1st grow, how does it look?


Well-Known Member
I have completely fucked up buds by drying them to fast. I created what we dubbed hypoallergenic weed because it didn't smell like anything.

I do the following.

All the buds are cut, trimmed and hung on string in a tent or room with a Dehu unit set to 40%. There is a small fan running on low but NOT pointing at the buds.

I let the Dehu run for about 3 days and the outside of the buds feel dry but not crispy. It make take less time to reach this point as, well, I have a shit ton more buds in my drying space than you do. What you are trying to do at this point is quickly get your moisture levels below the range of mold.

After this I set the Dehu at 50 and let them hang for another week or so.

The trick in the next step is to put then in the cure containers or turkey bags at the right time. The small buds will be really dry and the big buds will still be a little wet on the inside. If you let the big buds completely dry...you kind of missed the boat on the long slow cure type of dry that yields the best flavor and smell.

I cut the buds off of the stalks and place them in a large airtight Tupperware (looks like a small tote it's about 3 gallons in size) Come back in an hour. If it smells damp or grassy then immediately take the buds out and let them dry some more!!! Maybe another day. If it only smells a tiny tiny bit like this then leave the cover off for a day. Re arrange the buds a little and then seal it up.

I open the container and let it breath a little every day or so. Well, at this point I usually weigh out pounds, put them in turkey bags and sell it.

The most important thing after this step is to schedule a back massage, then go get a couple of drinks and arrange to fuck the single or married with permission female woman of your choosing. I typically like to fuck the sluttier one of the harem post harvest.

If your under 35 then you can skip the back massage part

If your under 30, you will probably just have to drink beer, masturbate and realize that educated, well spoken and polite 40yo's get an insane amount of pussy. Just avoid getting married or fat and your time will come.



Well-Known Member
Well i'm 50 and married (but not fat :) ) so unless i want to lose my house and my business i think i'll skip the last part but thanks for the tips :)

A couple of questions.
On the initial drying with the dehu what temps do you keep the room at and do you change it when you go from 40% to 50%?

I open the container and let it breath a little every day or so.
Once you can open the box without it smelling damp or grassy how many days do you keep it in the box before its ready?
And for my purposes i'm guessing a couple of jars will do the same thing as your small tote :)


Well-Known Member
Day 63. Do you think she is ready, i only have a jewellers loupe and its difficult to tell but looks like maybe 60-70% cloudy but there are a few amber trichs too?



Well-Known Member
I would chop the tops and give the lowers a few days under the lights to fill out/ darken up.

Looks great..keep your humidity at bay and some air moving around!!!! Fat nugs like that are awesome , but prone to botrytis
awesome grow... read the whole thread, every post lol... funny how many times you've repeated the size of the cupboard and the limiting size. overall A+ for the project, especially being your first time... prior knowledge really helped you succeed to a level most beginners like myself dream of, but you show to try your best. Cant wait to see total dry wieight.... and if im not mistaken you've throw away over 250 gr wet??... i'd be happy with what you lost! keep it up and sry about to bud rot, big downer in this plants story


Well-Known Member
awesome grow... read the whole thread, every post lol... funny how many times you've repeated the size of the cupboard and the limiting size. overall A+ for the project, especially being your first time... prior knowledge really helped you succeed to a level most beginners like myself dream of, but you show to try your best. Cant wait to see total dry wieight.... and if im not mistaken you've throw away over 250 gr wet??... i'd be happy with what you lost! keep it up and sry about to bud rot, big downer in this plants story
Thanks i've really enjoyed it and learned a lot, you can read all you like beforehand but once you actually plant a seed and start growing you realise you don't know that much lol
Some people just skip pages and then say things like put another light in or add a mini split so i have to keep posting that i'm growing in a cupboard :)
Yeah i lost the tops of some big colas, they would have probably dried out somewhere between 1 & 2 ounces but i think i will still have a good yield from her.


Well-Known Member
I would chop the tops and give the lowers a few days under the lights to fill out/ darken up.

Looks great..keep your humidity at bay and some air moving around!!!! Fat nugs like that are awesome , but prone to botrytis
Yeah i did get get bud rot earlier so i'm always checking them now all over the plant.
I like the idea of 2 stage cutting, some of the secondary colas still have quite a few white hairs so would prob benefit from another week of light :)


Well-Known Member
Well I cut her down on Sunday, I took a few tops off and found some more mould so I cut the whole plant down, I know it was still a bit early for a lot of it and the lower buds were still a little fluffy but I'm not fighting bud rot anymore, I'll put it down to experience and do better next time.
I will dry out what I managed to salvage and clean the cupboard with bleach and then run an ozone generator in there for 24 hours with no ventilation, that should kill it :)

Tried to take some pics through a loupe but didn't really work :(



Well-Known Member
Well she went into the 1.5L jars today, dry weight was 332 grams, just over 8oz so i'm very pleased with that, this could have been close to 11oz if i hadn't had to trim all the tops due to mould and ended up cutting her down early but i'll learn from it and try to do better next run :)


A family pic .... mum with the kids :rolleyes:


Hopefully gonna flip these next weekend.


Well-Known Member
Well she went into the 1.5L jars today, dry weight was 332 grams, just over 8oz so i'm very pleased with that, this could have been close to 11oz if i hadn't had to trim all the tops due to mould and ended up cutting her down early but i'll learn from it and try to do better next run
Sorry that should have said 232 grams not 332


Well-Known Member
Thanks guys, she was a great plant, i was a bit gutted to cut her down, i didn't do anything special I think it was just beginners luck lol :)


Well-Known Member
It happens dude. But nice harvest. In the future when you have tight buds, pay very close attention to the top leaves coming out of the buds. If they start to die, even just one, you better open it up and investigate for boytritus as it will quickly spread!!

Chalk it up to learning and keep humidity down next time


Well-Known Member
It happens dude. But nice harvest. In the future when you have tight buds, pay very close attention to the top leaves coming out of the buds. If they start to die, even just one, you better open it up and investigate for boytritus as it will quickly spread!!

Chalk it up to learning and keep humidity down next time
I am watching the humidity like a hawk on my 2nd grow, i also have an extra fan for better circulation and check the tops daily for any dying leaves, i got complacent last time but it wont happen again :)