Why haven't African Americans assimilated into American culture...?

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It's only a little better now.

Dont believe me. next time you go to the grocery store stay back about 20 feet from your spouse and observe those around her
My real wifes half mexican, although when i hold my 24 year old sons hand in the mall we get some strange looks, im big and white and hes little and brown, for some reason he loves screwing with people.
My real wifes half mexican, although when i hold my 24 year old sons hand in the mall we get some strange looks, im big and white and hes little and brown, for some reason he loves screwing with people.

So if you know all this. WTF is with this quote?

Since we have so many experts how many here are black , mixed or in a mixed marriage?
I just like to know who understands this who really wants to understand this and the liberals who feel a great deal and do absolutely nothing, historically the democratic party has been pro slavery to this day.
Race is a sticky issue , anyone at anytime can play the race card, not just minorities anymore, again, thanking the left for that.
No, he's correct.

Cuba counts as South America because it falls into the "shitty armpit country, with piss poor education, abundant poverty and mass emigration" catagory.

Sorta like Coke-lumbia (keep making the white stuff tho, it's good on a special occasion)...

Cuba is Caribbean. Saying anythings else is foolish and wrong
So if you know all this. WTF is with this quote?
Nothing that i can see, i asked for credentials besides the bleeding heart kind, if someone hasnt lived it they really dont qualify to voice their opinion as expert.

Race in the U.S. is a complicated issue, the topic of slavery was brought up and i read some post that where off, history repeats itself over and over and if Africans really do trace their roots back to Egypt then they where in fact slave owners.
Blacks have been discriminated against in the past, perhaps even now, but by and large things are ran by the good ole boy network, weather they are black, white, mexican etc.

Blacks have assimilated into the American culture , unfortunately for many they only see the negative , dont think so? Look at the pictures from the civil rights movement before the radicals got involved, also look at how many white people marched[none of which are ever brought up ) Everyone dressed properly, the 60's screwed up whole generations not just blacks, morality , ethics all went out the window for instant gratification.
Its a great topic but one that cannot be painted easily with a broad stroke.
Yeah, seems like many biracial children i know only identify with their black side.
Then again lets face it, kids always gravitate to the easiest social set until they grow up, get beaten down by life or stay locked in an unproductive lifestyle for life.

Hip hop, rap all just entertainment, garbage really, only good for a laugh.

Never followed a fad in my life.

Never blindly followed anyone or anything either , black, white, hispanic, latino, latina, doesnt matter, our society is doomed
Yeah, seems like many biracial children i know only identify with their black side.
Then again lets face it, kids always gravitate to the easiest social set until they grow up, get beaten down by life or stay locked in an unproductive lifestyle for life.

Hip hop, rap all just entertainment, garbage really, only good for a laugh.

Never followed a fad in my life.

Never blindly followed anyone or anything either , black, white, hispanic, latino, latina, doesnt matter, our society is doomed

No...you had me until that last two words.....
No...you had me until that last two words.....
Sure it is, man thinks he is SOOOO smart, when in reality television was only invented 75 years ago.
We where born into a degrading world where people feed off each other, take advantage of each other and call it good business.
Our moral compass is broken , we cannot distinguish between right and wrong, entire generations raised by mtv, global catastrophes , global war and starvation, human slavery at an all time high, pffft, things are not getting better, the powers that be are just very, very good at distracting us, with baubles , interesting enough the Roman empire devoted over 3000 days a year to the games where they slaughtered humans and animals for entertainment ,homosexuality was rampant and then,,,,,poof,,,,gone,,,,just like we will be.
Sure it is, man thinks he is SOOOO smart, when in reality television was only invented 75 years ago.
We where born into a degrading world where people feed off each other, take advantage of each other and call it good business.
Our moral compass is broken , we cannot distinguish between right and wrong, entire generations raised by mtv, global catastrophes , global war and starvation, human slavery at an all time high, pffft, things are not getting better, the powers that be are just very, very good at distracting us, with baubles , interesting enough the Roman empire devoted over 3000 days a year to the games where they slaughtered humans and animals for entertainment ,homosexuality was rampant and then,,,,,poof,,,,gone,,,,just like we will be.

Shit man, 3000 days a year...
actually i did read it, and it CLEARLY states that even in the same "SES" blacks and chicanos are failing as parents to prepare their kids for school success, and thus they need MASSIVE NEW PROGRAMS to teach them how to raise their yardmonsters.

it further goes on to declare that the "white" parents dont need such help, and thus the MASSIVE NEW PROGRAMS should be "Tailored" to "Target" minority needs...

sounds like a racially targeted largely "SES" free exhortation for special giveaways to those poor unfortunate blacks who are failing, despite their white counterparts NOT failing.

but it's made by libtards so it cant be racist.

but then you didnt read it. thats why it is the blank page into which you can pour all your hopes and dreams.

Edit: since im 100% certain, given your commentary that you HAVE NOT READ the report you cited, ill slap up a few choice quotes, just for you.
ill try to make it less TLDR, out of understanding and sympathy for your intolerably short attention span:

"If parenting interventions are to narrow ethnic and racial school readiness gaps, they must meet one of several conditions.
First, effective interventions should be offered to proportionately more minority than nonminority families.
Second, even if programs were not provided to more minority than nonminority families, they could still reduce the racial gaps if they were more beneficial to black than white parents.
Third, even if parenting programs were not more effective for black and hispanic than white parents, they could still narrow ethnic and racial differences if they were more beneficial to mother with certain characteristics, such as being young or poorly educated, that are more prevalent among black and hispanic mothers than white mothers."
~ http://myboe.org/cognoti/content/fi...245e6c1381363c52213d1/markman__brooksgunn.pdf pg 16

"If parenting interventions benefit black and Hispanic parents more than white parents, they could reduce gaps in school readiness."
~ http://myboe.org/cognoti/content/fi...245e6c1381363c52213d1/markman__brooksgunn.pdf Pg 17

so really. even though you pasted this link with no commentary, obviously expecting everyone to decline to read it (as you did) and simply assume it must say all the good things your hearts could imagine, while nodding their heads wisely at your sagacity, you have failed.

you delivered up exactly the weapons needed to demonstrate the real racist nature of the leftist elite, through your own hubris.

good show. now why not tell us how smart you are again. i never get tired of hearing you boast of your brilliance as you put your shoes on the wrong feet and pick your nose with a salad fork.

why is it racist to recognize the racial gap in this country? centuries of unequal access to opportunity put it there and it will take decades to erase it.


"If parenting interventions are to narrow ethnic and racial school readiness gaps, they must meet one of several conditions.
First, effective interventions should be offered to proportionately more minority than nonminority families.
Second, even if programs were not provided to more minority than nonminority families, they could still reduce the racial gaps if they were more beneficial to black than white parents.
Third, even if parenting programs were not more effective for black and hispanic than white parents, they could still narrow ethnic and racial differences if they were more beneficial to mother with certain characteristics, such as being young or poorly educated, that are more prevalent among black and hispanic mothers than white mothers."
~ http://myboe.org/cognoti/content/fi...245e6c1381363c52213d1/markman__brooksgunn.pdf pg 16

This says nothing to prove a point in your favor.

"If parenting interventions benefit black and Hispanic parents more than white parents, they could reduce gaps in school readiness."
~ http://myboe.org/cognoti/content/fi...245e6c1381363c52213d1/markman__brooksgunn.pdf Pg 17

What good does cherry-picking quotes, and copy/pasting them out of context do? You really are retarded.

so really. even though you pasted this link with no commentary, obviously expecting everyone to decline to read it (as you did) and simply assume it must say all the good things your hearts could imagine, while nodding their heads wisely at your sagacity, you have failed.

I read it, that's why I posted it.
you delivered up exactly the weapons needed to demonstrate the real racist nature of the leftist elite, through your own hubris.

good show. now why not tell us how smart you are again. i never get tired of hearing you boast of your brilliance as you put your shoes on the wrong feet and pick your nose with a salad fork.

What in the shit are you talking about? You posted some quotes that show absolutely nothing, then you accuse me of being racist? Were you dropped on your head as a child?
This says nothing to prove a point in your favor.

it clearly states a desire for new racially targeted programs to try and close the "achievement gap" by throwing more taxpayers money at racially motivated target groups.

are you naturally stupid or do you have to work at tit?

What good does cherry-picking quotes, and copy/pasting them out of context do? You really are retarded.

that quote was Pre-Cherry-Picked by the authors, it is in a special little box with emphasis and a larger typeface and italics to ensure that it is the "takeaway message" for people who just skimmed it, or didnt even bother to read it at all.

I read it, that's why I posted it.
then you didnt understand it.

What in the shit are you talking about? You posted some quotes that show absolutely nothing, then you accuse me of being racist? Were you dropped on your head as a child?

you cited it, without any commentary, so i must assume you stand by it's conclusions, which are:
1 ) minorities deserve speical help regardless of "SES" because they are failing, even in relation to their non-minority counterparts in the same "SES" bracket.
2 ) programs should be tailored to exclude or avoid helping "whites" because they deserve to fall behind, thus making it easier for minorities to catch up.
3 ) Lowered Expectations will help minorities.
4 ) "SES" is a lie, its really about race and special racial set-asides.

read it again (for the first time) and see if you can catch the entirely NOT HIDDEN overt message
what's wrong or racist about ending the achievement gap?

nothing at all if it is a "rising tide that lifts all boats" but this citation is anything but that. it insists that there be special set-asides based on race, rather than need, and ethnicity rather than "SES".

it even goes so far as to hint that restricting "white" access to the desired programs would be a good thing, since it would be more "fair" to sabotage "white parents" than to allow some to succeed while minorities continue to fall behind.

even you cannot read that "report" without seeing the overt racist assumptions and conclusions which suggest that more "whites" failing is almost as good as fewer minorities falling behind.
nothing at all if it is a "rising tide that lifts all boats" but this citation is anything but that. it insists that there be special set-asides based on race, rather than need, and ethnicity rather than "SES".

it even goes so far as to hint that restricting "white" access to the desired programs would be a good thing, since it would be more "fair" to sabotage "white parents" than to allow some to succeed while minorities continue to fall behind.

even you cannot read that "report" without seeing the overt racist assumptions and conclusions which suggest that more "whites" failing is almost as good as fewer minorities falling behind.

i'm all for ending the achievement gap in any way that will end it, even if it makes a few dumbass "zero-summers" like you shout 'racist!'.

it is not a zero sum game. if blacks become more successful, it will not make whites any less successful.
i'm all for ending the achievement gap in any way that will end it, even if it makes a few dumbass "zero-summers" like you shout 'racist!'.

it is not a zero sum game. if blacks become more successful, it will not make whites any less successful.

thats not the conclusion of the cited report.

it clearly states that increasing "white" failure is almost as good as improving minority success.

and i am not a "zero summer" whatever you imagine that clumsy phrase to mean.

i suppose you are alluding to the common misconception that our economy is a Zero Sum Game, where every success is stolen from the hands of others, yet that is a common trope among leftists, democrats and Occupy-Tards, not conservatives.

conservatives believe in a level playing field, and that success comes from the individual's hard work, talent dedication and luck.

lefties believe in a tilted playing feild where advantages are doled out to the "deserving" (usually by race) and obstacles are placed in the path of the undeserving (again, usually by race).

that is the primary focus of the "War On Poverty", the "99%" horeshit, and the Occupy-Tards.
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