Plant problem (with pics) anyone know what this is?


Well-Known Member
yea im going to be going with a super soil mix the next time i start from seed. if it was me who started this thats what i would of done im like you the less i have to add nutes the better lol and i hope she does too i have two others growing same strain ill get a pic up for you
Co co. You can use gen hydro stuff which is easy and top feed or ebb and grow or drown the things with drain to waste since you can't really over water. Pot loves a dry medium and co co also is dense do it stays cool like soil...with the bs of soil. Soil blows IMO. You have to keep it alive and the gd plant


Active Member
ill have to check that out charles and as for hydro i dont have the space really for that i can still do co co of course but not with an ebb system or something


Well-Known Member
all good charles i prefer more then 1 input anyways :D i take everything said on here with a grain of salt (except vegas advice lol his crops beautiful!)
I need to ask this els where. Not trying to block ya

Haven't looked at Vegas grow. People are not afraid to put pictures that ain't theirs as well. A person would have to have some bad self esteem to post bs Picts trying to be cool AND anonymous...heh heh I just inherited a shiva shanta which is my favorite from a guy who put it outside 7 weeks ago when it was 10 inches. There are 3 stems and 3 , 4 inch dank buds. Should I move it under a 100 hid for 12 or leave it in the sun. I thought you could still grow a fat cola even if you go 12 and 12 almost immediately.


Active Member
you can still grow a fat cola from 12/12 as the whole cycle as for leaving it inside or taking it outside it really depends on what the conditions are outside the sun is going to always be better if the conditions are right


Well-Known Member
Ur doin somthin to em not rite...they look stressed...see how the leaves are curling...theyre hot from either actual heat or from nutes.
U want em flat n smooth like silk to the touch n maybe even lifting towards the light a little....especially when theyre young the should look pristine. ..almost fake...20131003_153008.jpg20131003_153008.jpg20131003_153004.jpg..20131003_153017.jpg.I say all this w positive influence not negativity...chk ur basics n keep them constant..temps...airflow...water schedule (which may also be an issue as it took me a minute when I first started to figure out how to water em)...u gotta let em dry out before u water em again they dont like soggy soil...just keep it simple n pay close attention to ur basics in detail n they should stay strong n healthy


Active Member
thx for the input vega appreciate it i really do :D and im not sure they are taking to well to the LST they started looking like that after i tied them ill go back to the basics and figure theese babies out :D


Well-Known Member
thx for the input vega appreciate it i really do :D and im not sure they are taking to well to the LST they started looking like that after i tied them ill go back to the basics and figure theese babies out :D
its not from lst...I snap branches in half tie em down twist em n all kinds of shit..makes em stronger


Well-Known Member
What are ur temps? there a constant breeze thru the plants...leAves flappin?...did u feed not long before the lst-ing?


Active Member
temps stay constant 67-75 fans on them leaves arent flapping ive dealt with wind burn before :D but there is air flow and i fed them right before i tied them


Well-Known Member
It was the feeding id say then...just what my deductive reasoning skills bring me to anyway...ha


Well-Known Member
Sme phenos feed more than others...I ALWAYS start w a quarter dose then work my way up to half doses..nvr ever a full dose