Why haven't African Americans assimilated into American culture...?

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Freedom Bread?

There's absolutely no way you can accurately make that statement. Now I KNOW you're just blowing smoke out your ass. You're saying you know what the unreported rapes are to such an extent that you can claim that the stats are unaffected. Wow, you must be psychic.

so there is some grand conspiracy among rape victims to under-report rapes by whites chicanos asians and native americans, just to make the Black Man look bad...

a reduced sample does not neccessaarily skew the resulting statistics unless the sample reduction is managed in some way to alter the results.

lern 2 statistic.

You sure love blowing smoke. You have no idea why black men rape women at a seemingly disproportionate rate, and to state it has nothing to do with their status in society is borderline retarded. I'ma call you "Dr Gump"....

cuz apparently rape too is based on the undefinable qualities that makes the "SES" argument so "powerful"

if this argument were true, where has all the Native American Rape gone?

No, the topic is why black people haven't assimilated into America as easily as other cultures. Given the fact that the Civil RIghts marches were only a generation or two ago, I would say that the socio-economic status of black people plays a huge role in their current status. You didn't address any of the actual point I brought up. Education doesn't just instantly start, and neither does the drive to be educated. All of these factors play a role.
appeal to ignorance, appeal to emotion, special pleadings, straw man argument.

still no explanation for all the rapes.
being poor doesnt make a rapist, being uneduvcated doesnt make a rapist, being part of an underclass doesnt make a rapist.
those things also dont make a drunk driver, yet the stats show a HIGHLY REPRESENTATIVE 13% of drunk driving arrests among blacks.
so, why all the rapes, but so few DUI's comparatively?

It's an appeal to fucking facts.
no, actually it's not.

How does the historical social, and economic status of a race not affect it's present status? Especially when it's such recent history?

do you also believe in Lamarckian Evolution?
perhaps this is why blacks get "Ashy", to help conceal them against the dingy grey concrete of their new habitat in the projects...


You are not in a position to tell anyone what rape is a function of. You're not an expert in the field, you're not black, and you're not willing to actually research the 'why' behind events.

appeal to authroity, special pleading, appeal to emotion, straw man argument, and appeal to ignorance ... how special.

Emotion is a real thing you fuck head. It affects how people act, and it's decidedly human. To attempt to do any type of 'equation' that involves the treatment, denigration, or discrimination of an entire race, and not include emotion, is just fucking retarded. How can you honestly be that stupid? Are you suggesting that people be emotionless towards the treatment of their grandparents/parents/families/themselves, and that it shouldn't affect how they view society as a whole?

but emotions (despite their reality) are SUBJECTIVE, and as such have little bearing on reality.

your tears are not gonna wash away all those rapes.

You just reject any explanation as 'emotion'. I'm waiting for you to finally just say "Blacks don't possess the ability to have societies like white people". That seems to be the underlying tone to your writing, you certainly imply that black people created all their own problems, white people have nothing to do with it, and they're naturally violent, both physically and sexually.

so you now argue that blacks commit more crimes because they are genetically inferior and naturally violent, or are you asserting that this is MY argument, in a bizzarro world twist of rhetorical fail?

What do you think were the factors leading to the sociological problems within their culture?


Do you think white people had a role in making sure black people didn't have the same access to social mobility?

irrelevant to the subject at hand, which remains Rape.

Black culture.... what the fuck is black culture?


You mean white culture?

teh fux?

Black culture was tribal existence in Africa. We enslaved black people, made them give up their culture, forced ours on them the best we could, then set them free and watched the chaos.... We have been figuratively dangling a carrot in front of their faces for like...300 years. We've never given black people (could be argued we are starting to now) equality opportunity to social mobility.

really, whom did i enslave?

what penance is sufficient to grant me absolution from this new "semi-original sin"?

should i mortify my flesh to atone for the sins of my ancestors? ohh wait... theres no slave holding in my family tree.
you still fail.

That started with Gangsters. Criminals. People who aren't good people to begin with.
and yet these are the heroes of Balck Culture.

This goes back to my statements about seeking 'the good life' by the best means available to you. Can't be a CEO? Be the CEO of the Crips.... only problem is hospitality and politeness aren't exactly desired traits of a gang member, you catching what I'm throwin' Dr. Gump?

so the desire to be like Steve Jobs is what drives the rapes... fascinating.

It's about power. The only power available.

so i see. they can rape because they earned that right by dint of slavery 150 years ago.


your logic is unassailable.

and by that i mean, retarded.
being poor doesnt make a rapist, being uneduvcated doesnt make a rapist, being part of an underclass doesnt make a rapist.

but apparently listening to rap music does, according to you.


perhaps this is why blacks get "Ashy", to help conceal them against the dingy grey concrete of their new habitat in the projects...

yep, because all blacks live in the projects. they probably all crawl in through windows in the dark, too. ain't that right?

so you now argue that blacks commit more crimes because they are genetically inferior and naturally violent, or are you asserting that this is MY argument, in a bizzarro world twist of rhetorical fail?

he's not alone in seeing that your argument boils down to just that.

you are trying to imply that being black makes you more prone to violence, criminality, rape, and the like. you ignore all the factors that do explain the statistics and just keep repeating "black rape black rape" until you are blue in the face.

and then you wonder why people think you are a racist.




... these are the heroes of Balck Culture.


they can rape because they earned that right by dint of slavery 150 years ago.

seriously, some of the most disgusting racism since the white supremacists left the site.

i remamber how you sat completely silent when they were running amok here.

i remember when you sat completely silent when other members said blacks come from "an inferior lot".

but then el tib trolls and within mere minutes you are all over his case.

so transparent, so obvious, so telling.

go the fuck away you racist scumbag.
so there is some grand conspiracy among rape victims to under-report rapes by whites chicanos asians and native americans, just to make the Black Man look bad...

a reduced sample does not neccessaarily skew the resulting statistics unless the sample reduction is managed in some way to alter the results.

lern 2 statistic.

cuz apparently rape too is based on the undefinable qualities that makes the "SES" argument so "powerful"

if this argument were true, where has all the Native American Rape gone?

appeal to ignorance, appeal to emotion, special pleadings, straw man argument.

still no explanation for all the rapes.
being poor doesnt make a rapist, being uneduvcated doesnt make a rapist, being part of an underclass doesnt make a rapist.
those things also dont make a drunk driver, yet the stats show a HIGHLY REPRESENTATIVE 13% of drunk driving arrests among blacks.
so, why all the rapes, but so few DUI's comparatively?

no, actually it's not.

do you also believe in Lamarckian Evolution?
perhaps this is why blacks get "Ashy", to help conceal them against the dingy grey concrete of their new habitat in the projects...


appeal to authroity, special pleading, appeal to emotion, straw man argument, and appeal to ignorance ... how special.

but emotions (despite their reality) are SUBJECTIVE, and as such have little bearing on reality.

your tears are not gonna wash away all those rapes.

so you now argue that blacks commit more crimes because they are genetically inferior and naturally violent, or are you asserting that this is MY argument, in a bizzarro world twist of rhetorical fail?


irrelevant to the subject at hand, which remains Rape.


teh fux?

really, whom did i enslave?

what penance is sufficient to grant me absolution from this new "semi-original sin"?

should i mortify my flesh to atone for the sins of my ancestors? ohh wait... theres no slave holding in my family tree.
you still fail.

and yet these are the heroes of Balck Culture.

so the desire to be like Steve Jobs is what drives the rapes... fascinating.

so i see. they can rape because they earned that right by dint of slavery 150 years ago.


your logic is unassailable.

and by that i mean, retarded.


You don't even understand the logical fallacies you're accusing me of. I'm not here to school idiots in Philosophy, so this will be my last response. I already said everything I wanted to say, unsubbed. :p

Fuck off and die, Racist.

You don't even understand the logical fallacies you're accusing me of. I'm not here to school idiots in Philosophy, so this will be my last response. I already said everything I wanted to say, unsubbed. :p

Fuck off and die, Racist.

kkkynes is not racist, he is an expert on black culture.

it's the kind of insight you can only gain by growing up in the rough and tumble streets of vallejo, california. :lol:

black people all just live in the projects and do whatever rappers tell them to do and drink cough syrup and rape our white women. they are the multiculural wasteland of bullshit that REAL AMERICA must defend against.

but totally not racist. black culture expert.
i remamber how you sat completely silent when they were running amok here.

i remember when you sat completely silent when other members said blacks come from "an inferior lot".

but then el tib trolls and within mere minutes you are all over his case.

so transparent, so obvious, so telling.

go the fuck away you racist scumbag.
Those were my sweet nothing's. Why you whispering them to Kynes? Bastard!

You don't even understand the logical fallacies you're accusing me of. I'm not here to school idiots in Philosophy, so this will be my last response. I already said everything I wanted to say, unsubbed. :p

Fuck off and die, Racist.

so, rape is caused by "Socio-Economic Status", as is ALL CRIME, and thus i must be retarded.

then the ragequit, and ad hominem.

Great Success!
kkkynes is not racist, he is an expert on black culture.

it's the kind of insight you can only gain by growing up in the rough and tumble streets of vallejo, california. :lol:

black people all just live in the projects and do whatever rappers tell them to do and drink cough syrup and rape our white women. they are the multiculural wasteland of bullshit that REAL AMERICA must defend against.

but totally not racist. black culture expert.

says the guy who bases his need for help on skin color
you are too much man. I only hope you are a giant level account.
says the guy who bases his need for help on skin color
you are too much man. I only hope you are a giant level account.

citation needed.

ya see, this is what you always do. you take a racist argument that is floating around in your mind (not sure why so many racist theories float around that noggin of yours) and you try to substitute it for my argument.

go ahead and cite on single post of mine that corresponds to the lie you just told and i will leave the board voluntarily for a year.

until then, just keep your lies and racist theories where they reside in that noggin of yours.
Bitches ain't shit but hoes and tricks.

i'm pretty sure that all black people regard rap videos as gospel, too, and model their lives after them.

kinda like how white kids regard video games as gospel, and constantly go out shooting up schools and movie theaters therefore.

see, reducing complicated racial issues to retardedness is fun!
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