Blue Thai Scrog


Well-Known Member
Day 35 flowering: I started giving her 1tsp of molasses along with her regular diet this last watering and she seems to like it. Super sticky nugs with a pungent blueberry aftersmell.

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Looking Great man!! A fucking +.

I wish I could use Molasses in my setup. It is so good for the soil life and the girls themselves. Gives them extra sugars and carbs to produce those beautiful crystals.

I use aero so my rez would probably explode with foam and bubbles. Man I remember making teas with guano and molasses. Put a air stone in there and the bucket will be overflowing the next day. Smell like sweet shit, lol. You'll know what I mean if you've worked with guano.


Well-Known Member
Looking Great man!! A fucking +.

I wish I could use Molasses in my setup. It is so good for the soil life and the girls themselves. Gives them extra sugars and carbs to produce those beautiful crystals.

I use aero so my rez would probably explode with foam and bubbles. Man I remember making teas with guano and molasses. Put a air stone in there and the bucket will be overflowing the next day. Smell like sweet shit, lol. You'll know what I mean if you've worked with guano.
Oh i know what your talking about alright. I would hold my breath everytime i used the stuff. It is bat shit after all.


Well-Known Member
I'd like to do a 10 gal pot with sub cool's recipe. Only have to feed them water from birth to harvest. ... PH'ed of course.

Anyone ever heard of JOG technique? It's by 3 little birds. I'll have to find the link

Okay I found the link:

^not the original but same thing.

Pretty cool idea and these guys grow freaking trees!!!!!
10g pot plant would be a very nice sight to see. The JoG method seems similar to scrog just with no screen all you do is top?
My personal preference to grow in now is the Hempy Bucket, I absolutely love how nice and healthy plants grow in them. All i do is feed when the bucket feels light, its so simple with great results!


Active Member
Sorry Who! next time i start a journal you'll be the first to know! But to be honest i told SS to tell you....
He's a STONER, what did u expect???

BTW they look great...I'm kinda learning in the reverse now....

Had Scrog, it finished, but before it did, I put 3 girls on the top of the screen and they took off...

So what I have ended up doing is tying them down to the screen underneath holding them...I could not believe how fast the took off...

I guess I need better planning, but I'm hopeful, this will be my first real HPS grow all vegged under T8's except till they were topped.

OK I brought the popcorn, lets get the show on the road...


Well-Known Member
He's a STONER, what did u expect???

BTW they look great...I'm kinda learning in the reverse now....

Had Scrog, it finished, but before it did, I put 3 girls on the top of the screen and they took off...

So what I have ended up doing is tying them down to the screen underneath holding them...I could not believe how fast the took off...

I guess I need better planning, but I'm hopeful, this will be my first real HPS grow all vegged under T8's except till they were topped.

OK I brought the popcorn, lets get the show on the road...[/QUOTE

Are you still growing hempy?

Way to utilize the screen, i do the same thing when im seeing certain tops getting to tall. Sometimes ill supercrop the whole branch and fold it underneath the screen if its still early enough to do so in flowering.


Active Member
Lookin pretty awesome StevieStoner. You definitely did some great work in arranging the bud sites in that scrog.


Well-Known Member
Thanks Flat, Ive got the next plant almost all prepped up for topping, lst and eventually the screen. Im taking a huge risk on this next plant that could ruin the whole flow ive got going with having one plant ready to flower as soon as one is finished.

The baby growing now is a bagseed i got from a friend who always has the best bud for sale. Its a risk im willing to take after smoking some of it, it kinda reminds me of christmas time for some reason, maybe cause its so piney. But if it turns out to be a male i think i might just grow him so i can rip his damn balls off for screwing with my operation lol. Some pics of the bagseed, i dont know the strain so i guess ill just call it Kush. Its short and the leaves are fat so im guessing shes an indica strain as well.



Well-Known Member
Looking good SS. With that bagseed, unless he had a true male pollinating you should be good. Most selfed or herm seeds are about 80-98% female. She is a fat, squat little girl, looking forward to seeing her fill out a net. Peace


Well-Known Member
There he is! welcome back my friend.
I hope your right about the new girl, i went ahead and topped her today cause her side branches aren't really keeping up with the pace of the plant. Im hoping the topping helps give them some growth and i can start with some Lst soon.


Well-Known Member
Day 42 Flowering: Shes starting to show some signs that the end is near. Im thinking harvest around the 27th but if not then for sure on the 3rd.
Shes got a lil bit of purple going on in some spots and her hairs are looking more red then orange. I love how shes keeping up with the trees outside its almost like
she knows Autumn is here.

Sorry for going mad with the pics just pretty stoked about this one!



Well-Known Member
Man those are some of the nicest looking buds I've ever seen. Amazing job and they still have a few weeks to go maybe. :clap: + Rep soon as I can.

Just beautiful!