bodhi seeds

I agree with you on the kiss method. Sometimes we over love our plants, to our own detriment.
Gotta disagree with you in chemicals, not to start a flame, as they can safely and easily be applied. Don't get me wrong, I'd grow organic if i could but having seen side by side plants of organic/chem, I noticed no discernible difference in smoke or quality.

I also believe when it comes to smoke quality, genetics make 98 percent of the difference and method the rest. But organic is the bomb for plant health IMHO. Especially when using LOS, there are just zero problems. Plant feeds itself by controlling the microbial life via root secretions and in so doing ends up being perfectly fed all the way through. This bud right here was fed only pure water from the day the seed was planted:


Only pure water versus a shelf full of nutes and additives? RIGHT ON! Hydro can take a hike in my books now. My last ebb and flow tables are cleaned and in storage. I almost felt like burning them and pissing on the ashes. I've got countless bottles with leftover stuff, looking at it all I can't believe that I once upon a time required all of that stuff. And I've only been off all bottles for 8 weeks since the last coco plants were done.

Uncle Ben makes zero sense with the insinuation that plants need to be green right till the end. What we do when curing is to break down all that nasty chlorophyll. It's not only the stuff that makes a plant green, but also the stuff that makes a bud taste green. I like a nice healthy fade in the last 2 or 3 weeks. Early fade is a problem, KINDA, in the sense that it looks bad. But I'd rather toke a faded bud than a green one. I'd rather take Sub's word over UB's any day. And that's not just because Sub said it, it is an observation I have made for myself over many years of outdoor grows. The ones that fade just right are the most flavourful, always.
I have a shit ton of extra nutes as well.. I simply use jacks classic now, as I've tried the organic route only to end up frustrated making teas and burning my plants due to different concentrations. But if I had more space I would probably try to do organic again, but at this point having healthy roots and healthy folliage makes me happy person, with healthy buds.

Eta: yes I think a good cure as well as a proper dry is very important in bringing out the taste in addition to adding a smooth smoke.

Different strokes for different folks. Uncle Ben has yet to steer me wrong. While he can be a bit abrasive he certainly has knowledge of plant biology. Sub has been important to the grow community, but I see him as a marketing tool, and his followers as a cult. He is a hack at breeding.
When I say 'chemical' Tonightyou, [sorry, new to mj forum & learning the lingo- didn't realise there's a 'chemical' v 'organic' thing going on] I really mean the unnecessary additives & exotic shit that people spray on their plants. Some commercial growers couldn't give a rats arse about the users health. There's a little Viet cottage industry here growing in spare rooms in the family home, that's known as 'Gook gear'. Idk what they use on the plants but I can't smoke that shit, it makes me a bit agoraphobic & a little anxious & gives me headaches. It's not just gook gear, I can't smoke a lot of commercially grown bud for the same reason. How many hydro products have been banned in civilised countries in the last 20-30 years because they're dangerous to our health?
I'm not 100% organic just yet, I don't think it has to be to grow nice healthy pot but that's where I'm heading. Regardless how we grow, we know what we're smoking:)

Edit; I'm not organic simply because I don't want to go through all the hassle of brewing this & that either. I read in a Matt Rize thread that there's organic nute in bottles that he's had success using. BioCanna line. They're expensive but apparently worth the cost. I think it's worth a try & grow 2 identical plants, 1 with standard nutes, the other with organics to see if there's a difference. [Sorry don't know how to link; Organic section, sticky thread 'Vegan Organics Aka Veganics With Matt Rize.']
Oh I feel you on the additive shit. Only thing I add is silica, and sometimes fulvic acid (using it up probably won't buy it again). Silica seems from my unscientific experiment to improve stem strength early on. Fuck twenty bottles of over priced water.
Hey, let's talk about Bodhi seeds!
Here's two phenotypes of a strain I have been lucky enough to test, it is the Breeder Steve's Sweet Skunk clone x Appalachia.
Smells very strongly like sweet tarts, the more sativa one has more of a skunk note, but mostly they all have a sweet citrus candy smell.


and the second pheno, which is more representative of the other three females. It would seem this is the more common type.



seems to be longish flowering, may run 10-11 weeks.
Hey, let's talk about Bodhi seeds!
Here's two phenotypes of a strain I have been lucky enough to test, it is the Breeder Steve's Sweet Skunk clone x Appalachia.
Smells very strongly like sweet tarts, the more sativa one has more of a skunk note, but mostly they all have a sweet citrus candy smell.


and the second pheno, which is more representative of the other three females. It would seem this is the more common type.



seems to be longish flowering, may run 10-11 weeks.

Frost MOnsters as always with Bodhi. NICE :) So you're testing an Appy cross? I thought the Appy pappy was gone. I was hoping to see a few more drops with it as the daddy. Badass.
Oh I feel you on the additive shit. Only thing I add is silica, and sometimes fulvic acid (using it up probably won't buy it again). Silica seems from my unscientific experiment to improve stem strength early on. Fuck twenty bottles of over priced water.

Aloe Vera has all the silica you'll need, apparently. There was a very interesting conversation about it on one thread here, about silica and organic sources for it. I will say this about Aloe: It's like Ganja Steroids. I am incredibly impressed.

Uncle Ben knows his mj plants & has a shit load of experience, lots more than me. I think he makes lots of sense.

He also hasn't posted a single pic of his plants in over two years. And I've seen him come up with the most silly arguments, like recommending to drop night time temps by 10 degrees (oh yeah stretchy plants right on). And that ALL defoliation under ALL circumstances is bad. Not so sure about UB. TONS of people here know their plants and I don't know if you've noticed but there is ALWAYS an argument with UB around. Always. I find him highly amusing, but I'll take his advice with a pinch of salt, personally.
Aloe huh? Got a plant, think I can mix it in my watering?

Beautiful plants. I'll post tonight my Bodhi love which is working towards week 5. Is that tester going to be sold?

Never said U B is always right but on the topic of defoliaton, I let the plant let me know what leaves need to go. I can see it being useful in opening up canopy, but I use other methods (lst, tie downs, etc) I certainly don't agree with his politics, but the dude can grow, and not just cannabis.
Frost MOnsters as always with Bodhi. NICE :) So you're testing an Appy cross? I thought the Appy pappy was gone. I was hoping to see a few more drops with it as the daddy. Badass.

Well, I'm pretty sure B used that Appy male with just about everything he has (which is a lot) and put all the beans into storage, but prefers to release strains after they are tested a bit, so there will still be appalachia hybrids popping up for sale from time to time. The last three that were available were atf x appalachia, '77 Cali o x appy, and Chem 91 x Appalachia. I think that this was might have been the last round of testing for appalachia hybrids, as it looks like he is currently testing a bunch of hybrids with an Instant Karma (origina bubba x Sour Diesel IBL) male, as well as crosses with his Deadly G line working of ndnguy's G13/HP. And let's just not talk about Mr. Instant Rice here, ok? He's like Bloody Mary. If you say his name three times he'll turn your thread into a flame war about growing styles.

As to the commercial viability of this tester, I would imagine that b wouldn't have sent me 12 free beans if he didn't think there's be something to come from it. I know that there is one other tester running these, and b seems to have been favorably impressed with the ones he ran, so if everything pans out well for everyone then I would imagine it would be released in the not-too-distant future. The Sweet Skunk clone is a huge yielder of fantastic citrusy skunky sativa buds, so I've got high hopes. I haven't seen any concerning behavior yet, all phenos have been on the stretchy side with a longish flowering time, but those were both qualities of the original clone and, again, it more than made up for them with yield/quality.
Lol true. This is a wonderful thread. I don't want it to turn into a shit show

I saw that thread on here about Ace/Cannabiogen you started. I don't have any experience with them yet myself, but I've seen a ton of grows of their Malawi and Golden Tiger, both look really awesome, and to tie this in with the subject, Bodhi was very impressed with their Bangi Haze, and used it in is Isaac Haze strain, as well as he recently posted that he made an F2 with it. If I were going to grow a strain from Ace, it would definitely be one of those three, the Malawi, Golden Tiger, or Bangi Haze. All their genetics look very interesting though. I'm much more interested in breeders working with personally collected landrace genetics than any other kind.
Bangi haze was actually one I really want to try. Due to limited space, I'd like to have a better understanding of the growth patterns and what to expect. Currently I have a veg area, which I use for cloning and starting plants. And I have a flower tent, the 400 watt HPS which I try to stagger harvests, so far they can be a pain when plants have different heights. These are the problems that apartment growing presents. That's only for now, as I planned upgrade within the year. Its just with such a long flowering plant, I'd like to know people's experiences with them. Particularly since I'm usually an indica growing guy.
To the people talking shit about UB?.....I just have one question. How come his plants look amazing and yours look pathetic? Subcool?....Jesus christ.


OH and who snagged a pack of the Appalachian Thunderfucks?.....This guy.:-P
Jealous on the Appy Thunderfuck, please post pics as ya go.

I've spent too much on ceeds and will wait until the xmas special on mug shop for snagging some more bodhi love. I don't think you can go wrong on any of his beans.

Remember, let's keep this thread positive. No reason to turn it to shit (even though I agree with you)
Does bodhi keep strains around? I have only ordered his gear off attitude but it seems like most of his strains are a 1-2 shot deal and then they're gone and im hearing about new shit. Kinda makes it hard to know what is good.

To the people talking shit about UB?.....I just have one question. How come his plants look amazing and yours look pathetic?
I have only seen that one cola in his avatar from the 70s. One thing is for sure, he knows dick shit about indoor growing or hydroponics.
I'll simply comment on the first part:-)

Bodhi makes a shit ton of crosses. Seems he picks a good male and runs them with good cuts. He also seems to be working land race strains.
Once a male is exhausted, he moves on.

Some are around for a while, others are test crosses and others are limited edition.
Perhaps other know more. I gathered this from breed bay
To the people talking shit about UB?.....I just have one question. How come his plants look amazing and yours look pathetic? Subcool?....Jesus christ.


OH and who snagged a pack of the Appalachian Thunderfucks?.....This guy.:-P

Sorry but seriously "amazing" is a gross exaggeration (average) would certainly be more appropriate IMHO
i guess if you have a soft-spot for the guy nothing anyone says will change your opinion

To the people talking shit about UB?.....I just have one question. How come his plants look amazing and yours look pathetic? Subcool?....Jesus christ.


OH and who snagged a pack of the Appalachian Thunderfucks?.....This guy.:-P

Nobody else was swearing and acting like a twat mate. Keep it civil if you don't mind. People are allowed different opinions. I happen to not agree with UB all the time. And many people don't. I don't agree with Sub all the time either but if I asked a question, and those were the only two guys answering, I'd listen to Sub.

My plants don't look pathetic. And even if anybody else around's plants did, hey, they actually have a plant to show unlike UB. No offence. I just find it hard to take a person's word when they have nothing to show to back it up, that is all.

Like I said, I have zero beef with the guy, my family raised me to not be judgemental. So I try not to judge until I get personally attacked. I get along with UB just fine. I just don't see him as a guru, that is all.