Well-Known Member
They changed the original purpose of the rally into something jingoistic. The original intent was to intimidate the Muslim rally
So you say, little satan.

They changed the original purpose of the rally into something jingoistic. The original intent was to intimidate the Muslim rally
Chesus isn't racist, his wife is an Asian Lady-boy.
Sorry...was that on the web page? The OP provided a link? I didn't see that.
And did you, most Miserable Moderator, provided even a link to your drain circling comments? HELL NO.
Go play.
We know it was not the Episcopalians.
Propaganda goes a long way when you can't see behind it.
The only reason this rally was started was because of the already planned rally.
I can post links all day and you will still be willfully ignorant to the truth.
can i add my 2 sense? just a theory if i am wrong say really isnt about race anymore, atleast not as bad as it was 30 years ago and before. my parents were racist when all 5 of us were growing up, as time went on i didnt progress into that. i didnt care what your skin color was as long as u were cool with me id return the favor. now i have bi racial neice and nephew that id lay my life down for. however,ive noticed the only color people really give a shit about is green, not bud either. nobody would bitch if snoop showed up to chill, cause hes a cool ass dude. but he wont because he has no time for people below him. roots are forgotten and skin color blend with cologne now aday. as far as muslims go,christianity, ect, this country was founded on religious freedom. its why our soldiers are supposed to go and fight. for you to make that dollar and not have to give 25 percent of it to a guy whos capable of making it but why would he when he gets it free.but we seem perpetually stuck on skin color or religion in this country. cant pray in schools, but 5 times a day muslims face the east and pray. cant take that away from them. but hearing christs name mentioned in schools is a atrocity. mind you im athiest and these are my neighborhood is prodominatly black muslims, although i strike them as strange they are very polite to me and it is returned, it may be my 6 foot 5 stature but i doubt it. hate in your hearts isnt good for you....weve forgotten to teach our kids to respect and work hard for theyre money, its really sad the example we set for our kids.every race has violent people, if they didnt we wouldnt be in the us, i do believe white people came here and commited genocide on most tribes. then enslaved them and almost killed them all. then we enslaved the irish,which i am, and tortured them, they were white as well but known as ni...s. the black slaves were treated better and worth more, theyd set the irishmens feet on fire and force sex between the black and irish slave to produce super slaves. the world is a fucked up place,rollitup isnt. were all one color![]()
Have you ever noticed your name can be hilariously changed to Ballsack89...?Have you ever heard of a paragraph?
Have you ever noticed your name can be hilariously changed to Ballsack89...?
america did enslave the irish you twit read a book. and yes i know what a paragraph is but as stated, liberal world, dont read it?
Black-Irish super-slaves?
Bitch please...
American enslaved the Irish?
Try bring it, you fat fucks![]()
Try type good, you drunk catholic wife beater. I'm Irish btw![]()
Astro turf movement by the tea baggers
mix a little bigotry, some racism and throw in a hefty supply of jingoistic ramblings and you can have an entire Army of willfully ignorant "Patriots" do your bidding
BTW here is Belinda Bees tea party page
She is the organizer of the Biker rally
here is what she has to say
Obama not only should be removed as he is ineligible since he IS an illegal alien...but he should then be tried as a traitor and enemy of America! Along with Holder, Pelosi and ANYONE who helped him to be on the American ballot!
Actually not. Remember let them without sin cast the first stone.When do we stone him to death, that is what Jesus would have wanted.
no one, because we are governed by a constitution, and not your bigotry.
thank God.
I said Sunni Jihad, bonehead.
You wouldn't know a Sunni Muslim if he fixed your car.