heelp! sudden decline in flowering - worsening cupping, yellowing, thinning, indoors


New Member

growing 10 ladies indoors.
7.5 gal pots
"strawberry dragon" or something
started with a great balance of soil, nutrients, good drainage, etc etc everything was great

been flowering for several weeks. things were going awesome. no problems to be seen. water comes from a well with good pH. adding FF bloom nutes every other watering or so... and then...

things got bad over a weekend. the plants are stunted. little to no new growth. cupping, yellowing, spotting, drying.

i quit nutes. started flushing w/clean water sometimes twice a day. things are getting worse. thought it was nutriet or chem burn? maybe from a dirty bucket but...

can't pinpoint what's happening and how it started so fast. here are some pics. sorry for the "n00b" post and whatever but i've been reading up on deficiencies and nothing is exactly right. maybe thats the point - it's a lot of things? but the FF nutes had those things.,...

is it an air problem? wouldn't that have prevented them from being so huge and beautiful up until now? that's a question that comes after each answer - how could they have grown so big and beautiful and then look deathly if the problem had always been there -- i.e. air ciruclation, drainage, etc?20131015_145005.jpg20131015_145023.jpg20131015_145047.jpg20131015_145055.jpg
Normally when I get chem burn is comes in as splotches in my leaves, yours just looks like the ends are drying up and it's dying. What are your temps in your grow room? It looks like your plant(s) are frying to me but I'm not 100%


Well-Known Member
Hmmm. On the one hand it looks a lot like heat burn. However, when that's happened to me it didn't happen throughout the entire plant but was mostly concentrated up top. What are the temps in the space? Did you change the light? Swap out an old bulb a new one? Anything like that?


Well-Known Member
NPK of what you are feeding them? I used their bulb food on my previous grow, exclusively, which has a low dose of nitrogen and they eventually looked like yours.


Active Member
I have same problem right now, only i have the plants outdoors. It was raining few days and after two dry days fan leaves on the plants dryed out just like yours. Have you maybe overwatered them?


10-13-13 (2).jpg10-13-13 (3).jpg10-08-13 (4).jpg10-13-13 (5).jpgthis has happen with My White-Rhino why it Happened Cause my Brother decide to spray the plant & Leaves with Water & Miracle-Grow a few times which to much Nute's and it started to look like that On the leaves & burnt He an Idiot Stupid its a No Noo Now I am just needing the plane Clean water & flushing it Before the plant was fine I started in July we in October the flowering & formation of the Bud still looking good & its getting Stinky & Skunky Smell its getting Stronger.!! Final Stages of Flowering :weed:tumblr_mqleewiazj1r4ckmfo1_500.png