The BEST Hash Ever


Well-Known Member
I didn't say it was RSO, I've never tried his method of extraction since it was popularized after BHO was introduced to me.
Well you implied that this was a solvent extraction and that you had tried it before, I am just saying that this is in no way similar to whatever it was you described. Which sounded like RSO.


Well-Known Member
My last post was directed to the OP not you twitch.
The shit we had back in the 80's was a little bit different than RSO from what I've read.
oh i am just dumping as much gas on this fire as possible....


Well-Known Member
i did i said it sounds like so RSO bullshit and someone else did to and so far i think we are the closest yet to guess the end result to the holy grail of extracts
RSO only has ONE purification process, and no resin removal. So far we have done about 5 purification, and 1 resin removal. So this is not even CLOSE to RSO. And we aren't even DONE.


Well-Known Member
So far. No explosions .. be safe fin.
If my instructions are followed (like getting a hotplate with no exposed heat, like the plastic top ones they have at wal mart) then there should be a VERY low risk, then if the saftey instructions I included are followed, there shouldn't be any leaks either.

I will also make videos in the near future (once I am done moving) so that everyone can see it each step done.


Well-Known Member
Step 8.

Set up the reflux machine with the cake pan, colander and stainless steel pot again. The same as in 4. Ether goes in the stainless steel pot, and the water in the outer pot is SLOWLY boiled to 140 F or 60 C. The solvent will boil and you will be left with Cannabinoids in a little solvent in stainless steel pot. MAKE SURE THE TRASH BAG IS SEALED, AND DO NOT LEAVE THE CONTAINER BOILING WITHOUT SOMEONE WATCHING. BE SUPER SUPER CAREFUL HERE AS ETHER IS BASICALLY THE MOST EXPLOSIVE SOLVENT YOU WILL EVER HANDLE AS AN AVERAGE CHEMICALLY KNOWLEDGEABLE PERSON.




Well-Known Member
yes this thread is going to be epic....
it almost as if him and oilmakr know each other, i did not watch his you tube videos but from what you described is how i see oilmakr in my head
nu uh, it's like he and oilmkr are related, got drunk, fucked, had offspring and so........


Well-Known Member
Also, I will be posting videos that will replace most of the early steps with a BHO and maybe a Hexane run instead of multiple refluxes of the same solvent. The ether steps will stay the same, and I might add a step to the end, to add a modern spin that will make this process even more amazing.

So this thread is just a rough draft and brainstorming while I read :)



Well-Known Member
you know I'm not sure how much sense that last post of mine made but my ass is tired/stoned/out of here! see ya!
Good luck with that best hash in the world fin!


Well-Known Member
So, to recap. Here is what we have so far:

This method may take a few days to post in its entirety, as I am going to go deeper than just procedure, so that the information can be educational to ANYONE that comes across it. I will make a video soon, I am currently in the process of moving. I may end up covering a few different methods through videos.

The main method that will be discussed here is "Dr. Atomic's marijuana Multiplier". I want to remind everyone that I am not advocating that anyone who has never handled at least home depot grade chemicals before, if you do not know what you are looking at when you go to home depot, it is not time to try this yet. And further, I suggest taking some form of chemistry class beyond highschool before doing this.

This method was produced and advertised for turning trim or shit weed, into good quality or even "Best" quality hash.

1. Collect Stems, Trim, Shake and Hash remnants in a glass jar. It is best to keep hash separate to protect your grinder during step 2. But the hash will be made even better.
2. Get a coffee grinder, and when you have an oz or more in your jar, grind it up and put it back. Then redo step 1 and 2, or move on to step 3.

3. Using a coffee filter/cheese cloth/etc and a solvent such as (pure) alcohol/acetone/naphtha/etc and another glass jar, extract the THC and other Cannabinoids from the plant material. If you don't know what this means, it's not time for you to do this yet. Just save more stuff, and maybe try a simple extraction that doesn't involve the extra steps that this thread will present.

If you can handle this, create a reflux machine. A reflux machine is somewhat like a still, but different. It will involve a pot of boiling water, with a smaller pot inside, and a rope under the pot inside to create about an inch of space between the two pots. The smaller pot should have a polyethylene trash bag which will be safe to use with solvents. In the trash bag should be an even smaller pot (stainless steel) should contain the solvent with the marijuana. This all should be covered with a upside down pot lid that is cooled by bags of ice. The solvent will boil in the inner inner pot, and go to the trash bag. In the inner inner pot, you will be left with empty plant material. DO NOT leave this unwatched, and it is heavily suggested that you use a hot plate that has no open electric sources. The solvents used CAN and WILL catch fire.

You don't want the solvents to extract chems from the bag,. So it would be best to get the right bags, unless you want to end up with some "Breaking Bad" type problems i.e. Body in the Bathtub.

You will be keeping the marijuana AND THE SOLVENT that is left in the stainless steel jar. But you STILL want to get the right bags, so that you aren't smoking plastic.

From here, you dump the solvent and grinded bud back into the glass jar, and do what was said to do in step 3. (I only said the steps out of order because if step 3 makes no sense, then the reflux will make no sense. And if the reflux makes no sense, you will get a lower quality product, but you can still continue without creating the machine, and just doing a simple extraction. Again, the only factor that will change here is quality.

Use a strainer to hold the plant material, filter material (cheese cloth, etc) under that, a Collander to hold it all. The solvent will evaporate and fall back through the plant material so it can extract more cannabinoids. Eventually you will be left with less solvent and a bunch of cannabinoids.

STEP 4. Get a small cake pan that is bigger than the stainless steel pot, but that can fit in the colander. If you want, you can keep the marijuana mash and make more hash still, so just leave it to dry and put it in the freezer. Cake pan goes in Colander, Colander goes on top of stainless steel pot. This time when you use the reflux machine, the solvent will evaporate OUT of the stainless steel pot and INTO the cake pan. This is another part you can skip, but you will risk quality.

Step 5.

This is a step to make sure your hash is completely clean of solvents and water. After this step you would have some fairly awesome hash (if you have gone through all the other steps) and could stop and smoke here if you wanted... But for those who want "The Best" hash, do step 5, then continue on.

Get a pot that is bigger than the stainless steel one, and fill it with cooking oil. Put the hash in the stainless steel pot, and the stainless steel pot in the oil. Use a candy thermometer and wait for the oil to get to 220 F or 104 C. Hold a small mirror over the stainless steel pot. When the mirror no longer fogs up, you have removed all extra solvents and water from your hash.

Step 6.

Now... This is the FIRST step that is really doing more than most average extraction methods (other than multiple purity runs). But we still aren't done after this.

What you need for this is Petroleum Ether, and preferably an ice bath to keep the glass in the whole time.

Dissolve the hash in 5x its weight in petroleum ether, this can be measured by weighing your hash, then "Tare"ing your scale with a glass on it, and weighing out 5x the weight in Petroleum Ether.

You are going to want to use a bottle that has a screw top (mason jar, etc)

Add the same volume of water as Petroleum Ether (Use the same glass and scale, or even draw a line on the outside of the glass when you weigh the Ether)

Measure HALF of the water and add that much more Petroleum Ether. (This is what the book says, but I think it is a typo and I will test it myself. I believe this part of the step should be alcohol. So that there is one layer of water, one layer of ether, and one layer of alcohol. As the book says there will be 3 layers)

A. Screw the cap on, flip the jar upside down for a moment, then immediately return it upright.
B. Wait for the liquid to flow down the side of the jar for a moment, then open the cap to relieve pressure.
C. Then recap.

Repeat A, B and C 25x

Step 7.

If you have a glass bong, and a funnel that will not release any chems into the solvent. Then at the end of step 6, pour the mixture into your bong. But pour like beer, so that you do not create bubbles. Bubbles will capture and trap the Cannabinoids in a place you can not retrieve them.

Let the 3 layers settle out with your bong sitting next to the sink, then connect a rubber tube to your down stem, and blow the 2 bottom layers into the sink. If you want to try to keep as much Cannabinoids as possible, then make sure you keep a TINY bit of the middle layer as a buffer. But if you are willing to throw away a small amount of your product in exchange for purity, then blow out the entire middle layer, which will most likely make you blow out a little tiny bit of the top layer.

If you do NOT have a bong and funnel that is made of the correct material, the you will need to get 2 glass jugs, 2 pieces of rubber tubing. 2 rubber stoppers for the top of the glass jars, each stopper needs to have 2 holes that fit the rubber tubing. 4 glass tubes (1 long, 3 short) that fit in the holes on the stoppers, and the rubber tubes fit on them.

The jars are basically set up like a still (but with no heat). One jar will contain the extract, and will have a glass tube working like a straw leading up to the rubber tube. Then the rubber tube will lead to a short glass tube in the second jar. The second jar will have a glass tube sticking out as an air hole, and the first jar will have a glass tube connected to a rubber tube for you to blow in.

You want to make sure that the long glass tube stop right before the middle layer, so that it can reach the entire top layer, but not suck up the middle layer.

When you blow in the tube on jar 1, the extract will be forced up the long glass tube, and into the second jar.

Once finished, add the same amount as Ether as you used to dissolve the hash the first time. But add it to the dirty stuff left in the first jar or bong. Then repeat the steps a few times, so that you have AS MANY cannabinoids out of the 3 layers as possible

Step 8.

Set up the reflux machine with the cake pan, colander and stainless steel pot again. The same as in 4. Ether goes in the stainless steel pot, and the water in the outer pot is SLOWLY boiled to 140 F or 60 C. The solvent will boil and you will be left with Cannabinoids in a little solvent in stainless steel pot. MAKE SURE THE TRASH BAG IS SEALED, AND DO NOT LEAVE THE CONTAINER BOILING WITHOUT SOMEONE WATCHING. BE SUPER SUPER CAREFUL HERE AS ETHER IS BASICALLY THE MOST EXPLOSIVE SOLVENT YOU WILL EVER HANDLE AS AN AVERAGE CHEMICALLY KNOWLEDGEABLE PERSON.



Well-Known Member
BTW, if you stopped here, you would have some awesome hash (better than what is available at dispensaries, at least before this thread ;) ), but if you continue, you will make something even BETTER


Well-Known Member
More trolling please. If this thread is going to be kept secret from uneducated people, I need more stupid comments for them to pay attention to.


Well-Known Member
OK how about....
We perform a quick wash to not extract polar nasties, so why are you suggesting to reflux(which means enclosed boil) a heat sensitive compound in a polar solvent. Since you said any solvent that's also a red flag....carry on
Let me know when you summarize so I can tell you in full detail where you failed


Well-Known Member
OK how about....
We perform a quick wash to not extract polar nasties, so why are you suggesting to reflux(which means enclosed boil) a heat sensitive compound in a polar solvent. Since you said any solvent that's also a red flag....carry on
Let me know when you summarize so I can tell you in full detail where you failed
It's just a safe way to evaporate quickly. Basically ALL reflux steps can be replaced with evaporation, but if you can create a stable reflux machine evaporation can be cut down from 12 hours to a day or more each time, to a few hours each time.

Also, when I get a vacuum purge I will be adding that to the process. And adding it to the end will probably make the product even BETTER than it was in the 70s. (that was the step I was planning on adding to the end to give it a modern spin, as vacuum purges were not a practical home item in the past)


Well-Known Member
And I have clearly stated that I am reading this from a book and sharing it in my own words, and with more built in safety measures.

So, I didn't mess up anywhere. I am just sharing someone else's method from the past, and adding their warnings to the process itself.

I'm sorry if you don't like it, I can't do anything about what this book says though.


Well-Known Member
Reflux means enclosed boil..its purpose is to keep solvent from evaporating....
Exactly. That way you keep your solvent for use later, and are left with one area that has pure solvent, and one area that is almost pure cannabinoids with only the solvent left that was available through humidity.