F.M.I.L.Y's Grow


Well-Known Member
U r gonna put stuff out to flower now?
Its rainy weather coming and indicas are not good for that in my experience at least.
greenhouse. i already live by the beach so i already have to spray for mold and pm. besides i shut the greenhouse up during the evenings to avoid all the moisture in the air. its only open when the sun is out. im not really worried about it tbh.


Well-Known Member
I mean without trees and roofs etc blocking it, not what is possible.
Here I have treees on 2 sides and then neighbors roof gets in the way at 5:30.
All total direct sun about 6-7 hrs, but 11-12hrs of light with indirect added as well.
No trees or anything, the placement of my house seems to be perfect for the way the sun travel from summer to winter. I can still flower outside up to about Jan time frame.


Well-Known Member
Well it was a hot day today so I made a batch of crumble.

Ready, Set, Blow
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This pic is pretty cool, its looking into the glass extractor.
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My favorite of the process, scraping it up and seeing it crumble. I swear I get excited and giddy when I scrape it. lol
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The end pile, I still havent weighed it yet.
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Last but not least, a rip!!!! I love this piece but if and when I harvest Bertha I am treating myself to a very expensive wax smoking piece.
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Well-Known Member
Almost there.....took some night shots, tomorrow she starts her molasses watering. I am guessing 3 more weeks and she should be ready.


Tonight is some perfect weather outside, its 72F and there is a very nice breeze. Come 2 and 3 am it really drops down and thats when I get my jacket. 6 months I been growing this bitch, I am ready to be done with her. lol



Well-Known Member
Why arent you in a sleeping bag or tent or some shit. Crazy crackhead sitting in a chair with your laptop.


Well-Known Member
Why arent you in a sleeping bag or tent or some shit. Crazy crackhead sitting in a chair with your laptop.
Cause I dont want to be hidden, I want to be visible.
Holy shit bro i would be a night owl and sleeping days lol

dude you need a few of these they work great.
I got motion sensors from Harbor Freight, Its a bitch cause when its windy and it has recently they go off constantly. As far as sleeping during the day, not happen cause thats when I got robbed 3 weeks ago, in the daylight.
The plant(s) can see that infrared light though cant they?
Its something I am concerned about with my Surveillance Cameras, but since I am waxing the shit out of the plant I really dont care if it hermies or not, all I am after are the trichs.



Well-Known Member
Cause I dont want to be hidden, I want to be visible.

I got motion sensors from Harbor Freight, Its a bitch cause when its windy and it has recently they go off constantly. As far as sleeping during the day, not happen cause thats when I got robbed 3 weeks ago, in the daylight.

Its something I am concerned about with my Surveillance Cameras, but since I am waxing the shit out of the plant I really dont care if it hermies or not, all I am after are the trichs.

I would use cameras, but not sure where the light will go, and have thought about some way to block it at night.
I will prolly find some way to do it next yr.


Well-Known Member
Hey Wheels - did you get the greenhouse yet?
yeah its pretty nice for the cost. keeps the moisture out during the evenings which is really nice. buds are growing in it like they did without the cover so im pretty stoked. might post some pics later.


Well-Known Member
I thought a greenhouse would keep caterpillars out, but a guy I know with a sealed one has worse issues than me...:o
greenhouses are just another barrier from the outside. with that said barriers dont always work. lol. i leave it open all day to help with ventilation havent had any bugs yet. but there is still the chance.


Well-Known Member
Was it hard to erect?
not really. two people could put it together relatively easy. the cover is the hardest part to pull down over the frame. you have to go a few inches at a time. a pretty snug fit. pretty well designed for the cost.


Well-Known Member
I would use cameras, but not sure where the light will go, and have thought about some way to block it at night.
I will prolly find some way to do it next yr.
I am sure the infrared lighting they use for night vision isnt a good thing for them, but as of right now after being robbed I need every little thing that will help me finish her. You will have a good idea if you get the cameras of what its like. Its hard to explain but I can totally see the light the camera uses will hermy a plant. I dont care if she hermies cause the plants purpose is strictly for wax, my indoor grow is for my flower smoke. Plus its way easier to move wax then flower when everyone is cropping buds during this time of the year. Like you said bass, mother natures free light! lol

My Chaka Young Pussy bud is going in the jars and I got another batch of popcorn and trim for more wax running.



Well-Known Member
I am trying to decide what to run outdoor next yr and plan to have at least one big plant.

I will have the camera(s) facing away from them and have them partitioned or covered when camera would be an issue