online pharms?


Well-Known Member
If you had a chance to aquire quality pharms from benzos to oxy to hydro to morphine, would you do it online, possibly risking your money but with little chance of loss of liberty?

note, this is hypothetical, I know the rules here and I like being a member.


Well-Known Member
Yeah. I wouldn't spend a whole lot of money until I gained some trust though. And I'm iffy about anything that isn't domestic.


Well-Known Member
a close family member maintaned a xanax habit like that for years

It was also name brand stuff at competive prices (competive price for legal)

I sometimes buy testosterone from the philipenes for 5$ a vial , same exact vial over hear from a pharmacy costs 120$+


Well-Known Member
Liberty..testosterone? Was it for 'low t' syndrome,like jose canseco?..just curious..
Canndo..I would only participate after one of two things happened..1.)id do like skuxx and buy 100$ lots of whatever drug for an extended period of time,gain a personal number/info of an employee/vendor..gain a 'friendly level of trust' and then buy in bulk(if that was the purpose in the long run,if not,buy personal for personal..) and 2.)had my best friend who had ordered/dealt with said online vendor for a great while,reccomend and give me a reference from themselves..ill be hones I've lost a few hundred here or there testing the waters,but had id been treated right,they vendors coulda made thousands over time..greed is blind buisnessman...


Active Member
yeah i have used online pharms for a long time, then i found the silkroad and the escrow system and all the benzos or oxys etc you wanted.

theres are other options than online pharms you will get all the pills you are wanting in the darknet and sites like deepbay,bmr,sheep and with a escrow system meaning you dont pay until you have received your goods, but off course they still have there risks....


Well-Known Member
Liberty..testosterone? Was it for 'low t' syndrome,like jose canseco?..just curious..
Canndo..I would only participate after one of two things happened..1.)id do like skuxx and buy 100$ lots of whatever drug for an extended period of time,gain a personal number/info of an employee/vendor..gain a 'friendly level of trust' and then buy in bulk(if that was the purpose in the long run,if not,buy personal for personal..) and 2.)had my best friend who had ordered/dealt with said online vendor for a great while,reccomend and give me a reference from themselves..ill be hones I've lost a few hundred here or there testing the waters,but had id been treated right,they vendors coulda made thousands over time..greed is blind buisnessman...
Sorry dont know of jose canseco , Test is one of them things that just makes everything better. Yet is generly healthy for almost everyone male or female


Well-Known Member
He was a baseball player that took too much steroids..not implying you do the same,but was curious as to other uses for testosterone...he uses it for 'low t syndome'..


Well-Known Member
Sorry dont know of jose canseco , Test is one of them things that just makes everything better. Yet is generly healthy for almost everyone male or female
I am a regular opioid user, I am not addicted in most senses of the word, it has been a limited recreation for me for going on 20 years. It is a known fact that opiates tend to reduce the body's ability to create free testosterone in the blood. Now I can't tell you for certain that opiates caused my low testosterone level because I doubt I ever had a very high level in my entire life - I have almost a full head of hair (high testosterone often causes permanent hair loss) and my libido has had its ups and downs, the ups being near manic and the lows a serious dissapointment to my various partners. However, about two years ago I went and had it tested and found my levels to be cronicly low. I opted for the gell. I can tell you that I was listless, not motivated and I had gained a good deal of weight. I was at about 270 (I'm 6 foot 5). Admittedly I did alter my eating habits and went back to progressive resistance training and a bit of cardio but after starting Testosterone therapy I am down to 230, have greatly increased my muscles and ratio and am at least as vigorous as I was in my 50's (and I was somewhat of a monster back then).

My blood pressure is now under control without pills, I stand straighter, I feel much better, sleep better, my cholesterol is down and my resting heartrate is 59. I just turned 61.

Of course I have less hair on my head (and more in my ears and nose and knuckles). Over all I have nothing but good things to say about Testosterone therapy save for the fact that it costs me 350 bucks a month. I contemplated aloud to my wife that perhaps the money could be better spent and my wife shut me down - "oh no, I'll give up my nails and hair or new car payments or those dual pane windows we want but you will NOT give up your testosterone" I suspect that she has some level of self interest here.

Interestingly, she uses a tiny daub once a week as well. She has lost 44 lbs and along with her other changes of diet and weights she now has the body of a very fit 40 year old and she is 56. I am aware that I have placed myself at some level of risk of prostate cancer and an acceleration of precancerous cells but I get checked regularly.

I urge everyone, especially those with an opiate hobby to have themselves checked and deal with low levels if they can at all afford it. Really, two years ago I all but surrendered to the prospect of not only BEING old but feeling old, tired, exhausted, listless, accepting random pains and aches and the sex drive of a starving sloth.

Of course it has a mulitplicative effect on weight training - the more I train the more natural testosterone I create, the more I create the more is in my system and the more that is in my system the larger my muscles grow. I recently took a hiatus from workouts due to my (recently ended) job but keeping up with consuming extra protein and my T-jell has paid off. I went to the gym last night for the first time in three months and found I had lost only a tiny fraction of my strength. Not bad.

Now how did I get off on that endorsement?

So, some of you folks would experiment with these pharmacies hazarding small amounts of money in the process - barring of course the fact that shipping from these far away locations is rather costly. A 100 dollar experiment actually costs almost 100 percent more - of essentialy wasted money.

But I thank you all for your input. Perhaps I will report my success or failure - in some other location however as I don't think it appropriate (or even acceptable) to do so on this site.



Well-Known Member
Oh one more thing about Conseco - testosterone is one of the poorest performance enhancing drugs in the arsenal, testosterone breaks down into estrogen (if I recall my research correctly). There are far better and more effective steroids for that - AND, as always, when used judiciously and carefully, present few if any health problems. It is only when these folks stack massive amounts of some of the more.... lusty chemicals that they begin to exhibit the harsher effects of steroid abuse. It is always the same when it comes to drugs. A little is fine, a little more is better but those who use a lot are the ones that make the news and invariably cast a dark shadow over ANY use of what ever substance that has caught the attention of the media.


Well-Known Member
'Not additcted'..'limited recreation going on for 20 years'
Lol..I'm joshing ya...
100$ lost might be100% but 1k lost is much more of a gamble..


Well-Known Member
Yea the testosterone/canseco thing is the only info I recall on testosterone..that's why I asked..other than that all I've heard it used for was pre operation sex changes...


bud bootlegger
'Not additcted'..'limited recreation going on for 20 years'
Lol..I'm joshing ya...
100$ lost might be100% but 1k lost is much more of a gamble..
reminds me of a m.a.s.h. episode where colonial potter tries to get radar to smoke a cigar... radar asks if they're addictive, and potter replies, nope, been smoking 5 or 6 a year for 40 years, and i'm not addicted yet.. :D


Well-Known Member
'Not additcted'..'limited recreation going on for 20 years'
Lol..I'm joshing ya...
100$ lost might be100% but 1k lost is much more of a gamble..
Josh me if you will Rory, I husband my tolerance, and my collection - I value the feelings too much to do otherwise. 30 mg of oral morphine still gives me a 6 hour loft to pleasantness - and talkativeness, which is why I am typing what I am today. I lost my (admittedly temporary) contract gig yesterday and am back home working my projects and hustling bucks in an assortment of ways, so I figured I would indulge in a recreation that was impossible while I was working. The only time I have strayed was a bout - that you can actually trace if you follow my conversations here - of fentanyl followed quickly by dilaudid, which was followed just as quickly by a large handful of opana. I began to worry a bit that things had finally caught up with me and it has taken some time for my tolerance to go back to a semblance of baseline. This does not make me stronger than anyone else, or better, or smarter and I know I play with fire. I am unsure about my stance on the legalization of all drugs as I am relatively certain that scarcity has helped me avoid a true physical addiction. That scarcity keeps prices prohibitive and has me a life long drug hoarder, husbanding his tiny supply of this pill or that capsule for months or even years.


Well-Known Member
reminds me of a m.a.s.h. episode where colonial potter tries to get radar to smoke a cigar... radar asks if they're addictive, and potter replies, nope, been smoking 5 or 6 a year for 40 years, and i'm not addicted yet.. :D

Welllllllll I do nurse a little nicotine jones. I am a two cigar a day man and have been for about that same 20 years. But I still have a few cigars in my collection that I purchased in a box from long ago. I recently pulled a cigar out one of which I last smoked listening to the Supreme Court decision on Bush V Gore.


Well-Known Member
Damn canndo 6'5''... I didn't imagine you being such a huge guy. You keep your tolerance level really well. I'm probably only about 150lbs and my tolerance for anything is ridiculous. And I'm only 25, my resting heart rate is around 80, and I am on Bp pills already. So you're doing pretty good.


Well-Known Member
hey CANNDO ever check out the injectable test. it's a fraction of the price , the dose is costant in that it's all in your system vrs rubbing off or sweating off, and it's usualy only a everyother week IM injection.
For the creams their are also alternative application sites that will increase asorbtion rates .
As far as the prostate issues that are semi-rare , I would much rather live a shorter life but a happy life than a long misserable one . But realy the bennfits far out weigh the risks , I am more afraid of fast food than test.

AS far as I know normal amounts of test do degrade to estrogen and estrogen like chemicals but a health body will quickly eliminate them, and not pose any negative effects , rember the male body also needs some level of estrogen
It's the A steroids that pose a problem with breaking down to estrogens , thats why people that juice use anti-estrogens

Ever use GHB/GBL as a HGH supplement , I find good results with it , better than anything else OTC


Well-Known Member
Damn canndo 6'5''... I didn't imagine you being such a huge guy. You keep your tolerance level really well. I'm probably only about 150lbs and my tolerance for anything is ridiculous. And I'm only 25, my resting heart rate is around 80, and I am on Bp pills already. So you're doing pretty good.

I attribute it to clean living.


Well-Known Member
hey CANNDO ever check out the injectable test. it's a fraction of the price , the dose is costant in that it's all in your system vrs rubbing off or sweating off, and it's usualy only a everyother week IM injection.
For the creams their are also alternative application sites that will increase asorbtion rates .
As far as the prostate issues that are semi-rare , I would much rather live a shorter life but a happy life than a long misserable one . But realy the bennfits far out weigh the risks , I am more afraid of fast food than test.

AS far as I know normal amounts of test do degrade to estrogen and estrogen like chemicals but a health body will quickly eliminate them, and not pose any negative effects , rember the male body also needs some level of estrogen
It's the A steroids that pose a problem with breaking down to estrogens , thats why people that juice use anti-estrogens

Ever use GHB/GBL as a HGH supplement , I find good results with it , better than anything else OTC

Been playing with the idea of what is it? Testaforte? but I don't like the idea of going down to the doc every other week, I am looking at Obama's new deal hoping that I could get a break but it looks like testosterone is not a tier one drug. If that doesn't work out I may try to get some stuff from outside the country and see, wife is against it though. Never used GHB/GBL Might try. I used DHEA for a long time but it didn't really do anything except raise my cholesterol. Wife uses it and we think it has forstalled menopause - she STILL isn't there, she thinks it is a pain, I am not so sure I agree.