Danks Update! come on friends.. take a look! let me know what you think?

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Well-Known Member
11 minutes into World War Z, It is the best movie I have ever seen! lol...................

I dunno tek, Ask dank about it when he gets on. He should be on at some point bro. :)


Well-Known Member
wasnt it a short story / thin paperback ?
i think i remember it
i did alot of reading while i was locked up
so probably read it
i was segregated they said i had ties to some "white" boys theyre just friends and family judge didnt buy it
so i was in a basically all white block and im 6'3" 215lbs so its straight to the gladiator floor
so i kept to myself alot


Well-Known Member
Drinking again eh :??: When you goin stop that stuff :??: lol... Not good for you.. You need some good tree so you won't have to drink! You wouldn't even want to/could if it was sum primo.. :mrgreen:
better for me than killing someone buddy!;) this guy was supposed to hook me up a while back LOL
I'm waiting on pictures on my plants back at the old place. If I like what I see, I may go harvest
that shit tomorrow! the only bad thing is I can't view the trichs from here:(


Well-Known Member
Will smith and his son are in the future, no longer living on earth, they then crash land on earth after a "Space jump".
Will smith breaks both legs and is in a fucking chair the whole movie. BUT his kid, DAMN. Great fuckin actor in the works right there.

Blah blah blah son is a hero. The End. Great movie. lol
Thanks for the synopsis there Stewie...LOL
guess I know how it ends now;)


Well-Known Member
Maybe shit came up the guy had no clue that was coming thus being the reasoning behind his discretion...
better for me than killing someone buddy!;) this guy was supposed to hook me up a while back LOL
I'm waiting on pictures on my plants back at the old place. If I like what I see, I may go harvest
that shit tomorrow! the only bad thing is I can't view the trichs from here:(


Well-Known Member
ok.. I was hoping to harvest the AK-49 (auto) on either Monday 10-14 or anytime after that date. I went ahead and started flushing her. I had posted this and asked what everyone thought on how I did with her :??: didn't see any comments on the question at hand. :( Maybe I need to go back and read to see if anyone had infact responded.

Anyways, the seed production on the Berry Bomb & Afghan Kush x Yumbolt are going good! Seeds are visable on "both" plants! :mrgreen:

They are 20 days into flowering today 10-12. The other set of ladies today marks the end of week 3 floweringm they are just alittle slower to flower then the Afghan & Berry Bomb. Should start picking up more so here within a week I would say! I hope.. ;)

Anyways, enough of blah,blah and time 4 the show! Don't 4 get to let me know your thoughts on how you feel I did with the AK-49 (auto) and also these 2 Berry Bomb & Afghan. :??: Thanks guys for taking the time to check them out!!

PS. I went ahead and took a few buds off the Purple Voodoo (pink pheno) for test purposes.. :mrgreen: Her trichs are 60/40 60% cloudy / 40% amber.




Well-Known Member
They all look great bro. And as for the Auto question. I'm positive you need no assistance from us. We all know far less than you do. lol....

Plenty of seeds to test next run huh? lol


Well-Known Member
Thanks bro. I Just wanted to see if you guys thought I did good or not.. ;) If anyone thought she was a winner :??: lol
On the others, the Berry Bomb is exploading almost outgrowing the damn closet! Lol
May have to drop them down on the floor! Right now I have them both (Afghan & Berry Bomb) up ontop of a tot close under the LED system. ;)
They all look great bro. And as for the Auto question. I'm positive you need no assistance from us. We all know far less than you do. lol....

Plenty of seeds to test next run huh? lol


Well-Known Member
Yup.. :mrgreen: Got a nice selection this time. They even threw in a little bag of yogurt raisins to!! Haha...
Also, the Loast Coast Hash plant seeds came in this wooden block! Can't hardly get the shit open cause of the wax in the end of it!! Lol
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