R.I.P. Silk Road! I can't believe it!!!


Well-Known Member
I never thought I had the ability to put on weight until the last 5 months or so I've put on over 30 pounds. Proud of it. :)


bud bootlegger
I never thought I had the ability to put on weight until the last 5 months or so I've put on over 30 pounds. Proud of it. :)
i was the same way in my early 20's.. i was super tall and super super skinny..
it pretty much wasn't till i got clean and went to a rehab for 103 days where we did nothing but eat high carb foods and sit around all day that i really ever put on any weight..

not being active has killed me the last few years.. when i was younger, i'd be out skate boarding for hours and hours, now i'm lucky if i venture outside once a week..


Well-Known Member
For what it's worth, I never got ripped off in the hood, and the only time guns were going off were gang members dumping on other gangs! They don't want to blow up their spot cause they make money there! Usually pretty cut and dry business! I have bought crack from a 9 year old before, it's Crazy I can never forget!

on the heroin tip, I always preferred the real deal not pills. More people get weird on them government drugs and die or commit suicide! The people will gravitate from Vicodin to H eventually! Heroin Pro tip...never nod off with cheeze it's in your mouth, dry as fuck!


Well-Known Member
Only time I've had guns pulled on me in the hood was when we would do some slap n go's... and we had money, it was just fun to do! But I've had plenty of guns pulled on me in other cases. Even had my own guns pulled on me in my own place. Don't ask how that happened :-?


Well-Known Member
I've had guns pulled on me,my door kicked in and robbed..20k on a string down the chimney..and the dumbfuckers got 200$,my 'buisness cards'(ticket stubs from 4 phish tours),and my pipe that graced hightimes first glass issue...then muggings and sketchy buyers...I swore the last time,if I ever get a piece pulled on me again,its me or them..I'm a wrestler and a purple belt..I'm pudgy but quick and strong..let some wanna be gangster try to be a gangster..its over...
Buying drugs in the hood never suited me..id hang in the hood but bought my drugs from the upper dealers who sold to the hood guys..I can honestly say 90% of the cocaine I've ever bought I watched choppped off a block the sized of a brick of coffee..heroin,..allways delivered..ugg...we sound like an n.a. meeting..THESE DONUTS ARE STALE!...


Well-Known Member
Imp..I still say you can't rape the willing..the drug dealers that were on s.r. went there knowing they were paying a 'corner tax'..they knew beforehand..I don't feel they were taken advantage of..buyers were a little with some prices..but again..they hit 'enter' without a gun to their head...and again,not disagreeing with ya,moraly,s.r. was a bad road in a lot of aspects


Well-Known Member
I'm hoping the replacement for SR will be some sort of peer to peer system run over Bit Chat though tor and vpn tunnels. One where buyers and sellers can hook up directly while still maintaining a decent degree of trust that the transaction will be completed properly.

I think what we learned here is that there can be a world where we can buy wierd ass drugs that are fun as hell from the comfort of our living room while wearing only underwear. We must not argue and second guess DPR, we must appreciate the sacrafice he made in showing us the way and we must build on his idea, repairing the flaws as we find them.

We live in an oppressive world where governments fuck with lifes small pleasures at every turn. We're treated like children, told what to eat and what not to eat. We're denied the real drugs which can cure our medical and emotional issues and force fed dangerous pharmecuticals tested on rats which don't do shit to allieviate our suffering.

It's our bodies and it's our minds and our right to choose what to put in them. I've gone through countless anti-psychotics, anti-depressents, anti-convulsants and mind melting psycho crap prescribed by so called doctors and none of it made a dent in my insanity or my suffering. They claim that the effective drugs are addicting. They have no medicinal use. They have high abuse potential. This is crap. LSD and MDMA did more to return my sanity and mental health than any other drug that's been prescribed to me. Drugs, which by the way had potentially serious and life threatening side effects. Every year tens of thousands of people die from prescribed drugs and not one person dies from LSD.

It's time we stand up for our rights and demand access to pure and safe tested drugs like LSD, MDMA, Mescaline, 2C-B, 2C-E and others with a long history of safe use. No more of this prozac shit produced by evil companies who cover up the fact that people taking it go berserk and shoot up schools.


Active Member
theres still sites about, bmr,deepbay,sheep but how long before they are got too???

i loved the road, the access to any drug you wanted, i had over 100 completed transactions, i brought stuff i could never dream of getting local, im gonna miss it badly......


Well-Known Member
I would like to point out the obvious in this situation with silk road..'itll never happen and if so there will be no way they will find who's responsible'...that usually was the consenus when people were confronted with the question..I just hope everyone that said that and keeps saying 'i used pgp,all sorts of security measures,ill never get questioned'..I hope they are just as right as the other people saying it'll never happen are wrong...especially for a friend of mine(man he bought shit on s.r. like it was a grocery store next door!!)...


Active Member
there was near a million users off the site you really think the feds are gonna go after every one lolol they will go for the bigboys who where selling lots and earning loads, mroid,cmg83 but then again the two i just named where not even in the states, id be worried if i was a large american vendor or buyer, but all the people not in the states i dont think we will have any problems.


Well-Known Member
I'm watching 'society x' with lisa ling right now..talking about r.c.s..this was five mins ago,so compare times..I just seen the 'site shut down' screen from s.r...and she said it was weeks after meeting her guest talking about it..so the big networks had a segment ready for air when this happened..also..they showed 600gm of pentadrone..10$ a key..20 a gram..wtf?..
I'm glad this stuff is hitting the media..maybe in ten years well have drug reform like the mj reform were having now....