ice / crystal grow update


Well-Known Member
Update people
please still look at the last couple of posts aswell
Here is my Crystal outside
Its loving the sun but the last day it has been raining here and i'm worried that getting just rain water its not getting
the nutes it needs because its in coco / perlte mix
what should i do ? i dont want to water it with nutes now and over water her / it ?
buds are growing ok
There are some that have brown spots on it in pic 5 and 6
I think that was from getting burnt when it was in the grow cabnet and got to close to light
what do you think ?
grow 448.jpggrow 449.jpggrow 450.jpggrow 451.jpggrow 452.jpggrow 453.jpggrow 454.jpg

Here is my Ice in grow cabnet
buds are filling out nicely and growth has almost stopped apart from buds
There are some smaller branches with tiny buds forming like in pic 6,7,8
Should i get rid of these and let more plant energy go to the big buds ?
Or would you keep them ?
grow 466.jpggrow 461.jpggrow 460.jpggrow 459.jpggrow 458.jpggrow 465.jpggrow 464.jpggrow 463.jpggrow 462.jpg
also first pic is of tha t weird bud that has 4 branches coming of 1 node
It lookes great
anyway what do ya think for my first grow?


Well-Known Member
Has anyone here ever top-dressed with coffee grounds?

I know them to be an excellent N course, from amateur mycology.

I am betting that such a dressing would benefit a grow...the only
thing that I would like to confirm is that there is no side-effect.
(i.e. I know that mold loves grounds...but molds are generally good
for soil and plants)

If at a loss for what to use, then any general purpose fertilizer will
likely do, as these always are predominantly N.

Good luck,



Well-Known Member
Has anyone here ever top-dressed with coffee grounds?

I know them to be an excellent N course, from amateur mycology.

I am betting that such a dressing would benefit a grow...the only
thing that I would like to confirm is that there is no side-effect.
(i.e. I know that mold loves grounds...but molds are generally good
for soil and plants)

If at a loss for what to use, then any general purpose fertilizer will
likely do, as these always are predominantly N.

Good luck,


I gave a little seasol along with my usual nutes today
hop that works!
I have noticed Crystal outside , the pistals are starting to go orange
is that right for week 4 of flower ?


Well-Known Member
I am not sure about outside growing, but pistils can begin to
turn on some buds well before harvest is called for.

Use the color of the resin glands, the trichs, to tell you when to harvest.

Good luck,



Well-Known Member
I am not sure about outside growing, but pistils can begin to
turn on some buds well before harvest is called for.

Use the color of the resin glands, the trichs, to tell you when to harvest.

Good luck,

I have this little magnifing glass out of a medical kit
but when i try to look that close its all blurry
i can see better with my eyes up close
Is there something you use that works


Well-Known Member
Update people
Day 52 of grow
Day 33 of flower

grow 500.jpggrow 499.jpggrow 498.jpggrow 497.jpggrow 496.jpggrow 495.jpggrow 494.jpggrow 493.jpggrow 492.jpggrow 491.jpggrow 490.jpg

The ICE has lower leaves starting to go yellow and then drop off
After taking these pics i grabbed a couple of dead looking leaves and they just fell off also
Is this normal on around 4 weeks and 5 days of flower ?
I know once the plant has used the sugers out of the leaves they will drop off
but i weren't expecting this yet.
Otherwise the buds are coming along nice
if you save a pic and zoom in on buds they have heaps of trichs already
cant wait
oh so ready to chop now but have to wait


grow 504.jpggrow 503.jpggrow 502.jpggrow 501.jpg
Yesterday pot was light as so i watered with all the nutes , then 2day it has rained all day
I'm wanting to know if all the nutes would have been washed away in the rain ?
I left it out right in the open so the rain was pounding it
It lookes ok but will this cause mold ?
as i have herd , dont spray plants when they are budding
is this correct ?
Save and zoom in on pic of bud , the pistals are starting to go orange already

anyway thanx guys and girls
tell me what u think


Well-Known Member
It is probably too early for them to be dying back, so if lower leaves
are yellowing then give it a bit more food.

It is correct that you want to be careful about spraying buds. This
was the cause for the only mold that I have seen.



Well-Known Member
Day 54 of grow
Day 35 of flower

grow 528.jpggrow 527.jpggrow 526.jpggrow 525.jpggrow 524.jpggrow 523.jpggrow 522.jpggrow 521.jpggrow 520.jpggrow 519.jpg

As you can see there is a couple of tops that have gone missing
Ah no patience i have , must resist the urge
Anyway plant overall has stopped growing upart from buds
Can see crystals starting to form on suger leaves
It has had 5 weeks flower now
What do you think another 3 weeks ?

grow 514.jpggrow 513.jpggrow 512.jpggrow 511.jpggrow 510.jpggrow 509.jpggrow 508.jpggrow 507.jpggrow 506.jpg
Ice is doing ok outside , i'm just abit worried regarding light outside
As i live in Australia it is Spring at the moment and days are starting to get longer as summer will be here in a bit
Can she go back into veg this far into flower if days start getting longer than say 14 hours light ?
She / he / it has been in flower for 5 weeks aswell
not as much crystals growing on this plant yet

My new seedlings coming up
grow 518.jpggrow 517.jpggrow 516.jpggrow 515.jpg
The bigger 1 is ICE
The second 1 is Crystal
The third 1 that has been half eaten by something is White Widow
They sprouted 3 days ago
grow 505.jpg


Well-Known Member
I am terrible at predicting things...but eight weeks is a good guess.

Yes, a flowering plant can re-Veg as the days continue to get longer.

Good luck,



Well-Known Member
some leaves on my Crystal are still clawing on me
I'm a bit confused as someone said it was to much N
Then i started to get yellowing leaves on bottom of plant
and got told to give thwm more N
What do i do ????


Well-Known Member
First of all, heed the advice from The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy:


There is another issue that can cause Claw-like symptoms: over watering

If you were seeing yellowing from the bottom, then you had an N def in all likelihood.

Let them get dry before you water them again.

Good luck,



Well-Known Member
As always JD your info is great
I will wait untill fully dry b4 watering again
I love those pics you posted
they are fantastic


Well-Known Member
While I like to see leaves lifting up a bit, the color of your ladies
is really nice and pretty consistent too. They seem happy.

Are they perhaps a tad drenched?

Good stuff.



Well-Known Member
Hey JD thanx for your kind words
I would love to see leaves lifting abit aswell
This Ice plant has grown like this from day 1
No it is not drenched , it was actually dry
I watered after taking pics
See a couple of leaves are still yellow on bottom , i'm losing a couple of leaves a week now


Well-Known Member
Yellowing from the bottom is usually an N deficiency.

Many nute programs go too far in tapering off the N toward the
end of the flowering cycle, especially for some breeds. Often
N has to be supplemented at these times. An EWC top-dressing
is a great idea if you have some.

Good luck,



Well-Known Member
Yellowing from the bottom is usually an N deficiency.

Many nute programs go too far in tapering off the N toward the
end of the flowering cycle, especially for some breeds. Often
N has to be supplemented at these times. An EWC top-dressing
is a great idea if you have some.

Good luck,

What is EWC JD
Also should i feed maybe 5ml per litre instead of 4ml of all my nutes ?