MexiBlunts Wild Outdoor GORILLA!!!


Active Member
your spots look good but have u been visiting the site at different times to see how the light is hitting ure plants. This is simmilar to the problem i ran into because my babies are covered by trees and brush all around, so when the sun moves they get shaded closer to the end of the day


Well-Known Member
Most of em get a good amount of light per day. I know that's not very specific. My guess right now would be around 6-8 solid sun hours the rest are partial but still not bad. The major blockage from trees is on both the east and west sides. the top is mostly wide open.


Well-Known Member
So we got some stuff together to fight the bugs. picture is pretty much self explanatory. didn't use the one on the far right the defender. All the plants got sprayed as well as a 2-3 foot perimeter around them. Also put down wood/bark chips down around the base some of the plants. We will get em all done yet. Ohhh yeah we also planted some chives and some green onions in and around. Apparently is supposed to be good for keeping certain bugs away and or attracting them to the chives and onion plants instead? Who knows can't hurt.
We also took our 3/4 full vacuum bag out there and spread the contents around the whole place. Alot of cat hair and dust. Hopefully that will keep bambi on her side of the forest.:mrgreen:

This wasn't the rain we were hoping for so in the next 2-3 days I need to get myself hooked up with a small 12 volt battery and pump, cause I learned something in one of FDD's threads the other day. "They seem to grow alot faster when I water them.":mrgreen:



Well-Known Member
Going to be carrying water likely in 2 littre bottles in backpacks from a river source. It's not the clearest water but I may try and take a ph reading just outa curiosity, I only have a pool test kit so clear water is important. Going to start with the objective of each one getting 4 litres of water. I would like to maybe feed them a bit but all I have kicking around right now is peters 20-20-20, also have peters ever acid 30-10-10 ratio is more appealing but it's an acidity builder for evergreens. and chemical:spew:.

So the plan right now is to make a concentrated compost tea that can be added to the bottles when were out there. We will also foliar feed with it as it will be another layer of bug protection. We have a great supply of organic compost and some airstones, pillow case. Any suggestions on some other ingredients? Any other suggestions period? I'm listening.


Well-Known Member
Also subscribing. Our guerilla grows are starting at about the same time, so I'll be curious about your process.

Good luck!


Well-Known Member
Well I said earlier we didn't get the rain we were hoping for so we headed out today to water. We got only half our stuff done, will do the rest tomorrow. No pump yet so we made multiple trips with 2litre bottles and back packs. totaling around 30-40 gallons. alot of work! was very hot! Very sticky! Bugs were horrible!!

I firkin Love It!!!!!!!!!!

During one water run we stumbled upon another sweet spot, check the pic you can see a nice 15 foot wide beam of light at close to 7 in the evening. looks like we may have to find something to put there. All pit high grass here too:mrgreen: no burrs,stinging burning stuff.:joint:

speaking of burning stuff.. off to burn some Kush!!! str8 up...or unless you fancy shrooms or licking-toads.



Well-Known Member
Well I said earlier we didn't get the rain we were hoping for so we headed out today to water. We got only half our stuff done, will do the rest tomorrow. No pump yet so we made multiple trips with 2litre bottles and back packs. totaling around 30-40 gallons. alot of work! was very hot! Very sticky! Bugs were horrible!!

I firkin Love It!!!!!!!!!!

During one water run we stumbled upon another sweet spot, check the pic you can see a nice 15 foot wide beam of light at close to 7 in the evening. looks like we may have to find something to put there. All pit high grass here too:mrgreen: no burrs,stinging burning stuff.:joint:

speaking of burning stuff.. off to burn some Kush!!! str8 up...or unless you fancy shrooms or licking-toads.
... man u try to copy my shroom pics on my page? cause i had mine first .. and i didnt have my camera today cause i found ANOTHER box turtle! this one was in the middle of the woods ... but anyway ... looks like the spot was man made .. any clue if people are still around there ?


Well-Known Member
I'm 99.9% sure it's not man made. If it was it would have been alot of work for nothing as this is in the middle of nowhere, there are openings like this all around and the vegetation is different all over, seems like it's related to elevation. So what ever type of water levels we have in spring will fill different low areas accordingly or not at all. Check out the other veg we found today that we haven't seen before! No I wasn't trying to copy ya on the mushroom bit. I actually had some other pics a few weeks ago already, but we talked about putting nature pics in with this stuff so I kinda thought you were copying us. lol. this will be a fun summer!:mrgreen: I probably won't post too many plant pics till august/sept.



Well-Known Member
I'm 99.9% sure it's not man made. If it was it would have been alot of work for nothing as this is in the middle of nowhere, there are openings like this all around and the vegetation is different all over, seems like it's related to elevation. So what ever type of water levels we have in spring will fill different low areas accordingly or not at all. Check out the other veg we found today that we haven't seen before! No I wasn't trying to copy ya on the mushroom bit. I actually had some other pics a few weeks ago already, but we talked about putting nature pics in with this stuff so I kinda thought you were copying us. lol. this will be a fun summer!:mrgreen: I probably won't post too many plant pics till august/sept.
OK ITS ON NOW!! .. nature photography competition is ONNN!! lol ... we have a bear around where i live and if i can get a pic of that chasing me i'll win fo sho! lol .. and i found a mushroom that looks like a "shroom" except fatter.. but anyway your woods look a bit like mine .. let's see who can get the most dangerous animal on film and the cutest :hug: .. lol good luck on your growing man


Well-Known Member
Ok so I got a backpack and I can find a bunch of meat like 30 pounds(bambi?), I'll hang it in a tree. then I could maybe just maybe get chased by a cougar! lol. other than that the scariest thing I could get is a swarm of wasps, rabbid fox, maybe a pissed off skunk.


Well-Known Member
Ok so I got a backpack and I can find a bunch of meat like 30 pounds(bambi?), I'll hang it in a tree. then I could maybe just maybe get chased by a cougar! lol. other than that the scariest thing I could get is a swarm of wasps, rabbid fox, maybe a pissed off skunk.
yeahhh pissed off skunk .. get one of those .. on a close up shot .. and you'll win ... or some cougar cubs .. lol


Well-Known Member
Heading out again today to finnish watering the rest. Then I gots to look after some indoor stuff thats gettin away on me.!!!! thought it was going to rain so we didn't go out. Mistake! goto go out tommoro.
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