Random Jibber Jabber Thread

Well my moms 20 yr old cat is getting put down in an hour. My mom was doing alright I thought but she just lost it a min ago. Feel bad for her, my mom could still walk when she first picked the cat up. It has more meaning to her than I'll ever be able to understand but the circle of life must be completed.
"Don't mind people grinnin' in your face, a true friend is hard to find."
Sorry 2 hear that.. Even though its just an animal, us that have pets, such as your Mom end up getting super close to them.. Like my little Ginger. ;) I don't know what I would do if 1 day she passed.. :( Hate even thinking about it. But I know that 1 day is coming.. Just have to spend good quality time with then while we have the pleasure of them being our friends.. ;) Tell her I'm truely sorry about the news..

Well my moms 20 yr old cat is getting put down in an hour. My mom was doing alright I thought but she just lost it a min ago. Feel bad for her, my mom could still walk when she first picked the cat up. It has more meaning to her than I'll ever be able to understand but the circle of life must be completed.
Sorry 2 hear that.. Even though its just an animal, us that have pets, such as your Mom end up getting super close to them.. Like my little Ginger. ;) I don't know what I would do if 1 day she passed.. :( Hate even thinking about it. But I know that 1 day is coming.. Just have to spend good quality time with then while we have the pleasure of them being our friends.. ;) Tell her I'm truely sorry about the news..

thanks bro. Yea I'm gonna talk with her once she's out the shower. I think there's a lot more at play here than the cats passing to be honest. I've taken care of my mom for the past five years day in and day out I can sense when there is something goin on today is one of those days.

I'm sad about the cat too but on the other side it is suffering badly.

On another note, I'm stoned its a beautiful fall day out, life is good. I bought one of those huge backpack blowers today for the yard. We have two and half acres worth of trees it's a lot to clean up. So gonna fire that baby up and see how she purrs.
Good looking out door crop gioua.
Hi minnesmoker your move must have gone well. I bet your glad to be back there.

Better than expected, not as well as desired. Looking at some jobs, trying to get a hold of some of the locals. I loved the stop-over in Denver, and am playing with some really interesting stuff, that's got my brain functioning like it was, before the accidents. Unfortunately, I'm outta resources, and I'm outta medical molta, so I'll be getting stupid again, soon. Working on my license, and card, this week though. And, the boss lady, ever the godsend, is helping out.

I loved Denver. Nothing like standing around passing joints around -- LEGALLY. We wasted 2 days and too much weed and money celebrating legality.

My next move, after MMJ, is going to be full physical/mental health disability.
I hear that.. Yeah, there may be underlining issues about it (something else) bothering her you mayne don't know about. My Mother was like that.. Spent the last 2 weeks of her life by her side here just recently. Found out she was in stage 4 cancer, lasted 2 weeks after finding out.. :(

She's is in a better place now I know that.. ;)
thanks bro. Yea I'm gonna talk with her once she's out the shower. I think there's a lot more at play here than the cats passing to be honest. I've taken care of my mom for the past five years day in and day out I can sense when there is something goin on today is one of those days.

I'm sad about the cat too but on the other side it is suffering badly.

On another note, I'm stoned its a beautiful fall day out, life is good. I bought one of those huge backpack blowers today for the yard. We have two and half acres worth of trees it's a lot to clean up. So gonna fire that baby up and see how she purrs.
About a week ago:-

Melon gum

The branches couldn't take the weight by Friday.


It was time to chop! I like having my hands full!


Sticky business

Still got 4 out of 12 to cut !
i have a business line now, which is super cool! and im getting t-shirts made ! :) which is even cooler and i have a huge order on the 25th 4 dozen cupcakes and a large cake

You'd have a life long career in edibles if you lived out here. As you're Canadian at least you have that option. There are people baking weed edibles for a living around here and supplying the clubs. You'd be great plus they need good hairdressers here too!!
You'd have a life long career in edibles if you lived out here. As you're Canadian at least you have that option. There are people baking weed edibles for a living around here and supplying the clubs. You'd be great plus they need good hairdressers here too!!

does spain require ppl to have certified kitchens for the production of edibles?