Mohican's 2013 Season with Compost, SS, and EWC

hey does anyone know where i can get like 4 or 5 two gallon airtight jars? need them a.s.a.p. was going to order them but forgot and screwed myself. lol.
I am drawing a blank... You can get gallon cans at the paint store. A restaurant or food truck might have some empty glass jars.
Here is today's garden tour. We will start with a couple pictures of the dried Ace of Spades #6 in a TGA jar and progress outside to the MulanjeButternut, Scott's #2, then the North garden - Malawi, MuMoBG, AOS&MB Clones, and finish with Mulanje #1.

I gave the clones and the MulanjeButternut some Bloom Guano and sugars today. We will see if the flowers show any change in growth.



Scott's OMG #2:

North Garden:




MB #4:

AOS #6:

Mulanje #1:

I think that is it!

No burnt tips this year! I am getting betterer!
I haven't seen a burnt tip in mine either, but then again I haven't since providing an alternate source of fresh water to draw from if they find it too hot to pull h20 from soil then her bottom roots can just get pure h20 from reservoir.

Actually tested this with 4 different different containers in PHOGS. One as SS recipe called subcool's recipe called for, another had a TLO)(true living organics) container per the Rev's recipe which included manure above the bottom layer of another heavy Nitration source. The third container and fourth was a recipe in which I took Sub's combing with Rev (Rev's had all Sub's plus other sources of organic nutrients) by adding what Rev had that was not on Subs. So Sub's +Rev additional items I adjusted in a way to ensure I had a balance between fast release sources and long release sources of same nutrients and by overall classification of nutrients this recipe ended up being about 1.5x stronger by amount of nutrients added to base of peat moss, perlite and EWC. Cooked it and instead of using subcool's bottom 25 percent super soil upper Roots organic or Rev's layered style of add nutrients all that was done for pots 3 and 4 was mix this with SS combination of sub and rev nutrient sources for pot 3 with 3/4 roots organics 1/4 super soil and pot 4 them same except a 1.1 ration 50% SSCOMBO mixed with roots organics.

So what were the results for these two? Nutrient Burn Not! the one mixed at 50% she had a few white tips and was the best producer of the bunch, outgrew a plant that was weeks older as well(sub's style and revs layer) the 3rd one with 25% mixed with roots organic she was even younger too then the one in sub's soil and same age as one in rev's layered. That one out grew rev's layered not white tips and caught up with the older one in sub's super soil.

Anywise that is the empirical data I have. It seems to me you can really got hot and get away with it using a passive watering system that is pure h20.

I grew Malawi indoors in a ScrOG and it worked great except for my noob problems - should be fine. I topped the shit out of the Mulanje and it is going great!

I used 100% SS in the AOS #6 pot and I did not get any burnt tips or fading!? All of the 50/50 pots faded heavily. I have noticed that the Malawi, which is essentially growing under the AOS #6 pot is showing some minor yellowing on its tips. The AOS #6 clone is growing in 100% ProMix with supplemented Neptune's Harvest and it is showing a nice fade.
I grew Malawi indoors in a ScrOG and it worked great except for my noob problems - should be fine. I topped the shit out of the Mulanje and it is going great!

I used 100% SS in the AOS #6 pot and I did not get any burnt tips or fading!? All of the 50/50 pots faded heavily. I have noticed that the Malawi, which is essentially growing under the AOS #6 pot is showing some minor yellowing on its tips. The AOS #6 clone is growing in 100% ProMix with supplemented Neptune's Harvest and it is showing a nice fade.

Just planted the Malawi beans, been so long since I started from seed almost forgot how...haven't even seen a live male in almost a year.

Hmm, interesting results on the different blends...particularly the Promix plus Neptune. Both products are low in NPK yet good results. Some say LR sativa strains don't care to be pushed with nutes, yet your results were not necessarily the case.
Here are the curled tips from last year:

Big Clone in trashcan:

Mainlined Mulanje in Uncooked SuperSoil:

I was late in the season when I learned about SS so I just ran it fresh. I also thought the pale leaves on the BC were from N deficiency. The Big plant in the ground did much better.

This year I got to try Mainlining and proper SS. I also go some more smart pots. I even tried light deprivation! It worked on the MuMo but caused a reveg on the Mulanje #1. Almost tossed her. Then decided what the hell! She is doing great now :)
Here is today's garden tour. We will start with a couple pictures of the dried Ace of Spades #6 in a TGA jar and progress outside to the MulanjeButternut, Scott's #2, then the North garden - Malawi, MuMoBG, AOS&MB Clones, and finish with Mulanje #1.

I gave the clones and the MulanjeButternut some Bloom Guano and sugars today. We will see if the flowers show any change in growth.



Scott's OMG #2:

North Garden:




MB #4:

AOS #6:

Mulanje #1:

I think that is it!


Love the stalky Mulanjes. So beautiful.
Garden is doing fine. I am still debating whether to start cutting holes and running electricity in my room or just go ahead and build a grow room in the North Garden area.

I cleaned out the cupboard to see what it looks like. The buckets are just there for scale:

Here is a macro of the Scott's OG #2 in the shade:

Garden is doing fine. I am still debating whether to start cutting holes and running electricity in my room or just go ahead and build a grow room in the North Garden area.

I cleaned out the cupboard to see what it looks like. The buckets are just there for scale:

Here is a macro of the Scott's OG #2 in the shade:

damn dude. you should vertical scrog the walls of that thing with a couple 600s. :) looking at the height you have to work with kinda gave me a chubby. haha.