Hey folks. Quick question that's baffling me.
Everyday I water my week old girls and they are dry beyond dry. I feed them a couple ounces of water before work and I get home to dust lol. I know I'm pulling all the water out from my CFL's so my question is, is it an issue to soak them 3 times a day in the solo cups till I transfer them to larger pots next week? They are not discolouring at all so clearly the lack of water isn't causing much problem besides slowing them down? I'm thinking out loud on the last question so feel free to help with some answers.
My first indor grow from seed and I certainly don't want to over water.
Everyday I water my week old girls and they are dry beyond dry. I feed them a couple ounces of water before work and I get home to dust lol. I know I'm pulling all the water out from my CFL's so my question is, is it an issue to soak them 3 times a day in the solo cups till I transfer them to larger pots next week? They are not discolouring at all so clearly the lack of water isn't causing much problem besides slowing them down? I'm thinking out loud on the last question so feel free to help with some answers.
My first indor grow from seed and I certainly don't want to over water.