My Secret Closet Grow


Active Member
So the last week and a half ive been jerminating some seeds. They are from my stash so i have no idea wat strain they are, but there was about 20 of them and only 8 jermed. So i planted six of the healthiest looking ones into one of those jiffy window greenhouses and moved it into the grow room. This mornin i noticed the lil pots had a little leaf sticking out of them, so i kno they will all grow.

However, i have noseyyyyy as shit parents.....well dont we all.......and im planning on making a growbox. It will look like a wooden box from the outside. I need some suggestions besides the ones ive read off of google.......i need a few ideas on venting, fan setup, and how to do all this with out letting light out of the box. This idea may sound hard but i have enough money to go buy a ton of stuff. Th other thing is i deas about the door. Im thinking like a pull out like door...

If you could help thanks....:joint:


Active Member
I'm trying to do the same thing in a speaker box i figure i'll grow like 2 plants short with cfl's. i'm gonna wrap socks around the exhaust to quiet it all down. i will also make a carbon scrubber. for intake i drilled small holes on the back, bottom side that are angled and do not let light escape.

to be honest though i've got like 20 plants outside and this indoor grow crap seems way to hard to keep secret. so i would suggest planting outdoors, guerilla style. it's worked for me!:cool:


Well-Known Member
He sounds old enough. GROW ON!
what are you going to use for lights? just cfl's?
a little computer fan will be good for a smallish box.
for 8 plants your gonna need a decent amount of lights. just keep reading every day. you'll get it. good luck bro


Well-Known Member
Growing weed isnt childs play...:?
True, but we all have to start sometime and personally I wish I started when I was 15 I was obsessed with growing but had no where to grow really but now Im 18 and it's almost harvest time I got a Beast of a grow box takes up half my room hahah

arite young weed apprentice how your going to stop the light from getting out is going to be a pickle since your going to need 2 holes in your grow box

the fans arnt going to be quiet either I got a 6 inch Muffin Fan before I had some 200 dollar vortex but that fucker was wayyyyyyyyy to loud and when your growing in the same room you sleep in mans gotta have some quiet time

How big is your grow box going to be anyways? What type of lighting? CFL's would be your best bet just because your trying to hide it

So whats the deal your rents dont care if you smoke up or jus wont let you grow if they just wont let you grow try it out and see what happens thats what I did and whenever I have to go away for the weekend for work the babbies are all good


Well-Known Member
I'm trying to do the same thing in a speaker box i figure i'll grow like 2 plants short with cfl's. i'm gonna wrap socks around the exhaust to quiet it all down. i will also make a carbon scrubber. for intake i drilled small holes on the back, bottom side that are angled and do not let light escape.

to be honest though i've got like 20 plants outside and this indoor grow crap seems way to hard to keep secret. so i would suggest planting outdoors, guerilla style. it's worked for me!:cool:

Yeah my buddy built a grow box our of a couple speakers when he was younger they were pretty bad ass


Well-Known Member
oh if you wanna cut down on the scent and what not with out using speakers Ona! Now personally my plants have only scented up my room so I decided fuck why should I have to smell Ona when the scent of fresh weed is better

so how much cash you got to spend?


Active Member
Yes i am a very young apprentice......My parents dont give a shit wat i do as long as i clean it up, however i dont thnk i would be allowed to have a plant. so im just gonna keep it hidden, in my room there is these 2 doors, the one to the attic the other to the chimney, the one with chimney is where i will put it. I HAVENT BUILT IT YET, but this weekend ima borrow my friends truck and go get the wood and shit. Im not to concerned about the smell because when it starts to smell the scent will just be carried out threough the vents in the roof. Im not growing hydroponically, im growing with dirt and some nute, there will be 4 2ft cfl, one on each wall, at the top, one ultraviolet light, and the a fan or 2 behind it to keep it cool...............But for now they are just in that room.....just sprouted.........and i got a question a bout that as well, im goin tio let them grow up as a sproutling as tall as the can get, then when i transplant, bury all of the stem until about a half inch before the first set of leaves??!! is this correct??.....Thanks


Active Member
im a complete newb but do they smell that bad? it obvious that im growin cause of tht smell..........does it come on gradually or do you just wake up one mornin, damn, it smells like plant!!!!!


Well-Known Member
well I got 3 plants right now and as soon as you open the door to my room tadaaa fresh weed smell! It's not really that strong you could keep the scent down with some odor neutrilizers but yeah its going to start gradually and one day you'll walk in and be like ohhh fuck these smell amazing


Well-Known Member
school's out, hahahahaha!

not to be a dick, but why don't you take that all that money and use it as a down payment on your new apartment? then, you can grow wherever you want without doing something illegal in your parents' home without their knowledge and putting them at risk?


Well-Known Member
you want them to stay small but if they stretch you can just bury them about up the the bottom leaves. keep the cfls pretty close to the plants to they dont stretch. you want those nodes at close as possible. peace


Well-Known Member
Well, I'm not gonna lecture you on growing in your parents place, you do what you think is best. But the smell is REAL, dude. I'm on my first grow and only have 3 plants. When they were just vegging in a small cabinet with ventilation to the outside you could still smell them once you hit the hallway about 10 feet away. Do what you're gonna do, but be as smart about it as you can. Your parents may be cool with it but the neighbors and cops prolly won't be. Good luck!


Well-Known Member
I really dont see the big deal about growing at your rents place! Fuck everyone talks about people who grow at the parents house like they are the scum of growing weed. A lot of us still havnt moved out or are able to my mom has no prob with me growing in the house which is awesome. Now when I move out I'll be able to deal with the tricky stuff a bit easier