Obamacare: Worste Thing Since Slavery

I always feel like Iv achieved something great when I get one of my posts deleted

Ok, so just for context, is the "B" word for Mexicans like the "N" word for black people in America?

I thought it was like "Paddy" for Irish or "Yank" for Americans but have since recieved a warning for it from Rollie.

And just to be clear...calling people paedophiles, wishing cancer on people, making homophobic slurs, saying n1gg€r or insulting the place a person is from are ok, repeatedly, but one word used as a joke gets a warning?

Thats bullshit, IMO, especially considering I'm probably one of only a few people here who is genuinely not racist.
Get the hell off my thread with your stupid Nancy Pelosi Bulls#!t. If this is how you want to play it, next time you start a thread don't hope for things to go well.

if you can ruin a thread and choose not to, you're a deadbeat.

that website that hosts the thread you're making, you didn't build that.
Ok, so just for context, is the "B" word for Mexicans like the "N" word for black people in America?

I thought it was like "Paddy" for Irish or "Yank" for Americans but have since recieved a warning for it from Rollie.

And just to be clear...calling people paedophiles, wishing cancer on people, making homophobic slurs, saying n1gg€r or insulting the place a person is from are ok, repeatedly, but one word used as a joke gets a warning?

Thats bullshit, IMO, especially considering I'm probably one of only a few people here who is genuinely not racist.

paddy can be racist. And i am sorry if I have ever offended you with the stupid Irish Crap I have posted.
so your ideal form of social interaction is a Mexican Standoff?


No. My ideal society involves the application and adherence to the non-initiation of aggression principle as a "societal norm". This principle does not recognize anybodies right to initiate aggression against another or their justly acquired property etc.. It does recognize everyones right to repel aggression and self defense.

A society that embraces or has it's population FORCED INTO a system involving a coercive monopoly as the final arbiter to achieve "freedom" is oxymoronic. That would be just about all of the present forms of governance used, none of which do much to protect individual freedom.

Your refusal to read some books has you casting around in the dark trying to pigeonhole what I believe in. At least you didn't write about smurfs this time. I believe there is very little substantive difference between any of the types of coercive governments in the sense that NONE of them recognize the individuals right to pursue peaceful activities they may want to do without "permission" or facing some kind of authoritarian bullshit, fine, jail or death threats.

The idea that a mexican standoff would automatically be the result of a truly free society might be a hasty jump to a conclusion on your part.
The US civil war was the last time US soldiers fought for their country. Every conflict since then could have been avoided.

That all depends. Some people think that keeping persons in a "UNION" against their will was an act of treason by the Union forces and federal government. If the United States was a real voluntary union of independent states, it is logical to assume that a state could leave the Union. If the ability to disassociate is blocked the principles of freedom have been rejected.
That all depends. Some people think that keeping persons in a "UNION" against their will was an act of treason by the Union forces and federal government. If the United States was a real voluntary union of independent states, it is logical to assume that a state could leave the Union. If the ability to disassociate is blocked the principles of freedom have been rejected.

Awesome Idea

Would come in handy if we were ever invaded

My state could leave the Union and side with the enemy