Gov shut down


Well-Known Member
It would be interesting to see how much $$$$$$ is saved (per day) from it being shut down.
Well, in the short run it will cost a lot of money and they are not really shutting down anything but what faces the public.

ink the world

Well-Known Member
Do the minority of people whom the Tea Party represent not deserve representation?

I don't endorse them at all, but I do believe in democracy.
Absolutely the deserve a voice, but that small minority has done nothing at all constructive or helpful. That small minority shouldn't have the ability to shut down the government.

i hope they pull this shit in a few weeks with the debt ceiling. Watch how fast that tiny minority freaks out when their Social Security checks stop coming in.


Active Member
I would like to point something out - with out getting hosed here.

We the people bitch that our vote / voice means nothing. I know there are only a few who are fighting for this anti Obama care. And That is that. I am not slinging mud either side in this post, please respect that. This is the few peoples voice getting heard. This is the people who put them in office, doing the job they are to do.
Yes it sucks that they can hold us hostage. However the real issue here is not those few people. It is the whole system.
This is the system we have. This is the system we fought over and over for. We had a Civil War over this system. You need to respect the shut down. Obama saying that "only a few people caused this shut down". He also said that he will not budge because he wants to do whats right for his office and the future.

That is really admirable. But that is NOT the system we have. This is the system we have, so deal with the cards at hand. Act like men, and talk it out. Life is a give and take.
Our founding fathers warned of this happening long ago. They even said the government that they setup would not ever work on a large scale. It depends on how you look at it today. Most people would say the that it is not, and it might be time for a change.
Just throwing it out there.


Well-Known Member
this is all about GOP cock block and nothing more..
When Harry Reid was asked why he wouldnt want to fund part of the government if it would save even one childs life and his answer was "Why would I want to do that?"

Yeah, keep believing the partisan rhetoric that keeps getting shoveled out from the liberal media and administration... It wont solve anything.


Active Member
This is NOT a party issue. Calling it a party issue is the same as calling it a race issue.
This is a system issue.

diet coke

Active Member
Congress is voted in by the people, ? so a majority of the people voted in republicans ? Senate seems to be the issue.


Well-Known Member
Congress is voted in by the people, ? so a majority of the people voted in republicans ? Senate seems to be the issue.
Actually less people voted for Republicans

There is this thing called Gerrymandering Districts

But you are obviously too stupid to know this

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Actually less people voted for Republicans

There is this thing called Gerrymandering Districts

But you are obviously too stupid to know this
cuz democrats dont gerrymander.

look at california's congressional districts and then try to claim that shit.

california has not had a Republican majority in the state legislature since we became a state in 1850

further, congressional seats are allocated by district votes , not by the overall national vote.

but you are obviously too ignorant to know this.


Well-Known Member
When Harry Reid was asked why he wouldnt want to fund part of the government if it would save even one childs life and his answer was "Why would I want to do that?"
imagine that.

he wants cancer treatment centers for children fully funded to save any child he can, not just one.

but you go on playing politics with dying cancer children and see how that works out for ya.

after all, they can't get their treatment because YOUR PARTY shut them down.


Well-Known Member
Absolutely the deserve a voice, but that small minority has done nothing at all constructive or helpful. That small minority shouldn't have the ability to shut down the government.

Actually our system was designed to do just that. You didn't have a problem when the majority slammed through a controversial bill without bipartisan and overwhelming public support. It's politics man don't be a hypocrite. The people got together and elected them to do what they're doing, this is what makes this country great. While I don't necessarily agree with them at least the people have some pull in congress which I can say almost all registered democrats, republicans, and independents don't.


Well-Known Member
The people got together and elected them to do what they're doing, this is what makes this country great.
children not getting their cancer treatments?

WWII vets blocked off from the memorial dedicated to them?

babies going to bed hungry once WIC runs out in a few?

good job, you guys did it.


Well-Known Member
children not getting their cancer treatments?

WWII vets blocked off from the memorial dedicated to them?

babies going to bed hungry once WIC runs out in a few?

good job, you guys did it.
Do you hate Americans? This is what it is, if you don't like it China is always an option. The people have spoken sorry you can't handle that.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
children not getting their cancer treatments?

WWII vets blocked off from the memorial dedicated to them?

babies going to bed hungry once WIC runs out in a few?

good job, you guys did it.
any of those things could be funded easily, but the Dems are once again using political extortion to try and force their will on the nation.

they tried the same weak ass tactics i the last Govt Shutdown, and it backfired.

im looking forward to the next election and the paddling the Dems shall receive AGAIN for their mean spirited political machinations.


Well-Known Member
any of those things could be funded easily, but the Dems are once again using political extortion to try and force their will on the nation.

they tried the same weak ass tactics i the last Govt Shutdown, and it backfired.

im looking forward to the next election and the paddling the Dems shall receive AGAIN for their mean spirited political machinations.
mr. boehner:
"Tear down this wall!" was the challenge issued by United States President Ronald Reagan to Soviet Union leader Mikhail Gorbachev to destroy the Berlin Wall, in a speech at the Brandenburg Gate near the Berlin Wall on June 12, 1987, commemorating the 750th anniversary of Berlin.[SUP][1][/SUP][SUP][2][/SUP] Reagan challenged Gorbachev, who was then the General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, to tear it down as an emblem of Gorbachev's desire to increase freedom in the Eastern Bloc through glasnost ("transparency") and perestroika ("restructuring").


Well-Known Member
any of those things could be funded easily, but the Dems are once again using political extortion to try and force their will on the nation.
close, but completely backwards.

it is the GOP who is giddy about a shutdown, and it is the GOP using political extortion to try to force their will on the nation.

the dems got the PPACA passed in a constitutional manner.

until you guys have the hosue, senate, and presidency, stop politicizing cancer children in order to take a failed shot at the PPACA.


Well-Known Member
Do you hate Americans? This is what it is, if you don't like it China is always an option. The people have spoken sorry you can't handle that.
i'm handling things just fine, it is the cancer children who are having a tough time getting treatment ever since the GOP shut down the government.


Well-Known Member
any of those things could be funded easily, but the Dems are once again using political extortion to try and force their will on the nation.

they tried the same weak ass tactics i the last Govt Shutdown, and it backfired.

im looking forward to the next election and the paddling the Dems shall receive AGAIN for their mean spirited political machinations.
my stars..we truly are living in a parallel universe..


Well-Known Member
any of those things could be funded easily, but the Dems are once again using political extortion to try and force their will on the nation.

they tried the same weak ass tactics i the last Govt Shutdown, and it backfired.

im looking forward to the next election and the paddling the Dems shall receive AGAIN for their mean spirited political machinations.
From what's on the news (liberal media) that Rubes have sent bills to the senate that will fund everything but Obamacare. They have been trying to blow this government shutdown out of proportion and no one fucking cares hell they were airing that state parks are benefiting greatly from this. This is all grandstanding anyone getting their panties in a wad is politically ignorant.