Why haven't African Americans assimilated into American culture...?

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Passive voice is used by the untrustworthy. Trustworthy people use active voice. Notice how passive voice sounds smug?
Innocent or not, it fits like a glove.

at least until he molts.

The "..." signify a clause.. so don't get so uptightly racist yet..

Why haven't African Americans assimilated into American culture... as well as American Italians or American Irish, American English, American Spanish, etc..?

Why is it that African Americans seem to be the only exception? By exception I mean why are more African Americans in jail than their counterparts? Why the higher crime rate, the higher teen pregnancy rate, the higher fatherless households rate?

By no means is this thread meant to be against African Americans, rather, it's meant to be about the injustices they, as a race, face in America, and WHY?

IMO, it has a lot to do with the drug culture. Ever since the beginning, illegal drugs have been linked to minorities. I would like to examine this further, and I would like to hear any inputs from the board, any first hand accounts or personal experiences.

In your opinion, what do you think are the main factors holding assimilation into the culture back with African Americans?

in my opinion, it is the depiction of other african americans on television coupled with the pressure to conform to that image for fear of alienation. Im not sure how it started, probably with discrimination back in... those days. and im not sure how it evolved into ignorant, truculent behavior, but i know how it is perpetuated; the media depiction of african americans.
in my opinion, it is the depiction of other african americans on television coupled with the pressure to conform to that image for fear of alienation. Im not sure how it started, probably with discrimination back in... those days. and im not sure how it evolved into ignorant, truculent behavior, but i know how it is perpetuated; the media depiction of african americans.
Ahh! So black people need the media to tell them how to act!

Are you fucking serious?
Ahh! So black people need the media to tell them how to act!

Are you fucking serious?
i never said that blacks needed the media to tell them how to act; but when the media depicts blacks behaving in a particular fashion, other blacks will emulate this behavior to a degree that is equivalent to the prevalence of those behaviors in their community. the fact of the matter is that people will conform to what they're exposed to.
i never said that blacks needed the media to tell them how to act; but when the media depicts blacks behaving in a particular fashion, other blacks will emulate this behavior to a degree that is equivalent to the prevalence of those behaviors in their community. the fact of the matter is that people will conform to what they're exposed to.

Its always somebody else's fault. The Gang banging, cop killing, crack smoking etc rap music they put out
themselves has no bearing on it. It must always be someone else's fault-the medias ...LOL I dont think so.
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