Why haven't African Americans assimilated into American culture...?

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there are still folks around who were denied their right to vote.

it wasn't that long ago.

so you are still angry about the 1968 democrat convention and throwing out the black delegates, when the republicans had embraced black delegates decades before?

nahhh, democrats wouldnt do that!

why thats 100% counter to the current meme!

it must be a conspiracy by history book writers and their ultra-right-wing publishers...
so you are still angry about the 1968 democrat convention and throwing out the black delegates, when the republicans had embraced black delegates decades before?

nahhh, democrats wouldnt do that!

why thats 100% counter to the current meme!

it must be a conspiracy by history book writers and their ultra-right-wing publishers...

only about 50 years too late to the party, kynes.

no wonder you're still fighting the cold war.

so a pointless graph that shows Poor People have Less Money Than Rich People, and a TLDR "study" about how blacks and chicanos are less adept at parenting than their white counterparts at the same "socio-economic status" level, and thus require much more RACIALLY TARGETED help in learning how to read to their children and stop cooking up Ghetto Lobster on the weekly...

brilliant. you clearly have a solid grip on what's goin down in america today.

because you copied a graph from "Popular Economics" (i guess "Idiot's Guide to Not Sounding So Stupid" was already taken.) and copied a study you didnt even read, from the Super Important Peer Reviewed Journal Of Record "Future of Children dot org"...

yep. sounds like you got all the answers. now if only you could remember the question.
only about 50 years too late to the party, kynes.

no wonder you're still fighting the cold war.

so, who was denied their right to vote and is still alive to bitch about it?

maybe some of the kids George Wallace (D) blocked from school while shouting "SEGREGATION FOREVER!"?

maybe some of the people who remember Al Gore Sr (D) trying to filibuster the civil rights act?

maybe some of the people lynched by the Klan, under the tutelage of Grand Dragon Robert Byrd (D)?
"america's judeo christian heritage and european identity must be defended from...immigrants, islam and blacks" - white supremacist j. philippe rushton

"defend REAL AMERICA from the multiculural wasteland of bullshit" - "dr" kynes.

anybody notice any similarities between these two statements?
so, who was denied their right to vote and is still alive to bitch about it?

maybe some of the kids George Wallace (D) blocked from school while shouting "SEGREGATION FOREVER!"?

maybe some of the people who remember Al Gore Sr (D) trying to filibuster the civil rights act?

maybe some of the people lynched by the Klan, under the tutelage of Grand Dragon Robert Byrd (D)?

still about 50 years too late to the party.

if you'd like more recent examples of the differences between the two parties, let's have that discussion.

we can discuss how rick santorum (R) does not want to help "blah" people.

or we can discuss how rawn pawl (R) believes that AIDS is a politically protected disease thanks to the payola and the influence of the homosexual lobby.

or we can discuss how newt gingrich (R) is perplexed at obama's rhythm rhythm basketball part time lots of rest rhythm basketball (is it really even a dog whistle at that point?)

or we can discuss how no one ever had to ask mitt romney (R) to see HIS birth certificate! (get it? it's funny because he enjoys white privilege. get it? funny, right?)

or we can discuss how michelle bachmann (R) thinks that obama is "waving a tar baby in the air" (what in the fuck does that even mean?).

do i even need to go on? should i go on to illustrate the point to the most embarrassing possible extent?
You did not answer the question but you did prove you know nothing about geography.
No, he's correct.

Cuba counts as South America because it falls into the "shitty armpit country, with piss poor education, abundant poverty and mass emigration" catagory.

Sorta like Coke-lumbia (keep making the white stuff tho, it's good on a special occasion)...
Since we have so many experts how many here are black , mixed or in a mixed marriage?
I just like to know who understands this who really wants to understand this and the liberals who feel a great deal and do absolutely nothing, historically the democratic party has been pro slavery to this day.
Race is a sticky issue , anyone at anytime can play the race card, not just minorities anymore, again, thanking the left for that.
No, he's correct.

Cuba counts as South America because it falls into the "shitty armpit country, with piss poor education, abundant poverty and mass emigration" catagory.

Sorta like Coke-lumbia (keep making the white stuff tho, it's good on a special occasion)...

The powder you get is cut down dramatically. Gringos would die if they got their hands on the quality sold here.
You did not answer the question but you did prove you know nothing about geography.

so, cuba is not part of "South America"?

well i think maybe you should check a map.

it's sout of the US and definitely part of the spansh speaking zone.

next youll claim britain and eirland arent part of europe, and madagascar isnt an african nation.

you really are as stupid as your name makes you sound El Papanatas.

now wheres my Taco?

and this time dont skimp on the rattus norvegicus, you beige savage.
so, cuba is not part of "South America"?

well i think maybe you should check a map.

it's sout of the US and definitely part of the spansh speaking zone.

next youll claim britain and eirland arent part of europe, and madagascar isnt an african nation.

you really are as stupid as your name makes you sound El Papanatas.

now wheres my Taco?

and this time dont skimp on the rattus norvegicus, you beige savage.

South America begins at the Darien Gap. Nothing you say will convince the rest of the world otherwise.
South America begins at the Darien Gap. Nothing you say will convince the rest of the world otherwise.

yeah, you just keep wearing that south american border lower and lower, like a prison bitch's trousers.

before long everywhere will be north america, except tierra del fuego and guatamala

guatamala is always an exception. nobody likes guatties. but hey, at least you colombians have SOMEBODY to look down on.
Since we have so many experts how many here are black , mixed or in a mixed marriage?
I just like to know who understands this who really wants to understand this and the liberals who feel a great deal and do absolutely nothing, historically the democratic party has been pro slavery to this day.
Race is a sticky issue , anyone at anytime can play the race card, not just minorities anymore, again, thanking the left for that.
Mixed marriage here. Thanks for playing
Just trying to figure out the players , 1985 was not a good year to be in a mixed marriage in Louisville Kentucky, nice to meet ya

It's only a little better now.

Dont believe me. next time you go to the grocery store stay back about 20 feet from your spouse and observe those around her
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