair. Why is even the simplest of things said blatantly false, you went to colledge twice at age 16 and 18? were you so advanced that you skipped completely high-school?

Wait are you dabbing and writing a lab procedure at the same time? I mean nobody really wishes anyone any harm in the real world but how did you get all these items your cooking with. It's not funny to say your crazy and gunna blow up, are you really doing all this or is this just some big picture-less game. I'd rather hear your playing a game at this point man and it's just for shits and giggles your getting everyone pissed, like the way your saying this is going to be awesome just one more eye of newt with some dynamite and this will be the cleanest thing you've ever experienced. Like i just keep thinking poison control. You say methanol is acidic but without water you can't really test the ph of methanol so it's like me watching a man jumping on glass over a bed of spikes. Your doing thing after thing based on false premise after false premise, then I hear the words I'll swap xyz in the name of modern knowledge.

Anyways that's my conscience trying to absolve itself of reading this thread in the first place and not calling the police.


Well-Known Member
Pretty sure he's just bored..near everything is inaccurate, and I only say "near" to cover my ass if somehow he says something right...I mean I think everyone in the concentrate section knows boiling weed in alcohol will yield a dark green goop. I don't know what your doing with the trash bags.. you keep saying you need this and that and so much experience but your using baking soda and plastic bags and...well that's all I remember....but my point being...your ghetto tech is not going to produce something anybody will want to smoke....

Your tech is dangerous and your liable to hurt somebody..luckily nobody will actually try in this, anyone can see you have no idea what your talking about..everyone knows isomerizing and all that shit from the 70s its nothing new and guess what? Nobody else is doing it..I wonder why... how do you fail so horribly at life..sheesh you can't afford basic materials and someone just told me your from Texas?? Shit


Well-Known Member
so i read through this and being a bio material engineer i know chem very well, and well... this i can assure you is not safe. I know you preached this fin and everyone else knows this i just want to reiterate it. This procedure should be carried out in a lab setting (not in your garage) there is a lot of variables at play here and your dealing with some volatile solvents. I would assume that anyone following through on this would close out the window when they read the OP is suggesting using a Marijuana smoking device (bong) to separate the solvents. just goes to show the level of competence at play here, did two semesters at college only to not hear his own warnings to not go any further unless you have a ba in chem (this is where you should have stopped). All that being said and the work was done properly the advantage doesn't seem worth the effort.

my favorite part of this is that he claims this is the best oil he has ever had then goes on to detail everywhere he has been... but you also say you have not made this hash, nor have you smoked any of it. so how again is it the best hash you have ever had in your life without ever having it?

P.S. can't get a job in two years? hahah


Well-Known Member

I thought this bitch was deleted...

Something is VERY very Odd about this thread...

Missing posts? Missing likes.. I liked many of the posts and they disappeared..

what the fuck is going on???

× Moderator(s) x
Delete this Nonsense

This is NOT is prevention of disaster....

These chemicals should never be handled in the capacity in which the OP speaks!!!

This is a tutorial on how to burn one's face off...

So, if y'all want to promote tutorials of this nature..

Leave it up!!...I'm sure the family of the deceased won't mind.


Well-Known Member

I thought this bitch was deleted...

Something is VERY very Odd about this thread...

Missing posts? Missing likes.. I liked many of the posts and they disappeared..

what the fuck is going on???

× Moderator(s) x
Delete this Nonsense

This is NOT is prevention of disaster....

These chemicals should never be handled in the capacity in which the OP speaks!!!

This is a tutorial on how to burn one's face off...

So, if y'all want to promote tutorials of this nature..

Leave it up!!...I'm sure the family of the deceased won't mind.
i dude i have been trying i dont know what the fuck is going on with this site but shits retarded i think they banned VP


Well-Known Member
Thought about it? How bout tried to get one for the past 2 years after I got fired from my avocado warehouse job, because I wasn't an illegal Mexican that would work for quarters.
blahahaha, dude got fired from an avocado warehouse all though I wouldn't give the guy a dish washing job.


Well-Known Member
i dude i have been trying i dont know what the fuck is going on with this site but shits retarded i think they banned VP

Holy shit!!!

Straight Bullshit..

Our concern is safety of those that visit this site, in search of informative posts, with the abundant increase and demand for cannabis concentrates..there are many young kids googling” the best hash”

And this thread will pop up in google results..

This could lead to a disaster...

I'm willing to bet VP is banned, as his avatar is gone.

This thread need be removed, not VP!!


bud bootlegger

I thought this bitch was deleted...

Something is VERY very Odd about this thread...

Missing posts? Missing likes.. I liked many of the posts and they disappeared..

what the fuck is going on???

× Moderator(s) x
Delete this Nonsense

This is NOT is prevention of disaster....

These chemicals should never be handled in the capacity in which the OP speaks!!!

This is a tutorial on how to burn one's face off...

So, if y'all want to promote tutorials of this nature..

Leave it up!!...I'm sure the family of the deceased won't mind.
firstly, members of this site can post in any section of the forum they please.. just because someone posts up a tech, doesn't mean anyone should follow it.. if you're going to do a sort of tech, it should be your due dilligence to do as much research on said tech before taking step one, or else the results are on you..
secondly, pretty much everyone on this site knows not to follow fin's tech's for the most part.. some of his ideas have included using milk to water his plants, injecting research chemicals into his plants, stressing plants for more thc, which is an alkaloid according to fin..

no one is going to follow these things, but by being a member on this site, it's his right to post them as he feels free to do so, so long as he's not attacking any members in the process, or breaking any of the other rules set by the site, imo. and since stupidity is not against site rules, well, you get what i mean..

as far as other people's posts getting deleted in this thread, i'd imagine they were done so for a reason, personal attacks, inappropriate towards other's etc... that's on them imo.. if you want to attack others for w/e reason, expect to suffer consequences..

and as always, if you don't like a thread, no one is forcing any of us to post in it.. there are tons of threads in this sub section alone to keep one reading for a very long time.. i've learned tons just reading... i've also learned what not to do, and whom not to listen to..

my $.02, why let one poster get under one's skin so badly?? fin feeds off the negativity, simply don't give it to him..


bud bootlegger

Holy shit!!!

Straight Bullshit..

Our concern is safety of those that visit this site, in search of informative posts, with the abundant increase and demand for cannabis concentrates..there are many young kids googling” the best hash”

And this thread will pop up in google results..

This could lead to a disaster...

I'm willing to bet VP is banned, as his avatar is gone.

This thread need be removed, not VP!!
yes, this thread wil pop up, but even if a second grader were reading it, they'd see all of the people saying how stupid the tech is, and not to try it.. i think by reading even the first 3 pages of this thread, they'd find a better route..