dispensary in tucson?

thats the thing... in tucson weekly there is at least four places calling themselves dispensaries. so how do i know if my property runs under the 25 mile rule?
fuck i would love to tap that market over thier, to many rules.. get me a growers licence and ill grow for you guys.. out thier..
I will be flying into to Tucson on Tuesday my dads at the va hospital in icu. I will need meds while I am there and was wondering the best spots in Tucson to have any luck
LOL This has been the worst place I have ever been. Can't find nothing but black and I don't fuck with black tar.
I deal with the BorderPatrol checkpoints everyday... I have not had any probs with them...mind you, I don't leave my meds in sight and go by "Don't ask. Don't tell"... They "dogged" my car and I had a vape, two loaded stems and a J. All they said, "Your rear tire is very low".
...and IF this was my "home site", I woulda known in time to fix ya up....
I have had TSA find my stash...they did nothing other than call over the PhxPD who visually verified my card. They sent me on my way. Actually one of my more pleasant interactions with TSA - I fly to CA all the time for business and i always bring my meds.
I didn't want to take a chance bring meds on the plane. I finally found some on the city bus. LOL It's swag, but it will hold me over till Saturday when I go back home.
I have had TSA find my stash...they did nothing other than call over the PhxPD who visually verified my card. They sent me on my way. Actually one of my more pleasant interactions with TSA - I fly to CA all the time for business and i always bring my meds.
Huh?? You can't fly with weed can you?
Lol says one of the LEAST informed people on the site lol.
why would azoned lie??? id believe him over you any day. You seems like a sour old piece of shit......he is a hell of a guy.

They "dogged" my car and I had a vape, two loaded stems and a J. All they said, "Your rear tire is very low".

I probably should of worded it a little differently and just said I find it hard to believe or that's amazing.

Personally I think its unlikely they (dogged) his car meaning they walked the drug dogs around the car to check it. Unless of course it was some of your schwag weed that has 0 smell. Maybe he is mistaken. Maybe he is a hell of a guy.
Maybe they just had a dog etc etc..
The dog could easily smell weed even if it was inside a tank of gas
wrapped in 5 condoms. let alone a bunch of it in a open car. The dog was probably there he was probably not tagged and they didn't walk the dog around the car to check it. Just my opinion but I have seen drug dogs work and I dont want to see people busted because they think they can
get pass drug dogs....as for informed I am one of the most informed unlike yourself. I always try to keep up on whats going on in Az and have been doing this along time. You however have 1 small ass tent of shitty looking plants
and are just learning. I have seen your pics and honestly
you should maybe just give it up.
HYDRA...Its all about the extra sugars produced INSIDE the root structures that only happen when thriving colonies of benis are present.
...pure ignorance roots dont make sugars
But your just so fucking informed


Your trying to learn but honestly you moved just for this. I did try to post your best pic and honestly I am surprised you have had the nerve to try to lecture me on how to grow.LOl.. or about being informed