Think I might get high for the first time tonight


Well-Known Member
My wife and I are having issues and all of her friends tell her that sex on weed is great so I got a friend of mine to get me some. She has always wanted to try it and I figured why the fuck not. I think I am going to pick up a pipe on the way home but I have no idea what the fuck I am doing.

Any tips?


Well-Known Member
I know this is a really dumb ass question but do you smoke like cigs or like cigars. I am a cigar smoker and I do not inhale, like I said we are both new at this.


Well-Known Member
Smoke them like weed. Take large hits and suck it down your throat into your stomache is the best way i can tell you lol.


Well-Known Member
smoke it like a cigerette just hold it in longer if your throat isent on fire when your done you didnt obvisouly smoke it right theres no reason anyone shouldnt get high their first time


Well-Known Member
well this guy used to be a pot head so I imagine this will be at least middle of the road shit. Do I pack the bowl tight or loose?


Well-Known Member
pack it good but dont jam it as hard as possible or the smoke wont be able to get down the pipe just fill the bowl press down a little and if theres room put more


Well-Known Member
Now I just have to convince my wife. We live out in the country with a pretty big back yard and have smokers around us (I think). So even if someone does smell it and call the PD they have a 45 minute response time when you call and go "OH MY GOD HE HAS A GUN NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO." So its not like they are going to come out there code 3 for a smell.

My buddy said a dime was enough for us for tonight, it that right? Also should I keep it dry if I have any extra or in my humidor?


Well-Known Member
keep it fresh in a bag the drier weed is the less good it is and dont worry about the police i smoke walking down the street with little kids like 8 years old , remember its not illegal to be high its illegal to have possession or intent to distribute it so smoke a couple bowls get high with your old lady and put the bag in the house they cant do shit even if they saw you smoking it and smelled it there not ganna break the door down for that, and a dime lasts me a couple hours and i smoke pretty much 24/7 if its your first time id say a week or less?


Well-Known Member
smoke like a cig, hold the hits in for 3 seconds though. all the thc content in the smoke is absorbed in your lungs in around 3 seconds, there's no need to hold it in longer than that. also, i would suggest smoking it out of a hookah. you'll get super blowed and save a shit load of money. one 5$ nug will last you the whole night. i can usually get about 20+ hits out of a 5$ nug in my hookah.


Well-Known Member
Break the bud up nicely. Pack the bowl. Take deep hits. Enjoy.
this is key, isolate the buds from the seeds & stems: smoke only the bud. surface area is the key to clean combustion - break up the buds with a grinder (you can probably buy one with the bowl), scissors, or coffee grinder (new one). Get the pipe if you've never rolled a joint before. It might take a minute to feel the buzz; don't rush, just relax & listen to some cool music. the mood will set itself.... if all goes to plan, it will heighten the pleasure for you both.


Well-Known Member
Now I just have to convince my wife. We live out in the country with a pretty big back yard and have smokers around us (I think). So even if someone does smell it and call the PD they have a 45 minute response time when you call and go "OH MY GOD HE HAS A GUN NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO." So its not like they are going to come out there code 3 for a smell.

My buddy said a dime was enough for us for tonight, it that right? Also should I keep it dry if I have any extra or in my humidor?

dont worry about it no one will cops for you smopking herb in your own country house backyard and even if they did cops have better shit to do than drive out there and bust you for a joint


Well-Known Member
Ok got my pipe and they sold me some screens, they could tell I was a TOBACCO newbie, lol. A lot of people tell me I look like a cop so I think I made the nervous. Anyways I got a real simple screw top pipe. I am still wondering if she will do it. I am going to get a few drinks in her at dinner and then see how it goes.

Also she will be worried about drug testing. Chances are good she will have to take one within the next few months if she plans on getting a job (she goes to school and I work.) She is concerned about hair tests, any truth that they can see back like a year with hair?


Well-Known Member
buy some synthetic urine have her warm it in microwave to body temp and tape to her leg nd wear a skirt then use that when she pees my gf does that all the time when they send you to the lab to dt


Well-Known Member
Sadly my friend could not come through tonight. The good thing is that I might be getting it today. The bad thing is I have to "watch" my 18 year old brother-in-law who has some serious mental health issues (the doctor tried to tell his mom it was because of his pot use.) So not only do I have to unload ALLLLLLLLLLLL guns (other than the one in my pocket) I have to lock up all knives and my pipe.

I want to get the shit before he gets here but honestly I think he will be able to tell I am high and I have no idea what I will do with it being the first time. I mean I can do cartwheels after 10 beers but I just don't know with ganja.


Well-Known Member
Sadly my friend could not come through tonight. The good thing is that I might be getting it today. The bad thing is I have to "watch" my 18 year old brother-in-law who has some serious mental health issues (the doctor tried to tell his mom it was because of his pot use.) So not only do I have to unload ALLLLLLLLLLLL guns (other than the one in my pocket) I have to lock up all knives and my pipe.

I want to get the shit before he gets here but honestly I think he will be able to tell I am high and I have no idea what I will do with it being the first time. I mean I can do cartwheels after 10 beers but I just don't know with ganja.
If you have to watch someone who is mentally deficient I wouldn't recommend getting blowed for your first time. You're going to be incredibly sleepy and feel somewhat disconnected. Your vision gets "cloudy" if you will (like when you get up too fast from your seat or bed--vertigo). That's the best way I can describe my first time getting high. The more you smoke the more that tones down though, and it just gets more and more awesome...


Well-Known Member
you should know that most people dont get hi the first time they smoke, it took me like 2 or 3 times doing it untill it finnaly hit me all at once.

get ready to giggle alot and get hungry

first time you get high what a glorious discovery:mrgreen:

but make sure you inhale it just like a breath, just like inhaling a cigerette

an if you dont get high the first time dont wonder if you are high, cuz when you get high you will know for sure so if you have to wonder if you are then your not and it hasnt worked yet

godspeed my friend