Its a fucking conspiracy


Well-Known Member
More and more retired astronauts are coming forward to admit that we have had humans living on half of the planets in our solar system, and one out, for over 6 years. The people are convicts, and a few military personnel, as well as a NASA scientist who was caught porking the boss' daughter.


Well-Known Member
Wow 31 posts and nobody brought up

Planet nibru or planet X

To the OP google these , The story is basicaly that our solar system / gravidy supports another plant that rotates around the sun in a very long orbit only being visible every 250+ years , the planet is theroyesed to be on coarse to hit us or come close. The planet is also said to be made of mostly iron and have a massive magnetic feild around it , It's also thought that the planet is surrounded with a debree field
Some indigenous cultors records seem to support this

from what I recall it was a 3600 year elliptical orbit..


Well-Known Member
That is because for it to be so, the known and very simple laws of Newton's gravitation, and Maxwell's electromagnetism (both exceedingly elegant sets of equations) have to be incorrect.
Of course, enough people have so little clue of these basic physical relationships that the "theory" of Nibiru has legs.

Yes thats true but, those so called 'laws' are realy only theorys

These type of theorys/laws are commonly disproved and/or found out their are other forces that affect the results


Well-Known Member
This is no shit, I went in to the VA because I have to periodically because I am part of the desert storm/desert shield focus mumbo jumbo bullshit.They have actually started to refer to "Weed" as Cannabis and most of the Dr's are cool with it but anyway these fuckers wanted me to get a flu shot and a pneumonia shot and I said No!So they asked me why and I told em what I thought.I thought everything was over and this male nurse came out and gave me these tickets for free lunch which is cool in Downtown Houston. I didn't want to eat because I was using some stuff to pass the UA. I gave the tickets to a homeless dude and went about my shit.An hour later the Dr asked me how my lunch was and I told her I gave em away and she got this look. The next Morning I had a case of the flu from Hell and I stayed sick for a week. I was dosed I don't even shake hand's with them anymore.
Oh for fucks sakes mang DONT REMIND ME![video=youtube_share;yq4GdwTVTyI][/video]


Well-Known Member
You want to know about conspiracys everyone needs to listen to Am coast to coast they are numero uno when it comes
to conspiracy theorys.......hold on guys theres someone knocking at my bunker door...!