online pharms?


Well-Known Member
Yea canndo,I've been collecting opoids for my dad for when they finally stop juicing him up with fentanyl..I'm gonna take the stash and ease him out of it..they allready have to give him enemas he's on so 0 oc40s and a bottle I got 3 fentanyl patches,10 oc 40mg,and a bottle of 5mg lortab.I feel over 2 weeks I can ease him back off the drugs..and onto heavy indica...


Well-Known Member
A pot hating, republican, recreational opioid user and a mushroom growing expert..... I think I hate canndo but certainly appreciate his opinion and writing, I think there are a lot of people that can relate... just not me! I like the mushroom growing part though

oh and btw, legalizing drugs would save the country and economy, motivated people always get drugs. making drugs illegal helps no one


Well-Known Member
A pot hating, republican, recreational opioid user and a mushroom growing expert..... I think I hate canndo but certainly appreciate his opinion and writing, I think there are a lot of people that can relate... just not me! I like the mushroom growing part though

oh and btw, legalizing drugs would save the country and economy, motivated people always get drugs. making drugs illegal helps no one
He doesn't hate pot. He just doesn't enjoy the effects. He seems to be a genuine connoisseur of substances just like me, although far ahead of me. I love reading his posts.


Well-Known Member
Yea canndo,I've been collecting opoids for my dad for when they finally stop juicing him up with fentanyl..I'm gonna take the stash and ease him out of it..they allready have to give him enemas he's on so 0 oc40s and a bottle I got 3 fentanyl patches,10 oc 40mg,and a bottle of 5mg lortab.I feel over 2 weeks I can ease him back off the drugs..and onto heavy indica...
Careful, that Fent is a BITCH!! I went through 20 50ug patches in about a month (my wife STILL bitches "you saved HOW much for me? one? One? ONE?") After that noddy little interlude 30 mg of hydro was like a glass of wine, of course the dilaudid dropped into my lap - a bottle of 30 8s, which I proceeded to blow through in another month or so. Then of course there was the opana - they were small, and in a time release matrix. I couldn't stash any of them - thing kept coming up, trips, visits, excursions and weekends and all of a sudden I was down to a patch, a pair of dilaudid and a couple of opana (held out on those). The cost was a lot of sleepless nights, a runny nose and a feeling of depression for a couple of weeks. but then - nothing worked right, not the oxy, not the hydro and not the morphine so I had to stop everything. Only now, months later is anything working much at all - but it seems even now that my tolerance will zoom up after only a short while.

I got a few oxy 40's, quartered them and my wife and I did 10 each - BLISS! WOW, how wonderful, the pills must be fresh or something. Of course two days later they had half the effect and a day later nothing at all. as you know my rule is not to up the dose, if 20 mg don't work, oh well, no more until they do.

Now the up side is that one can have any number of christmases a year. I can look forward all month to a pleaseant weekend.

But there is another secret. I learned it collecting cigars. The best cigars are the ones you age yourself. You can't age cigars if you don't have enough of them to put down because you will go through the box before they get any time. The point then is to continue to purchase them until you reach critical mass (for me, about 500). So I may not have a cigar in my rotation for a year - and the rest get plenty of rest. Anyway, that's how I manage it usually, if Ihave a weekend but opiates are not in the rotation, I can use something else, valium perhaps, or that other stuff I love so much. Speaking of that, a tolerance builds very quickly as well, about 3 days is all you get, then you hae to lay off for a month.

Of course you can't collect things with short shelf lives, like green coffee beans I know, I tried and wound up with about 15 lbs of crap beans that taste like cardboard if that after I roast them.


Well-Known Member
A pot hating, republican, recreational opioid user and a mushroom growing expert..... I think I hate canndo but certainly appreciate his opinion and writing, I think there are a lot of people that can relate... just not me! I like the mushroom growing part though

oh and btw, legalizing drugs would save the country and economy, motivated people always get drugs. making drugs illegal helps no one
Ok, firstly - I LIKE you, it's ok you don't like me. Secondly, I am decidedly not a republican and thirdly, just because I don't think legalization would be good for ME, does not mean I don't approve. Who am I to depend upon the government to moderate my drug consumption? If they were legalized in their totality I would simply have to revise my strategies for survival and enjoyment. I like scotch - a LOT, and it is legal but I don't find myself drinking myself silly every night.

There are many who depend upon their own intrinic laziness to keep their consumption in check. I have been known to be one. I get a call from someone who lives 100 miles away "hey dude, I got 'fill in the blank'", come get some! "nahh man, too far away, if you are ever in the area let me know".

I knew a guy, now dead of brain cancer who would think nothing of hopping on his bicycle to ride an hour for two hits of crack, and then turn around and ride home. I'm not that motivated.


Well-Known Member
Oh, one more thing? Skuxx has it right, I don't hate pot at all, I admire it, I am enamored of everything about it, it is beautiful, the buds are beautiful, the plant is a marvel, the smell, the taste, the comradery of most users - I am constantly given pot of all sorts and was entrusted with a very exotic strain to keep alive (clone only) - oh, and I am a total failure at growing the stuff, I have to have others manage that preservation. I simply don't much like what it does to me - and I really really wish I did like it, life for a person who enjoys altered states of conciousness is much more difficult when he simply doesn't enjoy the substance that is most available to him.

Oh, and I think you may have read my little discussions of pot evangelicals. Other than perhaps LSD, we don't find many who tout their particular drug use - I do not ever try to induce another to take or try opiates, I don't claim that they cure anythng (save spiritual angst or life ennui). I have found that only pot users seem to hold a certain religious zealotry toward their drug of choice - even to the point of claiming that pot is not a drug, or that it is the only "natural" substance as though natural is something virtuous - but Impman I am not accusing you of any of that, your post just got me started on a typical canndo rant. Oh, one last thing, I think my only journal here might indicate that I do not hate it at all.

Republican? really? me?


Well-Known Member
What kind of scotch do you drink canndo? I haven't tried many. Since I tried Glenlivet, it's about the only thing I drink. Usually the 18. But I want to try new brands if you have any recommendations.


Well-Known Member
What kind of scotch do you drink canndo? I haven't tried many. Since I tried Glenlivet, it's about the only thing I drink. Usually the 18. But I want to try new brands if you have any recommendations.
I have no favorite, there are few that I don't like, My favorite single pot spirit is not a single malt scotch but an Irish whiskey - Connemara. There is a story about that - I picked up a bottle at Trader Joe's some years ago, cost $15 bucks. I continued to purchase it for some time, even going so far as getting a case, then one day it was gone. I searched high and low (forgive the scotch pun) and finally found it - at $45 a bottle, now I don't have it so much.

But I can't recommend a Single malt unless I know your preference - peaty? lowland? highland? Islay, Spayside?

I like balvinie, Auchchentochen, Craigenmore, Dalmore, and some others who's name escapes me now.


Well-Known Member
Sitting at a nanobrewery. The proprietor is trading beer for cigars, I am getting the better end if the deal.


Well-Known Member
Don't drink laphroaig!! taste like iodine!!!...ragganmore is nice though!!!
Yea canndo,I got him the 25ug patches..he's not a opoid user at all..herb and shrooms(although I did see him have a seziure once coming off morphine)..that's the reason I'm stocking ease him down..and all my friends are being very supportive and helping aquire these drugs since they know of my old habits,and know I have no connections really to these types of if I can get them to help chop his firewood for the winter ill be fine!!


Well-Known Member
Thanks bro! I am happy to say he's allready cutting back..not taking them at all or just before bed..they keep giving him shittons of meds..he puts em aside for later if he needs em..been on a steady hash diet!lol..


Well-Known Member
Do they sell things like K at these pharmacies? I'm guessing no, but with SR down now I'm pretty much at a loss. I don't really trust the RC scene too much anymore, not to mention the last MXE i got was bunk. Oh well may just have to go without space travel for a bit.


Well-Known Member
You can def get K from these places. It's a C3 drug so it shouldn't a problem to import. C2s and C1s are harder but even they're available.