Well-Known Member
Well I am no demolitions expert but shooting into a car full of explosives doesn't seem like the best idea and a piss poor example. Goddamn it's like we don't even care about details before we react anymore. What if she was having a stroke, seizure, hearrtattack? Just the other day a kid got killed by a police officer and he was the one trying to get people to call them after he just got mugged. It's fucking idiots that keep making excuses for this kind of behavior that now have our law enforcement putting full clips in innocent people damn near on a weekly basis.And if she had a trunk full of explosives and chose that moment to detonate them? How silly would your suggestion look then?
If you try to ram your car through a White House checkpoint and then drive down to the Capitol, resisting police the whole way, they are entirely justified in immediately shooting you dead. Period.