Paranoid as seeds coming in from Europe to grow house


Hello all. I have recently ordered from various seed companies (sea of seeds and herbies) a large quantity of seeds.
As I am older I don't have connections to have seeds sent to and just finally bit the bullet and ordered to my home. Previously I just grew bagseed which came from Mexican brick. It's not bad but it's nothing near like top shelf I had even 20 years ago.

I recently started smoking for pain management in exchange of addicting Tramadol and Klonopin that were prescribed to me. I use no medication other than cannabis at this time although I have prescriptions for narcotics. I live in a Southern non medical marijuana state.
My county law enforcement is so corrupt that even a sheriff has been arrested and put in prison (search youtube arrested sheriff)
only to be released early under the good ole boy program. My local law enforcement is so corrupt, I have even seen them blazing up houses with lights and deputies with flashlights peering into windows to occupied homes firsthand on multiple occasions without any mention in the news. They killed a few people that ran from them recently as well without repercussion.

I have had one dealing with them in the past and it was domestic. I asked if there was a search warrant, he said no so I said thanks and shut the door and ignored further knocks.

My concern is the following. Customs sends info to them (my local corrupt law enforcement department) of a seed order and they visit. (this happens more than many want to think and has resulted in prison for a few people)

I have one female plant growing currently from bag seed and feel like killing it as I am worried about a visit. If my local cops get the info of my order they will just lie and say we were doing routine patrols and the canine officer alerted to residence and the owner Kontraband authorized a search of the residence. (I would never but cops are fucking liars)

I figured I would kill the current female plant that I have and just chill with the few ounces from my last harvest for a while then plant my new seeds (provided they arrive) or am I just too paranoid?

The penalties are very stiff where I live and the cops are crooked as fuck. I'm pretty concerned about a custom seizure if they inform to local cops as the local cops will just bash in the windows, doors etc and ignore all rights and laws to get the arrests. When you read about cops following people from hydro shops to their houses your talking about my area.

Plant from my very last bagseed. (zero seeds left) Thanks to members here I have made it through a harvest and learned a lot. This plant is my current grow and is doing very well but concerned about ordering to where it's being grown.

Should I pull her and wait a bit or just carry on?


Well-Known Member
If you're going to be paranoid, you shouldn't be growing at all.

There are thousands and thousands of seed deliveries without issues. If the authorities are already watching you, they will go thru your mail without hesitation. That's how they find seeds orders that get past customs.


bud bootlegger
why pull it?? looks healthy enough from the pix.. i'd let it go and see if you can make it to harvest.. why not?? :D

g/l with the new grow(s).. :D


bud bootlegger
and hey kontra, i didn't watch your video, but i'd take it down in case it gives any info on the town or county or w/e you're from may be in it..

better safe than sorry ime.. :D


If you're going to be paranoid, you shouldn't be growing at all.

There are thousands and thousands of seed deliveries without issues. If the authorities are already watching you, they will go thru your mail without hesitation. That's how they find seeds orders that get past customs.
I was waiting for that one. If you're too paranoid to order... Still good advice but there are hundreds of people going to jail for hydro shop visits, seed orders etc to the thousands of orders of seeds and equipment. That's a truth.


and hey kontra, i didn't watch your video, but i'd take it down in case it gives any info on the town or county or w/e you're from may be in it..

better safe than sorry ime.. :D
Thanks for the concern but it would be irresponsible and unfair for me cite a reference then delete it. I will leave it up. If others want to look it up so be it.


why pull it?? looks healthy enough from the pix.. i'd let it go and see if you can make it to harvest.. why not?? :D

g/l with the new grow(s).. :D
Ya, It's very healthy. Thanks to this forum, way healthier that I thought I could ever do. I will run her to harvest. Thanks for the inspiration. It's what I needed.


Well-Known Member
Definitely take out the link to the video.

Everything shows up on the net!

my profile, MY RIU PROFILE is Five listings from the top of the list on Yahoo when searching for a famous person from another country dogenzengi ( my screen name is Japanese).

Hello all. I have recently ordered from various seed companies (sea of seeds and herbies) a large quantity of seeds.
As I am older I don't have connections to have seeds sent to and just finally bit the bullet and ordered to my home. Previously I just grew bagseed which came from Mexican brick. It's not bad but it's nothing near like top shelf I had even 20 years ago.

I recently started smoking for pain management in exchange of addicting Tramadol and Klonopin that were prescribed to me. I use no medication other than cannabis at this time although I have prescriptions for narcotics. I live in a Southern non medical marijuana state.
My county law enforcement is so corrupt that even a sheriff has been arrested and put in prison
only to be released early under the good ole boy program. My local law enforcement is so corrupt, I have even seen them blazing up houses with lights and deputies with flashlights peering into windows to occupied homes firsthand on multiple occasions without any mention in the news. They killed a few people that ran from them recently as well without repercussion.

I have had one dealing with them in the past and it was domestic. I asked if there was a search warrant, he said no so I said thanks and shut the door and ignored further knocks.

My concern is the following. Customs sends info to them (my local corrupt law enforcement department) of a seed order and they visit. (this happens more than many want to think and has resulted in prison for a few people)

I have one female plant growing currently from bag seed and feel like killing it as I am worried about a visit. If my local cops get the info of my order they will just lie and say we were doing routine patrols and the canine officer alerted to residence and the owner Kontraband authorized a search of the residence. (I would never but cops are fucking liars)

I figured I would kill the current female plant that I have and just chill with the few ounces from my last harvest for a while then plant my new seeds (provided they arrive) or am I just too paranoid?

The penalties are very stiff where I live and the cops are crooked as fuck. I'm pretty concerned about a custom seizure if they inform to local cops as the local cops will just bash in the windows, doors etc and ignore all rights and laws to get the arrests. When you read about cops following people from hydro shops to their houses your talking about my area.

Plant from my very last bagseed. (zero seeds left) Thanks to members here I have made it through a harvest and learned a lot. This plant is my current grow and is doing very well but concerned about ordering to where it's being grown.

Should I pull her and wait a bit or just carry on?
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Well-Known Member
Definitely take out the link to the video.

Everything shows up on the net!

my profile, MY RIU PROFILE is Five listings from the top of the list on Yahoo when searching for a famous person from another country dogenzengi ( my screen name is Japanese).
It sure is.


Done. I am actually surprised that there has been no software created to send a daily contraband list to local law enforcement. I write software for a living and for customs to provide daily reports of attempted illegal imports to local officials would very easy.

Thanks again


Well-Known Member
Police departments would go broke checking out everyone that orders seeds. Not like we order seeds by the pound. I highly doubt very many people that order seeds are getting busted. Maybe some are already being watched when they placed the seed order. The law keeps an eye on websites like this, and they know there are a bunch of paranoid people like you that have seeds shipped to other addresses. So a seed order does not guarantee a grow op, and they're not gonna put in a bunch of man hours so they can charge someone for possessing a few seeds. So yeah, if you are this paranoid ordering seeds, what you gonna be like when they're flowering and puttin out big time stink?
P.S. Quit doin stupid shit that brings the cops to your house. Time to grow up if you're gonna grow.


Well-Known Member
I guess think about how many seed orders are placed a day from various banks, the chance they would pick your order to follow is very unlikely. Still like your thinking, better to be on the safe side of things. Just don't worry yourself to death you'll be alright.


Well-Known Member
my situation is pretty similar, it was order seeds or do without, no connections
so i ordered seeds, seed orders are the smaller side of the risk game
that said, you mentioned you ordered a lot of seeds? that's bumping the risk up a bit
small orders are much preferred, and 1 mixed seed pack can grow many pounds


Well-Known Member
Next time use a personal mail box as your drop. Never have 'contraband' sent to your grow site.
Listen to these wise words.
I understand where you are coming from, but if your seeds make it past customs you should be just fine since your package looks no different than 99% of the hundreds, if not thousands of packages a USPS worker sees in any given day. Relax, load and bowl, and wait for your new genetics to arrive.:joint: