Best Black for light trap??


Well-Known Member
Just finisishing up my fist micro box, but i cant essemble it intell i paint up the light trap vent system. Soo what black should i look into, like what would capture light the best gloss flat ect..?


Well-Known Member
Alright, flat it is, kind of suspected it but idk, i was thinking about gloss white reflecting less light than flat so maby the same hold true for gloss black, but i imagine it would reflect more light. so cool shit, thanks boys. Flat it is. 3 coats as well.



Well-Known Member
Can't speak from my own experience - but i read (somewhere) that there is a special paint made for resurfacing school type blackboards that really works well for eating up light. They sell it at regular paint stores 'cause it works on kid's walls too!