What is each sex demonstrably better at than the other?


Well-Known Member
Men are better at peeing while standing.

Women are better at making my penis hard. (Just barely)


Well-Known Member
I think I was like 12... a nice pile on the seat. You can really get a nice ice cream mountain sort of effect if done properly. Now in my 30s (in a few days anyway), I can make dinosaurs.. all kinds of shit..
Put that shit on a resume, pun intended.


Well-Known Member
Men are better cooks...proven fact.

And food must be consumed on a regular basis, while pussy is always optional.

*Ducks the flying pots and pans*:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Men are better at peeing while standing.

Women are better at making my penis hard. (Just barely)
This could be taken into two different contexts, simply by adding (Just barely). This was intentional I assume?

Firstly, I absolutely love peeing while sitting on the can, as it allows me to read up on my favorite porn articles. Secondly; well, I suppose I will leave that alone.


Well-Known Member
Women are better at sucking dick, but FreedomWorks disputes that.

Source: Google.
Well I guess you can't get a better citation than GOD...lmao...BUT....God came to Adam one lonely night and said, "I can make you a companion that's beatiful, smart, and willing to do anything you want." In wich Adam replied, "Ok, what's that gona cost me?" God says, "Oh an arm and a leg." So Adam says, "What can I get for a rib?" ....bahahaha.


Well-Known Member
men seek to, and usually successfully demystify, everything they don't understand. despite this, we're still trying to understand women. as soon as you think you have them figured out, your illusions are briskly swept away by the scornful hand of reality. women can make men feel anywhere between king of the world to a dung beetle. within seconds of eachother. My source is the furry magnet that I follow around.


Well-Known Member
Women are the best in bringing out the best and worst in a man.

Men are the best at talking smack about it, either way.




Well-Known Member
men seek to, and usually successfully demystify, everything they don't understand. despite this, we're still trying to understand women. as soon as you think you have them figured out, your illusions are briskly swept away by the scornful hand of reality. women can make men feel anywhere between king of the world to a dung beetle. within seconds of eachother. My source is the furry magnet that I follow around.
Well you're in luck...I just recieved this today...understanding women.jpg