thanks, obama

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
Did the Op finally post pictures of him sucking The One's penis like promised? Otherwise I think this thread is spam.


New Member
Hate us becouse wear screwing around in countrys we have no business in
Not entirely true regarding the Saudis... The US made that deal back in the '30s with California-Arabian Standard Oil which is now known as Saudi Aramco...

Sleeping with the Devil: How Washington Sold Our Soul for Saudi Crude

“Saudi Arabia is more and more an irrational state—a place that spawns global terrorism even as it succumbs to an ancient and deeply seated isolationism, a kingdom led by a royal family that can’t get out of the way of its own greed. Is this the fulcrum we want the global economy to balance on?”


Well-Known Member
That has nothing to do with who the president is. Obama did nothing to cause that.

Thanking Obama is like thanking Stalin for a happy life--inane.
It would actually be more true to say this has happened in spite of, not because of Obama. I get the feeling that Buck spouts the lies like this to get a rise, not because he thinks anyone believes him. Either that, or he's really stupid.


Well-Known Member
coal jobs are up.

thanks, obama!
on paper it appears that coal jobs are up. but im from wva. and im here to tell you now that mines have closed doors and production is slowing rapidly. I know of atleast 15 people who lost their jobs this year. maybe 1500 new jobs to replace the 1500 that lost theirs.


Well-Known Member
on paper it appears that coal jobs are up. but im from wva. and im here to tell you now that mines have closed doors and production is slowing rapidly. I know of atleast 15 people who lost their jobs this year. maybe 1500 new jobs to replace the 1500 that lost theirs.
So, I say....Eggs are now 1/2 price!! You say, yeah but, there may be a broken one....,.wha??


Well-Known Member
on paper it appears that coal jobs are up. but im from wva. and im here to tell you now that mines have closed doors and production is slowing rapidly. I know of atleast 15 people who lost their jobs this year. maybe 1500 new jobs to replace the 1500 that lost theirs.
maybe you should try publishing your own stats, like workforce WV does.

because what good are statewide stats when there is your limited, anecdotal worldview to contend with?


Well-Known Member
It would actually be more true to say this has happened in spite of, not because of Obama.
you would say the same thing about any good news that happens under obama.

you would say the same thing about any good news that happens under obama even if he personally orders and directs it to happen, and then it does.

you guys have lost your credibility a long time ago and have been letting your collective racism get in your way for a long time now.

domestic energy production is at an all time high under obama's leadership.

thanks, obama.


Well-Known Member
you would say the same thing about any good news that happens under obama.

you would say the same thing about any good news that happens under obama even if he personally orders and directs it to happen, and then it does.

you guys have lost your credibility a long time ago and have been letting your collective racism get in your way for a long time now.

domestic energy production is at an all time high under obama's leadership.

thanks, obama.
Republicans: No he didnt the seals got him


Well-Known Member
Obama did not biuld that

I really think any positive is a collective just as any failure is. Collective one, yes certain parties play bigger roles

But as a process the give and take from either side shape our future

Give up your tranny-partisain crap

We...the collective we accomplish and fail together

Stop trying to devide us


Well-Known Member
Obama did not biuld that

I really think any positive is a collective just as any failure is. Collective one, yes certain parties play bigger roles

But as a process the give and take from either side shape our future

Give up your tranny-partisain crap

We...the collective we accomplish and fail together

Stop trying to devide us
Nope, this is RIU politics. You MUST be intensely and shamelessly partisan. Any remotely positive occurence is completely thanks to your party of choice. Any negatives are blamed 100% on the other side. You are not here to discuss different views, you are here to tell everyone you are right. If anyone disagrees, they are a racist (if you're liberal) or a commie (if you're conservative).

It is truly a beautiful thing!

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Obama did not biuld that

I really think any positive is a collective just as any failure is. Collective one, yes certain parties play bigger roles

But as a process the give and take from either side shape our future

Give up your tranny-partisain crap

We...the collective we accomplish and fail together

Stop trying to devide us

Oh shit "we" spelled divide wrong. Damn I hate it when we do that.