Racist Rehabilitation

Should Racist Rehabilitation be covered under Obama Care or is that racist?

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Yes but calling a person a name they/someone does not like then shakeing their hand or rubbing shoulders in passing them becomes a 'bias crime' usualy a fellony

Who are these people who shake hands with a person who previously insulted them, and why are they doing this?

Insult them back by not receiving their handshake, you know, as opposed to racistl rehab.
I have actually never met a chimney sweep.

I think I would rather meet a Latino pool boy in a tangerine Speedo.

funny... my chimney sweep is a black guy from south carolina.

he makes pretty good money doin that.

"homey gots to get PAID to pull a dead opossum out of your damper, yo."
~ My Chimney Sweep.
funny... my chimney sweep is a black guy from south carolina.

he makes pretty good money doin that.

"homey gots to get PAID to pull a dead opossum out of your damper, yo."
~ My Chimney Sweep.
Em...that's... racist...?

Or is it?

Liberals have my compass all sorts of fucked up...
Em...that's... racist...?

Or is it?

Liberals have my compass all sorts of fucked up...

let's do the Rundown:

I am a racist.

but my chimney sweep is black... which is anti-racist (could have hired the mexican or the cracker but i went with the guy with recommendations)

i didnt hire the mexican, so that racist.

but i didnt hire the Cracker, so thats anti-racist.

but that was probably my well deserved White Guilt talking, so thats still racist.

i actually spoke to the guy, so thats anti-racist

but im white so thats still racist

i remembered what he said, so thats anti-racist

but i repeated it so thats racist

i paid the bill plus a tip so thats anti-racist

but i did it in a timely manner so thats totally racist

he thanked me for my business and i recommended him to others, so thats anti-racist

but i have payed a Black Man to function in a "servile" position, so thats racist.

but if i pretend to feel guilty about paying an honest man for an honest job, thats anti-racist

but i "Forced" a black man to extract a dead animal from my chimney so thats actually quite racist.

shit who can tell any more?
You've been reeducated.
I just wanted to type it out and see if it made sense. I've never been racist, I was touched early in my childhood with the stories of MlK and Harriet Tubman, and have passion for all humans (except stupid assholes). I believe people are pressured at times to test thier hearts and true feelings against someone who is different, and it can be hard if you were raised and taught to have hatred toward another! Its a struggle to see what's right when you were raised wrong, ultimately we have a heart and feel... Some are ignorant because they know better and still "follow" the packs of bigots to fit in! Some are lost and uneducated, but even education doesn't rehabilitate it happens I within the person emotionally, so I believe rehabilitation naught make sense! What where we talking about again? Oh yeah fucking politics! Sucked me into your racist web!
I just wanna make sure it's covered ...


Dat Rump.

dont cover it, get a Thong. we wanna see nothin but Tag and Ass
1. Can it be done?

2. Can a person do it themselves without all the expensive doctors?

3. Once a person says/admits/does something racist, can they ever be considered a decent human being again?

4. So a black guy walks into a bar...

Damn you lefties and your "re-education camps" :dunce: