Flaming Pie
Well-Known Member
Even if that were all true, bold excluded, that's my problem because?
Who was talking to you?
Even if that were all true, bold excluded, that's my problem because?
Who was talking to you?
I have blue eyes which allow me to see colors better. Brown is dominant. If I were to mate with a brown eye of any race, my eye color goes extinct. What kind of diversity is that?
Because some of us are ruthless with a rimfire.
Otherwise, every morning you'd be sweeping their shit off the porch your wife pays for.
I have blue eyes which allow me to see colors better. Brown is dominant. If I were to mate with a brown eye of any race, my eye color goes extinct. What kind of diversity is that?
Then private message!You're too much. Didn't stop your rude remarks in my thread.
I agree.. I don't go around calling myself Irish american or wherever else american my mutt ass comes from..
Honestly the whole Afro American thing bothers me to no end, like 90% of afro Americans have ever been to afroca..
This entire OP, is racist. You assume no assimilation. And, you state that as a fact. SOPHISTRY>
It might even be OK, if you proposed a single study to back this up.
Else you are simply race baiting.
Wow that FBI chart shows blacks commit well over 500% more violent crime than whites.
what do you suppose it is about melanin that causes this?
Maybe its black culture that causes it.
Just curious I never checked do blacks have as high of
average IQ as other races?
Nothing to do with it Bucky
blacks commit more crimes because their social norm allows it.
even among the poorest whites asians and chicanos, blacks of a similar "socio-economic satus" commit far more crimes and as a result are arrested for far more crimes.
Maybe its black culture that causes it.
blacks commit more crimes because their social norm allows it.
i told everyone to wait for it.
and here it is.
our resident racist white experts of black culture and social norms are here to weigh in with their bigoted and racist opinions, devoid of all sense and reason.
blacks just have a culture of crime.
blacks just like committing crimes more, it's totally acceptable in black circles to commit crime.
hell, blacks even hate education and speaking proper english!
melanin has some magical properties folks. and a crowd of racist whites is about to tell us all about it.
let's sit back and enjoy.
what do you suppose it is about melanin that causes this?
grownups are talking.
why dont you go outside and scuttle in the mud.