Why haven't African Americans assimilated into American culture...?

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I have blue eyes which allow me to see colors better. Brown is dominant. If I were to mate with a brown eye of any race, my eye color goes extinct. What kind of diversity is that?

I wasn't thinking anything about genetics. I just mean I've found poor, rich, smart, dumb, people who talk funny, people who talk like me, people with their pants around their waste, people with pants below their butts ... in every race. The title of this thread could easily be switched to "why haven't trailer trash white folks assimilated..." There's a whole town in Texas called Fruitevale full of inbred whites, who haven't assimilated into this century.

But I guess your main focus isn't on personality traits, it seems to be on the actual color of things. Are you also worried about your shoe size being replaced by a more dominant size? Really, focusing on color or even the differences between people in general, seems weird.

People who think a whole group is doing one thing all over the country or world, haven't met many people in other places. If you live in a place with mostly thugs, it's probably easy to be racist. But if you move somewhere else, the black (or insert your prejudice color) folks talk like everyone else, wear the same clothes, have the same education, often have more money, better vehicles and homes, etc.

And what does any of that matter, anyway? Why are racist people focusing on what everyone else is doing and not busy living their own lives and just being friendly with the people they run into throughout life?

Well it's time for me to stop worrying about what you're thinking and go live my own life. Have fun shutting out most of the world because they aren't like you, the person who is doing it all the way it should be done and even wearing the right skin color to do it. Your skin color isn't something you chose, so I don't know how you could possibly find any pride in it. It isn't something you achieved. And the black people who say black is the only real skin color, and all whites are albinos, are probably right. They're probably right about that just like scientists are right about evolution; people just don't like it. It isn't something to be "liked", it's just the way things are.
I have blue eyes which allow me to see colors better. Brown is dominant. If I were to mate with a brown eye of any race, my eye color goes extinct. What kind of diversity is that?

Not true. Your children would carry the recessive trait and could pass blue eyes onto their children if they married another person carrying the recessive gene.

Bb x Bb can equal bb
Maybe its black culture that causes it.

Just curious I never checked do blacks have as high of
average IQ as other races?
Maybe its black culture that causes it.

Just curious I never checked do blacks have as high of
average IQ as other races?

well their skulls dont hold as much buckshot as europeans...

but then eugenics is discredited, until it serves lefty purposes, then it's totally relevant.

blacks commit more crimes because their social norm allows it.
even among the poorest whites asians and chicanos, blacks of a similar "socio-economic satus" commit far more crimes and as a result are arrested for far more crimes.

curiously this ONLY applies to "African-Americans" and does not hold true for actual Africans in America.

actual Africans in America commit crimes on a par with Asians, which is to say, less often than even Honkeys.

but thats totally racist.
Maybe its black culture that causes it.

blacks commit more crimes because their social norm allows it.

i told everyone to wait for it.

and here it is.

our resident racist white experts of black culture and social norms are here to weigh in with their bigoted and racist opinions, devoid of all sense and reason.

blacks just have a culture of crime.

blacks just like committing crimes more, it's totally acceptable in black circles to commit crime.

hell, blacks even hate education and speaking proper english!

melanin has some magical properties folks. and a crowd of racist whites is about to tell us all about it.

let's sit back and enjoy.
i told everyone to wait for it.

and here it is.

our resident racist white experts of black culture and social norms are here to weigh in with their bigoted and racist opinions, devoid of all sense and reason.

blacks just have a culture of crime.

blacks just like committing crimes more, it's totally acceptable in black circles to commit crime.

hell, blacks even hate education and speaking proper english!

melanin has some magical properties folks. and a crowd of racist whites is about to tell us all about it.

let's sit back and enjoy.


grownups are talking.

why dont you go outside and scuttle in the mud.

grownups are talking.

why dont you go outside and scuttle in the mud.

no, racists are about to start their circle jerk about "black culture" and "black social norms" somehow being vastly different from what the rest of "REAL AMERICA" believes in.

grownups are worth more than minimum wage, by the way. unless they are real losers.
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