Sex pills?


Well-Known Member
Shared a cigar with a guy who makes "sex" pills. He originated Nitro 2 Go, sold it and is engaged in formularies that are "primarily herbal" but claims that he is in constant trouble with the FDA and perhas the DEA as well. He claims that his plant has to be in Mexico for that reason.

Now what the hell coud be in a "sex" pill? some sort of herbal ED remedy no doubt but the guy says it "puts you on the hunt" - i expect he means it enhances libido. Anyone know of drugs or herbs that actually do that? I know my testosterone has a slight effect in that category, I know that ED pills I have tried give me a headache, a stomach ache and stuff up my sinuses - though they do work. I don't need them often but I enjoy the extended ability I am granted when I take them.

I don't know but I figure that all of these pills, herbal or otherwise are properly discussed here.

What are folks thoughts?
well I don't know if I want to take these blue horse caps that some guy I don't know at all gave me in return for an expensive cigar at a brewery.
Shared a cigar with a guy who makes "sex" pills. He originated Nitro 2 Go, sold it and is engaged in formularies that are "primarily herbal" but claims that he is in constant trouble with the FDA and perhas the DEA as well. He claims that his plant has to be in Mexico for that reason.

Now what the hell coud be in a "sex" pill? some sort of herbal ED remedy no doubt but the guy says it "puts you on the hunt" - i expect he means it enhances libido. Anyone know of drugs or herbs that actually do that? I know my testosterone has a slight effect in that category, I know that ED pills I have tried give me a headache, a stomach ache and stuff up my sinuses - though they do work. I don't need them often but I enjoy the extended ability I am granted when I take them.

I don't know but I figure that all of these pills, herbal or otherwise are properly discussed here.

What are folks thoughts?
I can think of a number of things but they're all scheduled iirc. 5-MeO(M/D)iPT and 2C-B are the first things that come to mind. But 2C-B and 5-MeO-DiPT got scheduled for that reason a long time ago and I'm pretty sure the MiPT is scheduled now as well. I can't really see how it couldn't be with 5-MeO-DMT and 5-MeO-DiPT both being scheduled. It really should have been covered under the analog act.
Maybe some more entactogenic cathinones?
Yohimbine is one of the common natural aphrodisiacs. I tried it once, just straight yohimbine bark powder, it kinda amped me up and definitely kicked the libido up a couple knotches. The whole thing felt weird to me though.
Yes but Yohimbine is legal and FDA approved , so selling them as a suplement should not be a problem

I know many formulations contain ephedra witch is not approved
I've had no herbal anything do anything to me but damage my wallet..I'm not saying there are herbs that don't enhance..I've just not had em.although I admit I've only tried herbal exctacy blends a few times..caffiene at best
i wonder how much is just in our heads...... in a psychology class i took we learned about a placebo program the gubment was using in Vietnam. Morphine was not morphine just sugar water or whatever.... in some cases. The soldiers knew that there was placebo morphine going around and they recognized it by its label. .... Well, during a fire fight a soldier has a leg shot out and pretty much blown off....... a medic comes with morphine and says" we got to get you out of here " and starts to prepare the shot... the soldier, in immense pain, says "fuck you man my legs shot off go find me some real morphine! thats bullshit!".... the medic cant pick the man up without his help, so he says " fine ill get some real morphine" .... soldier passes out cold and the medic goes off to find real morphine.... the soldier wakes up to a needle poking him and is instantly energized and ready to hobble, if not run, on a shot out leg. the medic helps him to the helicopter and the soldier thanks him for saving his life! "thank god you found that morphine! i would have never made it!" medic replies " i didnt find shit, you passed out and I had to wake you up, so i just shot you with the fake shit to get you moving!"
Ill be as bluntly honest here as possible: I'm 29 years old and by them time I was 23 my sex drive was declining. No problems with ED, but just a lack of desire. I've found that Macca root and horny goat weed ([FONT=arial, sans-serif]Epimedium) work well for me. The only side effect I've experienced is restlessness but it subsided after a few days. They are both safe, natural herbs and are relatively in expensive. IMO don't take a mystery pill that contains god knows what. [/FONT]
I forget if it's horney goat weed or yohimbie but one of them makes me salivate for 8-12 hours - Makes for great sex

Ever tryed 'Red Line energy drink' it's got all that stuff in it and is STRONG for a OTC
Yohhimbe stuff is great have used it a few times but one time it got me and my wife way to hot and our skin was real flush must have taken to much that evening :)

  • The whole thing felt weird to me though.
