What is flushing ?

For one thing there is no such thing as a kush plant. This is in fact how the plant is kushed.View attachment 2866189 If I was buying large amounts of weed from a grower I wouldn't buy it unless its been kushed. Any other type of flushing is just foolish and a waste of time. I pull and plant all at the same time and the res stays on the same schedule all the time

Say what? I grow OGKush as my signature product and have been for years. It's the genetics that make it so. WTF does "kushed" even mean?

Say what? I grow OGKush as my signature product and have been for years. It's the genetics that make it so. WTF does "kushed" even mean?


It's the difference between trying like f*ck to get $200 a bag and getting $300+ for a bag. I let my kushed hash go for $100 a quarter and I have people fighting for it. Considering the fact that they can go down the street and get an eighth of non-kushed for $25. I grow orange bud, mexican red hair, skunk, rhino, blueberry and another strain, northern lights. Non of these are so called kush plants but people have been calling it kush since 1993.
Don't knock it until you try it. For one thing there is no such thing as a kush plant. This is in fact how the plant is kushed.View attachment 2866189 If I was buying large amounts of weed from a grower I wouldn't buy it unless its been kushed. Any other type of flushing is just foolish and a waste of time. I pull and plant all at the same time and the res stays on the same schedule all the time

Now, you're making shit up.
In my neck of the woods people dont pay over 300 an O for bud they can only resell for 100 a Q, just sayin
I don't read shit, well maybe the instruction on the fert package or the schematics on the ballast to go from superace to a standard hps, etc. Everything I know is from the grow-op.
how does dumping water through a medium like soil have a single effect on the taste of the buds??

also, what makes cannabis so special, it's the only plant on god's green earth that people think needs to be flushed?? why don't my unflushed tomatoes, cucumbers, apples, oranges, pretty much every fruit and veggy i eat, taste chemmy, as you put it??

Try it some time, i grow tomatoes, lemon cucumbers, i have a apple tree that grows 5 different apples at a time but what you missing is growing in mother earth is alot different then growing in a pot...... Learn to grow bro and i promise you will be happy... it makes a HUGE difference.
Try it some time, i grow tomatoes, lemon cucumbers, i have a apple tree that grows 5 different apples at a time but what you missing is growing in mother earth is alot different then growing in a pot...... Learn to grow bro and i promise you will be happy... it makes a HUGE difference.

I grow corn, soybeans, apples, tomatoes...

What are you trying to say, that I should flush a few thousand acres of corn?

Do you have a few hundred billion gallons of water I could borrow?
I grow corn, soybeans, apples, tomatoes...

What are you trying to say, that I should flush a few thousand acres of corn?

Do you have a few hundred billion gallons of water I could borrow?
NO<NO<NO, you're suppose to cut each stalk and stick it in a bucket of water for a week.lmao
I grow corn, soybeans, apples, tomatoes...

What are you trying to say, that I should flush a few thousand acres of corn?

Do you have a few hundred billion gallons of water I could borrow?

Negative, if you read said comment you would see that i said there is a difference in growing in the ground vs growing in a pot. Sorry that you are a moron... lol also why would you need to "borrow" water the shit is free.
Definition....Kushed can be used to describe anything that is fresh, still usable, or potentially awesome. I don't know what the hell your selling but if you think your helping your girls flavor or taste...well your not!
It's the difference between trying like f*ck to get $200 a bag and getting $300+ for a bag. I let my kushed hash go for $100 a quarter and I have people fighting for it. Considering the fact that they can go down the street and get an eighth of non-kushed for $25.
People are stupid now aren't they?

No matter how I grow I always do a 24h RO water flush after I chop. Your efforts to flush the soil will do nothing except hurt your plant(s).
Chopping her main suppliers off and sticking them in water is better?

Don't knock it until you try it. For one thing there is no such thing as a kush plant. This is in fact how the plant is kushed.View attachment 2866189 If I was buying large amounts of weed from a grower I wouldn't buy it unless its been kushed. Any other type of flushing is just foolish and a waste of time. I pull and plant all at the same time and the res stays on the same schedule all the time
Explain to me how a plant with no roots can be flushed? No roots no uptake or cycle at all? You might as well spray them off with a garden hose, this will do more for you.

I pull five and plant five(clones) every two weeks. I don't have time for BS. Doing a flush with the roots on is like trying to take a sh*t with your pants up.
Doing a flush without roots is like taking a shit without an anus!

You don't have to believe me if you don't want to Simon but it's your loss. I shouldn't be letting this out anyway.
I think your better off keeping it to yourself, its safer that way!

I don't read shit, well maybe the instruction on the fert package or the schematics on the ballast to go from superace to a standard hps, etc. Everything I know is from the grow-op.
You really need to break out the books.

I don't know how to tell you this but it is virtually impossible to take a pic of smell and taste.
And it virtually impossible to enhance smell and flavor using any products let alone sticking a rootless plant in a pail of water. Maybe you should put those roses in with them and now your pot will taste like roses, oh, better yet...smoke your Roses. Over 1600 posts and you still don't have a grow bible? Quit surfing, stick your nose in a book and you will soon see how foolish this actually is. This is one site I send all my newbies http://www.kindgreenbuds.com/ take a look and READ SOMETHING. JAS