And then I put some Hotsause in it!

High CBD pheno with a kick of THC to boot about 13 days left.

proudly whoring this bud shot everywhere :)
Just on my thread actually..
It's watering night for the Flo Scouts girls in my room tonight, so with me having a working SD card and all, I will make sure to snap some pics of the sisters by themselves :bigjoint: , off for a vape of Purple Jones and my morning tea, have a wonderful Monday everyone.

**EDIT to add the pic** Flo Scout Cookies are in the front.


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Nice looking girl there Azhden. Whats she smell like? These SQ x TW have me so excited. Im seeing a nice amount of frost on Both and they still both have amazing smells. The cherry is my favorite so far and seems to put off the most frost but its been a while since i had a strain that actually smelled like strawberries so im excited :D


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Best I can describe it is "sweet" almost like some "sugar cookies"... I might have to scrap this grow tho, it seems it's my turn to get the dreaded Spider Mites in my room... I will battle them for a few days to a week, if no progress happens I will start from scratch... really sucks when I just started to fill the room with some good clones too :cry:

Must have angered the Gods/Goddesses recently :twisted:
What stage are they at Azh?

I had an imaginary mite problem, in which I researched many topics on the subject..

First and foremost, I would get a shop-vac with a tiny attachment like so...

Attack them lil fucks with that... Garlic train gave me the idea, and it's pretty fucking brilliant means of fighting them off organically...

Of course this is contingent upon the progression of them.

I had a single” speckled” leaf, and went bezerker with the shop vac and have not seen anything further.
I an now vaccing the tent floor every 12 hours and along all the folds and nooks cranny' tent is fucking immaculate, I'd gladly eat dinner off the floor in there (prolly not ha!)

But, in my panic... I saw two products that appeared to have positive results without the pest returning..

Liquid Lady Bug (Organic) kills them fucks dead and toxicity levels dissipate in 45 minutes..

Mighty Wash (don't think its organic)...but haven't seen one bad review about either of these products..

I hope you can save the grow as you is rocking it!!
Good luck brother Azh
I would guess my infestation is in the "Oh shit" stage :lol: . But seriously, it is fairly far along (but should still be savable), I was able to see webs on the girl and she was in the far corner of my tent :shock: ... Everything was sprayed with my home recipe (tent included)... if it wasn't night time and the grow tent wasn't in my closet, I would attack everything with the vac, but the wife is sleeping... so that's a "bad idea" :twisted: . The last few times I had to fight these f*ckers off, I was lucky to do so with Home Made sprays (some soapy water, and then a Garlic/Cayenne/Anise tea spray usually did the trick)... but I keep reading on these "Super Mites" aka 'The Borg' and I just hope I don't have those beasts... as that's a battle I don't feel like getting into :roll: .

A few days of Azh at war should be all that's needed... I really don't want to start over... but sometimes "it is, what it is"... I'm off to :joint: a fatty, then off to spray some more... Hope you all have a great night... I on the other hand, will have a busy one.
I will be fighting these bastards until Fri it looks... that is the earliest day I will be able to get some Neem... Hope to keep the numbers down by using Diatomaceous Earth, Soapy Water, and my home made insecticide mix... I will be washing my plants and grow room daily until Fri... then it's Neem time, if that doesn't help any... I am starting from scratch early/mid next week... From now on, my plants/room will get treated for bugs every week or so, even if nothing is in sight... "better safe than sorry" from this day forward :twisted:
I will be fighting these bastards until Fri it looks... that is the earliest day I will be able to get some Neem... Hope to keep the numbers down by using Diatomaceous Earth, Soapy Water, and my home made insecticide mix... I will be washing my plants and grow room daily until Fri... then it's Neem time, if that doesn't help any... I am starting from scratch early/mid next week... From now on, my plants/room will get treated for bugs every week or so, even if nothing is in sight... "better safe than sorry" from this day forward :twisted:
Hey AZ, we have neem if you need some, you aren't spraying neem on your girls with flowers are you?
Hey AZ, we have neem if you need some, you aren't spraying neem on your girls with flowers are you?

Neem will be for the base of the plants so they don't crawl back up as fast (I usually soak a sponge in some soapy neem water and wrap around the 'trunk' of the plant). I used a similar regime against these bastards years ago, no ill effects on the flowers in the end :mrgreen: . Thanks for 'looking out' Rae :bigjoint:
Neem will be for the base of the plants so they don't crawl back up as fast (I usually soak a sponge in some soapy neem water and wrap around the 'trunk' of the plant). I used a similar regime against these bastards years ago, no ill effects on the flowers in the end :mrgreen: . Thanks for 'looking out' Rae :bigjoint:
yep, you still got my number? If so just call or text if you want to swing by. Will be out tomorrow afternoon.
Mighty wash works well the down side is its expensive and you really need to spray every 3-4 days to keep killing those suckers. It's a battle keep up the fight I know you can kill them.
A master grower once told me the only way to get rid of mites is to burn down your house and rebuild...
This is not the case and most often mites take hold in gardens lacking in preventative maintenance. Here is my commercial knockdown tactics for all bugs and mold in the cannabis garden, shhhh don't tell anybody it's a secret ;)

from the aerocloner/dome clone once rooted: dip foliage in eagle 20 (2ml/gal h2o) and abamectin spc.15ec /avid (2ml/gal h2o). Can use every 5 days until plants are deemed quarantined cleaned throughout veg.
Best results are obtained while alternating with tetrasan 5wdg miticide/ovicide (1/2tsp/gal h2o), spinosad (4tbsp/gal h2o), neem, azidiractin, and lactic acid.

Approx 1wk into veg root drench your plants with IMID known as Mallet 75 (1tsp/10gal h20) or Mallet 2f (1-2.5ml/gal h2o). Give a light flush (low ppm feed) after root drenching so not to stress the plants. Can root drench with IMID 3-4 times in veg depending on time, NOT to be used less than 60 days before harvest.

Make sure to use each product at least twice to build up the plants resistance. A few of these products are non organic carcinogenic systemic chemicals but this is the safest smartest way to successfully grow commercially provided you use said products properly. Always use an organic vapor respirator and wear full tyvek suits with chemical resistant gloves and booties whenever you foliar or fog... may be overkill for the home grower but it has saved me mega $$$ over the years.

also shop vac'n is a great way to rid mites without spraying or fogging a damn thing! again this can be a major pain if you're just about to flip into 12/12 but if you have 2 weeks to finish shop vac'n insures seeing a healthy finish without compromising quality.
So far no sight of any more bugs in my room, but today should be another day of the "breeding/hatching" cycle so I will have to be on top of things today :twisted: .

Watering the girls last night (was too tired to take pics also, sorry), I was rubbing and smelling the FSCs... 1 still hasn't changed the smell at all, still sweet and sugary... like "cookies"... and the other one decided she wanted to add some Lavender to the mix! Oh my goodness it smells sooooo damn good now!

I wonder how Lavender Cookies will taste when I add some Cherry 47 to her :bigjoint: (yes, I used a male AK47, smells of cherry/earthy goodness when rubbed; he was used to dust my flowering girls this round)... Didn't mean to cross FSC with AK47, but while I was dusting CBx, C99, and Mazar-I, I figured "what the hell" and let him do his thing with the rest of the group too :mrgreen:

I'm expecting to add some Cherry Flavors and a faster flowering time to all the girls (the AK was always finished in ~52 days)... also AK can take a beating and come back asking for more... all good things to add into any strain :bigjoint:

I might take some pics tonight while I have the girls out for the spray down for Mites... all depends on how I feel so no promises :lol:


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This is what the man sent me. Excited.

Sent from my HTC One X using Rollitup mobile app


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Hey all been awhile since we posted updates from our SauseFactory seeds. Good news, three beans popped all are female. We up potted them today and they will be making it into flower in the next week or so. They have not been topped yet, we were waiting to sex them. From left to right (trying to remember) 1 - SQxTW, 2 - GhostxTW, 3 - FSC.
Looking good Rae. I hope those ladies put off some impressive bud. Are you getting any interesting smells of them when rubbing the stems? Today is Day 40 in my garden I am going to pull everything out and do a nice cleaning of my tent. Then I will take some close ups of both my girls.