Well if you google "greenhouse zipper" something very similar comes up,,, and I know yall like your greenhouses in the netherlands! so you should be able to find one locally.
AM tellin ya guys, the DIY stores here sell the basic, for example, I have been to several diy stores, different chains, large and small, and they all sell the same buckets, wtf is that all about...and noe that fit my bubble bags too great either
I went into the habedashery department in a large store today and they didn't even have zippers, too fukkin funny, am I in a 3rd world country....lol. Anyway, fux it I got me some velcro in the end, has done me just fine on my other door for the last 5 years....(I shoud really renew it, lol) Velcro = €5.00
And very much appreciated SupaM, a very kind offer (stores it safely in his memory banks for later, hehe!)
Yea mold sucks I had to chop some jack herrer and humboldt that looked fire due to massive mold. One of my friends begged me to let him have it lol. Tried telling him not to smoke mold, but smoke mold he did lol. Crazy fucker.
Anyways, pack a bowl up my friend, and soon the composting colas will be forgotten.
Suns out again this morning after sever rain yesterday. Went to the DIY store with my drill, the guy tried to help me get the drill bit out but it's jammed good and proper. 2 days of wd40 and consistently trying to move it and nadda. The guy reckoned the bit was jammed and then began to explain how everything back there worked, I wasn't really listening at that point so can't go into much detail about what he said, but I ended up deciding to drop 50 on a new bosch drill. It would have cost me 20 to post the drill to Bosch, then 25 charge for their investigation, and that before they even charge to send it back and repair it. By all accounts if the repair is 60% of the cost they will not even repair it......anyhoo, shelves are up in the utility room after much swearing and growling at screws and raw plugs
Todays job is to go to the DIY store and buy 40 feet of timber and cycle home with it should be fun me thinks.....
with the downpour we just had, might be a good idea
funny how a 1.2 metre long frame that is only going to be 55cm high actually uses around 6m+. I just thought I'd convert it into feet to make the task seem more impressive, lol.....going to be more like 13-14m's worth of 2x4...
Hey Mo!!! WOW, loving the MulangeButternut, looks a bit lile the infamous butter leaning pheno
And yup, made it back safely with only a few odd stares. It's not that bad it's only about 3.5km cycle round trip. And I found that the straps from my old veg tents worked perfectly, just tied them round all the planks of wood, couple of bits of heavy string around the edges, over the shoulder with the strap and off we go...rucksack on back for the other bits and bobs....just had to be careful when I was overtaking people so as not to smash em up with the 3foot of wood that was sticking out behind me, mwahahaha.