Need help

alright it's now been 2 weeks since sprouting and none of my 5 seedlings have passed... seedling stage. is there any magical spray or spell i can say to get them to start growing? I put them in too big of pots to start with but has anyone really had to wait more than 2 weeks for seedlings to start growing? the 3 next to them are bag seeds that sprouted 5 days before my 5 PPP seeds from nirvana. Any advice?

1.jpg2.jpg3.jpg 75% organic miracle grow soil, 25 perlite, only water, 3 gallon buckets, 2 are under a 1000w mh dimmed down to 50% with the 3 bag seeds, the other 3 have 300w worth of cfl's on them.


Well-Known Member
I'm a little confused, all 5 are same age?

You said you have 5 seedlings, then say "1000w mh dimmed down to 50% with the 3 bag seeds, the other 3 have 300w worth of cfl's on them." which is six seedlings not five (?)

The 3 larger plants look way older than 2 weeks from germination. Just overall confused as to what is what here......


OK, I would first transplant those three plants from the yellow buckets to yellow. BLACK buckets do not let light out so you wont grow mold. Yellow =no good. If you are that concerned you can go to the store and get some SEED STARTER... I use it and it seems to work very well. In order for us to help you further you need to tell us a little more info. How do we know you even did germination right? how long did you keep them germinating. I personally hate MH bulbs. I used one before to try it out instead of my 8 light fixture T-5. ( I switched back 2 weeks later) My opinion CFL is the way to go. but more info the better. Hope this helps


Active Member
Looks like those older looking ones are either too wet or too dry.. They are drooping and that means they're not so happy. Try letting the soil dry a little while longer than usual and in te mean time, spray them. As far as your issue.. No offense but your using mirical grow? That could be your issue there.. All the mirical grow I've seen contains pre nutes and time release nutes.. It's okay soil and they're a good company, but unless you know exactly what is going on in that soil, you can easily fuk up with nutes.. You'll get 2 suppliers of nutrients (you and then in the soil) and you could easily be feeding half strength and all the sudden, have fried tips when that time release goes off (kinda like a bomb) and it could really fuck things up. Also try a little less intense light.. 1000w for babies is pretty harsh.. Treat them as if they are REAL babies because they are.. Use the rule of thumb, if it seems like it would be incomfortable for them, than it most likely Is.. Imagine yourself sitting where those plants are for a whole day and just try to picture any chances of discomfort..
3 PPP plants are under cfl's, 2 PPP and 3 Bag seeds are under the 1000w dimmed down to 500w (100w per plant all across the board). and i just got done spritzing them as to why they look so saggy, they are perky normally. And this is the first time I'm using organic miracle grow soil, my last 3 grows i used just regular miracle grow soil and have had great success with it. the 3 bag seeds (the three big ones) are 5 days older than my 5 PPP plants, but have been grown exactly the same minus the perlite because i don't really care about them. I did not know about the yellow buckets growing mold, i've used them 3 times now for grows but will look into that more.


You also need more soul in everyone of those buckets. You have to big of a lip that won't allow the right air circulation. Fill the soul to the top of the bucket. This will give you problems later on down the road if you don't fix it now.
Alright i'll look into the soil not being high enough. Has anyone had this problem before? The seedlings not taking off? If so how long do you believe i'll have to wait?
I will upload some picture of my bag seed plants to ensure everyone they are well taken care of, even though i don't care too much about them, but i have no questions or concerns about them, only the seedlings.


Active Member
Just give it time man.. If you've had success with mgrow than power to ya, I just personally don't like the idea of anyone else feeding my plants weather they're it's the neighbors dog or a smart company.. I just like knowin my shit from start to finish with no surprises so I know where I go wrong or where improvement could be squeezed in. Just personally rippin on pre fed soils is all lol.. As far as those seedlings, just let nature do it's thang.. Seedlings contain all the nutrients they will need until those cotyledons usually shrivel up or so.. Make sure they're wet enough but not too wet.. If you are keeping them somewhat dry, than the plants are prob spending more life energy working on it's roots than up top.. (Because they are in search of water for when they go from self independent into Depending on its surroundings for supplies) This is okay because once growth comes around the corner, you'll have a strong root structure and it'll be able to uptake better. Just give them time tho, you can't grow for them.
Just give it time man.. If you've had success with mgrow than power to ya, I just personally don't like the idea of anyone else feeding my plants weather they're it's the neighbors dog or a smart company.. I just like knowin my shit from start to finish with no surprises so I know where I go wrong or where improvement could be squeezed in. Just personally rippin on pre fed soils is all lol.. As far as those seedlings, just let nature do it's thang.. Seedlings contain all the nutrients they will need until those cotyledons usually shrivel up or so.. Make sure they're wet enough but not too wet.. If you are keeping them somewhat dry, than the plants are prob spending more life energy working on it's roots than up top.. (Because they are in search of water for when they go from self independent into Depending on its surroundings for supplies) This is okay because once growth comes around the corner, you'll have a strong root structure and it'll be able to uptake better. Just give them time tho, you can't grow for them.
haha alright, yah i figure they are working on their root structure, just freaking me out that all 5 of them are doing the same thing yah know? i've put them straight into 5 gallon buckets before and just taken off. I'm guessing it's either the new MG organic soil stopping them or the strain, those are the only 2 new factors on this grow. I'm just being a worry wort, 2 weeks and i'm just used to them being the size of my 3 bag seeds. A friend told me when this happened to him once his plants finally started growing they were growing at an extremely fast rate, an inch or 2 a day, so hopefully that happens to me fairly soon eh?


Active Member
I'm hopin for them to spread faster than wild fire! Lol and I bet they do, as long as those cotyledons look nice and healthy, than you should be good to go, just make sure you know what your doin with organics, because there's a big difference when you go from chemicals and other things.. Because organics is ALIVE! Your growing dirt. Lol, living dirt.. Amazes me every time! Just make sure you don't add things like co2 and other harmful stuff.. I heard you should naturally raise/lower ph with silica and all that other natural stuff. But I don't grow organically so my knowledge is limited here, but kill some time.. Do a little research on organic growing and go fap away or somethin, just get some time between you and them and you'll be on track if you even consider yourself off track. Those babies are gonna look good soon. But like you said.. "Hopefully"