Help!! What am i doing wrong


Active Member
Hi, Im a new grower with 3 plants in a 3 square foot closet with a 600 watt hps.
I started 3 afghani big bud seeds and put them under the light in a propagator. When they were a few days old i noticed they were wilting so took them out of the closet and gave them a good watering. They recovered and started growing fast so they went back in the closet then into the big pots.

I started giving them some nitrogen when they were 2 weeks old and some of the leaves got yellow patches and the new growth started curling up. I assumed i had overnuted them so flushed them out and yesterday they seemed to be recovering, but this morning they are curling up and wilting again. The pots seemed a lot lighter so i gave them a good watering again.

They are 3 weeks old now and are in good quality potting compost. I havnt given them any nutes since. The room is between 75-85f with an extractor fan running at all times. They get 24 hours light. I put a humidity meter in there a couple of hours ago and the room is just under 30%, which is pretty dry. I put about 2 litres of water in each pot on monday morning and they seemed too dry this morning, wednesday, and they took another 2 litres each before any water came out the bottom. Is the room too dry? If so how can i increase the humidity? Would adding a ventilation hole in the closet door improve things? I was wondering if the extractor fan was sucking all the moisture out the room.

Ive got some pics, so any help would be greatly received.

Ps I will start a journal shortly.

plants 019.jpgplants 027.jpgplants 023.jpgplants 021.jpg


Active Member
Thanks for replying moj. Yes 24 hours light since a seedling. I know the hps isnt ideal for vegging, im getting flourescents for next grow. The little blighters are growing fast tho.


Well-Known Member
try to keep ya temp's to no more than 80f, get the humidity up a bit more.. say to about 65% test ya soil ph and keep the pots moist not wet for a few days, see if they pick up.


Well-Known Member
Put an open container of water in there to help increase humidity...You're in a damned if you don't flush & damned if you over water position...maybe some mulch on top of the soil will help keep them less dry........a few thoughts..


Active Member
Well thanks guys.

Ive moved the light up a bit which has lowered it the temp to under 80f, and put a bucket of water in there. Will cut the ventilation hole in the door tomorrow and see what the humidity is then. Ive just got a ph tester kit so will test that aswell. Will keep pots moist.

Cheers, will let you know how they are doing tomorrow.


Active Member
Well guys, think ive got it sorted now :grin:. I cut a hole in the closet door and put a ventilation cover on it and the humidity has gone up to 55% and the temp down to 75f max. The plants are loving it and look fantastic now, and the pots shouldnt dry out so quick. The humidity was down to 25% yesterday, it was like the sahara in there, sucking the moisture out my pots and into the extractor fan! Ive put 3 white widow seedlings into big pots today (12 days old) and they are in the closet now aswell so i will take some more pics tomorrow and post them on this thread. Thanks for everyones advice and smoke safely:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Well guys, think ive got it sorted now :grin:. I cut a hole in the closet door and put a ventilation cover on it and the humidity has gone up to 55% and the temp down to 75f max. The plants are loving it and look fantastic now, and the pots shouldnt dry out so quick. The humidity was down to 25% yesterday, it was like the sahara in there, sucking the moisture out my pots and into the extractor fan! Ive put 3 white widow seedlings into big pots today (12 days old) and they are in the closet now aswell so i will take some more pics tomorrow and post them on this thread. Thanks for everyones advice and smoke safely:blsmoke:
Hey no problem, thats why i love weed, brings people from all coultures, races and countrys of all ages together... peacefully!!! Really glad you got it sorted mate, lets hope you get some good smoke off the girls too.

:peace: Peace :peace: