Eagle 20 ew - serious concerns, even in veg

So I made the terrible decision to spray my plants with eagle 20, about week 2 to 3 of flower. After harvest, I smoked some, being a sativa I expected a good head buzz, however I felt it quite overwhelming. So about an hour later I began to notice a headache and slight nausea. I began to realize that I might be slightly poisoned. So I decided to give it one last try before scrapping the entire pound, I took the tiniest hit at the bottom of the bowl and had an immediate panic attack. Still clinging to hope that this was simply an incredibly strong sativa I waited for it to pass and began to look further into this eagle 20, and read that it can have a narcotic effect as well as being carcinogenic. For the next couple days I felt slightly poisoned, and honestly kinda like I was having a dirty trip feeling. So I got new clones, treated them with Eagle20 once when I first got them, then vegged them for 3 MONTHS, now it is week 3 of flowering, i took a small bud and smoked it, got the expected head buzz from the unripe trichomes, but still something felt wrong. So here I am, it is the next day and I have a very similar, but slightly less potent, feeling as i did when i smoked the obviously eagle-laced bud. How the hell can this group of chems still be active after over 120 days from the last application? I will never use this stuff again, even the by-products seem to be very poisonous when combusted and Id like to hear from others that they have use this during veg and smoked the finished buds without any obvious side effects
pull up a pesticide label of the product on google. the label will tell all side effects, etc. GL
Thanks for the reply, Im hoping someone who has used Eagle successfully will chime in here, Im reading lot of posts of ppl praising this shit, and im curious if anyone else has had a similar experience
Don't think it was the eagle. Spray mine last week of veg for years now. And my side affects r from years of smoking that og kush. Things like slight retardation, always laughing, things like that. But I feel if your using eagle 20 correctly it's fine.
It's simple... If you aren't comfortable using it (clearly you aren't), THEN DON'T USE IT.

Eagle 20 is really nasty shit. It's not even legal to sell in California. I'm seriously disgusted by the number of people who use that crap. The more I learn about it, the more disgusted I get...

Eagle is the "solution" for lazy-ass growers who can't trouble themselves with growing strong, healthy plants or maintaining an organic pest/disease control program.

I don't even smoke bud grown by strangers these days because it's safe to assume it's been hit with Avid and/or Eagle. YUCK! None for me, thank you....
It's simple... If you aren't comfortable using it (clearly you aren't), THEN DON'T USE IT.

Eagle 20 is really nasty shit. It's not even legal to sell in California. I'm seriously disgusted by the number of people who use that crap. The more I learn about it, the more disgusted I get...

Eagle is the "solution" for lazy-ass growers who can't trouble themselves with growing strong, healthy plants or maintaining an organic pest/disease control program.

I don't even smoke bud grown by strangers these days because it's safe to assume it's been hit with Avid and/or Eagle. YUCK! None for me, thank you....
There's worse shit being sprayed on that shit food your eating. Fuck your getting more toxic crap driving that commute drive u drive to your shitty job. And all that wine u and your wife drink, yea that's all organic. Lazy growers!!! U dumb fuck, wake up!!!
I definitely think your tripping. I use myclobutanil on clones and have had no effects unless you count 0 pm. I would definitely not use it in late flower but if you use it correctly it should be safe. using it 6 weeks from harvest probably isn't good for you but it's not going to make you sick. btw 6 weeks + 3-4 weeks dry/cure time, you should be good.
There's worse shit being sprayed on that shit food your eating. Fuck your getting more toxic crap driving that commute drive u drive to your shitty job. And all that wine u and your wife drink, yea that's all organic. Lazy growers!!! U dumb fuck, wake up!!!

Thats why I eat organic food (much of it home grown), drink organic wine, and take the train to work (I'm a registered professional engineer). I think YOU are the one that needs to wake up. I'm doing just fine over here.
It's simple... If you aren't comfortable using it (clearly you aren't), THEN DON'T USE IT.

Eagle 20 is really nasty shit. It's not even legal to sell in California. I'm seriously disgusted by the number of people who use that crap. The more I learn about it, the more disgusted I get...

Eagle is the "solution" for lazy-ass growers who can't trouble themselves with growing strong, healthy plants or maintaining an organic pest/disease control program.

I don't even smoke bud grown by strangers these days because it's safe to assume it's been hit with Avid and/or Eagle. YUCK! None for me, thank you....
eagle 20 (the brand) is not sold in california, but the active ingredient (Myclobutanil) is. agreed with not smoking other ppls weed, you never know if some dirty hippy type is spraying bat shit and milk all over it. you could be inhaling tons of ecoli and mold spores.
Don't think it was the eagle. Spray mine last week of veg for years now. And my side affects r from years of smoking that og kush. Things like slight retardation, always laughing, things like that. But I feel if your using eagle 20 correctly it's fine.

Agree, last week of veg and the "using it correctly" bit.

Way too many feel that 3-4x the recc dosage will work 3-4x better and wonder why shit happens.

Well I suppose its good to hear that some plz have had success with it, I used about 2 to at most 3 ml per gallon, perhaps i overdid it but the activ ingredients dont chang, the half-lives of the molecules dont change, so I guess I could have been trippin intially but that doesnt explain my 3 days of misery that started as soon as i smoked the bowl.

Anyway, I guess just a cautonary tale that this stuff can still be active after a few months, this is all anecdotal,not exactly a peer reviewed study but it did happen, and the msds is foreboding at best
The half life doesn't change, but... That only tells you how long it takes for HALF of it to degrade. If you start with a double-strength dose, you still have the equivalent of a regular-strength dose of chemical left after the "half life" has passed.

You guys always bring up the half life, and throw out numbers like 2 weeks, 28 days, whatever it is... So I ask you this. If the chemical is "gone" after whatever length of time you pick, how does a single spray of myclobutanil on a young clone prevent mildew for it's entire 2-3 month lifespan? Is the single spray magically protecting your plant telepathically? Nope... The chemical is still there.
The half life doesn't change, but... That only tells you how long it takes for HALF of it to degrade. If you start with a double-strength dose, you still have the equivalent of a regular-strength dose of chemical left after the "half life" has passed.

You guys always bring up the half life, and throw out numbers like 2 weeks, 28 days, whatever it is... So I ask you this. If the chemical is "gone" after whatever length of time you pick, how does a single spray of myclobutanil on a young clone prevent mildew for it's entire 2-3 month lifespan? Is the single spray magically protecting your plant telepathically? Nope... The chemical is still there.
Single spray does it, kills the powder mold. Pm is gone cuz one sprayed and got rid of it when sprayed. Still confused why U don't understand this. Ok one has pm, they spray the eagle. The eagle beats the pm. Now u have no more pm.
The part that doesn't add up is that your room is still full of spores since your plant had it, and you have fans blowing that shit all over the place. Yet somehow your plants don't get reinfected for a full 2-3 months. People spray the Eagle on plants that don't have PM, and it "magically" protects them for 2-3 months. PM spores are everywhere, and yet plants sprayed with Eagle don't get infected by them, no matter that it's been months since they've been sprayed. That just doesn't add up.

I'm done here. You can't teach a closed mind.

Carry on...
The part that doesn't add up is that your room is still full of spores since your plant had it, and you have fans blowing that shit all over the place. Yet somehow your plants don't get reinfected for a full 2-3 months. People spray the Eagle on plants that don't have PM, and it "magically" protects them for 2-3 months. PM spores are everywhere, and yet plants sprayed with Eagle don't get infected by them, no matter that it's been months since they've been sprayed. That just doesn't add up.

I'm done here. You can't teach a closed mind.

Carry on...
Oh, that's because when people need eagle and use it. It's a pretty wise move to clean the fuck out your room. But u already know this. I think u do.
The half life doesn't change, but... That only tells you how long it takes for HALF of it to degrade. If you start with a double-strength dose, you still have the equivalent of a regular-strength dose of chemical left after the "half life" has passed.

You guys always bring up the half life, and throw out numbers like 2 weeks, 28 days, whatever it is... So I ask you this. If the chemical is "gone" after whatever length of time you pick, how does a single spray of myclobutanil on a young clone prevent mildew for it's entire 2-3 month lifespan? Is the single spray magically protecting your plant telepathically? Nope... The chemical is still there.
Well I suppose its good to hear that some plz have had success with it, I used about 2 to at most 3 ml per gallon, perhaps i overdid it but the activ ingredients dont chang, the half-lives of the molecules dont change, so I guess I could have been trippin intially but that doesnt explain my 3 days of misery that started as soon as i smoked the bowl.

Anyway, I guess just a cautonary tale that this stuff can still be active after a few months, this is all anecdotal,not exactly a peer reviewed study but it did happen, and the msds is foreboding at best

Here is the info from the DOW pdf.

http://www.cdms.net/ldat/mp6DG001.pdf said:
Stability in water (Half-life) = < 165 Days - Atmospheric half-life = 7.6 Hours

Maybe you over-sprayed and got a bunch of shite in your soil/water