thanks, obama

ok..... now how is this Obama's doing....or is it just a cream rises to the top thing and hes figure head leader and gets the kudos

i voted for kang
Did you see that Metal of Honor ceremony today? A Capt. running back in a commandeered pickup truck to carry out comrades. Not the least of that story. Well anyway, I really felt it.

The C & C tells the story and then the sterile Citation is read. Sometimes both narratives are equally bald. Not this.

This however was a very vivid, wild tale of simple heroics, told with honor and full of appropriate, solemn emotions. I felt it. Then the Citation..wha?

A Good job of it.
Blaming Obama for high gas prices is nearly, repeat nearly, as stupid as thanking him for low gas prices... But I suppose when your master throws you a shit sandwich, you don't complain you just sing his praises with a shit eating grin...
Blaming Obama for high gas prices is nearly, repeat nearly, as stupid as thanking him for low gas prices... But I suppose when your master throws you a shit sandwich, you don't complain you just sing his praises with a shit eating grin...

Hey, we just make Shit-o-nade! Sell it as Cokacola or some such.
A thread/post from bucky not blaming bush?

Oh, they're the good things that have happened during obama's terms. That explains it.
was obama the one who said he was "giddy" about a government shutdown and threatened it 7 times?

nope, that would be the GOP.


I was about to post some statistics on the number of Americans now on food stamps, but alas you've chosen the right time to start another "I love Obama and everything he does thread" when .gov sites are down so the majority of information will not be readily verifiable...

Last number I heard it was 47 million on food stamps up from 33 million when your commander in queef took office?

Or we could talk about the number of homeless students enrolled in public schools; more than 1 million, a historical first for the US...

Thanks Obama...